Студопедия — Table 3
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

Table 3

  a. миссия b. pазнообразие c. наследие d. человечество e. накапливать f. сосуществование g. вызывать h. смутный, неясный i. преувеличивать j. лучшее понимание k. проявление l. особый, особенный   m. приобретать n. разносторонний талант o. гуманитарные науки   1. to exaggerate 2. to accumulate 3. to acquire 4. vague 5. to evoke 6. particular 7. diversity 8. manifestation 9. heritage 10. mankind 11. insight 12. versatile   13. humanities 14. coexistence 15. mission a. 15.  

Table 4



5. While reading fill in the missing phrases given below. Entitle each passage






In contemporary Social Sciences, the word “culturology” is taken from American anthropologist Leslie White who defined it as the field of science which studies culture as cultural systems. Following White, philosopher of science Mario Bunge defined culturology as the sociological, economic, political and historical study of concrete cultural systems.He defined it as an integral system and its influence on human behavior. The notion of culturology in Russia takes its and early 20th century and associated with the names of Mikhail Bakhtin, Aleksei Losev, Sergey Averintsev,

To say that culturology relates to culture is to say very little. Culture is a subject of research of many sciences – history, philosophy, archeology, anthropology, sociology, linguistics. But each studies culture as a particular sphere, in its particular manifestations. The field of culturology is specific. Its subject matter extends beyond the boundaries of the humanities. It studies culture as a global phenomenon connected. It’s a metha - science which integratesthe knowledge of culture accumulated over the course of civilization and brings it to a more sophisticated system. The culturologists understands culture as concrete social systems composed of living human beings and engaged in cultural and social activities of various kinds. They study belief systems, cultural activities and social relations in their cultural, economic, political, sociological, anthropological, geographical and historical contexts.

The historical path of the formation of culturology conceptions doesn’t mean a process of accumulation of humanitarian knowledge of culture. It’s not a quantitative enrichment of cultural experience either. The general idea of the science is determined the formation of the world’s civilization. Culturology analyses the features common for the world community and those specific for separate nations. In the range of research of culturology are culture, its forms, structure, functions and tendencies in modern society

To be a successful specialist one should know a lot. The students of the culturology department get a good set of humanitarian knowledge: in history, archeology, theory of arts, theory of culture, history of civilizations, history of arts, history of science, history of religions, philosophy, esthetics. The curriculum includes. The students acquire practical skills in clay - modeling, pottery, vine – breading, silk - painting, wood– painting, doll – making, fabric – utilizing. These subjects are supposed to give them a deeper insight into the nature of arts when dealing with textures, materials, forms, colors and technologies.

The sphere of practical usage of culturology is wide. Its knowledge is applied in cultural policy and management, socio-cultural and masscommunications, education and in the field. Future specialists can find an employment in institutes and centres of scientific research, museums and libraries, Mass Media and travel agencies, education establishments where they will solve the problems of theory and history of culture. In federal and municipal organs of administration (management) the specialists work out scientific and cultural programs aimed at keeping safe natural and cultural heritage.

We can’t fail to recognize the fact that we live in a complicated and contradicting world. The characteristic feature of the present is not only an active polylogue of different cultures but a creative interaction, their assimilationand integration. It’s highly important that the diversity of cultures shouldn’t be destructive. Priority should be given to the formation of a new world’s order, where cultural identities and cultural autonomies are accompanied with universal values of humanism, peaceful coexistence in a single environment filled with a great number of various cultures. So we can safely say that of the culturologist is noble and important. He keeps safe historical and cultural heritage for future generations. In his activity he works out the strategies aimed at making the world safe, spiritually rich and


humane. If culture is the cultivation of nature, then culturology is not merely the study of culture, but its further cultivation.




6. Complete the sentences through the multiple – choice ending

➀. Leslie White defined culturology as the field of science which …

a). deals only with social aspects c). analyses the traditions of ancient cultures

b). studies culture as cultural systems d). studies modern trends in culture

➁. It studies culture as a global phenomenon connected with the …….

a) development of trade c) new discoveries

b) rise of industries d) genesis of the mankind

➂. The students of culturology department get a good set of ……..

a) natural sciences c) engineering knowledge

b) computer skills d) humanitarian knowledge

④. It’s highly important that the diversity of cultures shouldn’t ………

a) be constructive c) be destructive

b) develop international relations d) make the world safe

⑤. We may safely say that the mission of the culturologist is ……….

a) insignificant c) second - rate

b) noble and important d) popular


7. Now refer to the text again and match the beginnings with the proper

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