Студопедия — Английский язык с Грэмом Грином 20 страница
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Английский язык с Грэмом Грином 20 страница

He hesitated just long enough for Lime to put the kiosk between them (он колебался как раз достаточно долго для Лайма, чтобы поставить будку между ними = чтобы Лайм успел зайти за будку): then he called out (тогда он выкрикнул) "That's him (это он)," but Lime had already gone to ground (но Лайм уже ушел в землю).

What a strange world unknown to most of us (какой странный мир, неизвестный большинству нас) lies under our feet (лежит под нашими ногами): we live above a cavernous land of waterfalls and rushing rivers (мы живем над пещеристой землей водопадов и мчащихся рек; cavern — пещера), where tides ebb and flow as in the world above (где чередуются прилив и отлив, как в мире сверху; tide — прилив и отлив; to ebb — убывать /о воде во время отлива/; to flow — течь; прибывать /о воде во время прилива/). If you have ever read the adventures of Allan Quartermain (если вы когда-нибудь читали приключения Аллена Куортермейна) and the account of his voyage along the underground river to the city of Milosis (и отчет о его путешествии вдоль подземной реки к городу Милосис), you will be able to picture the scene of Lime's last stand (вы будете способны вообразить сцену последней битвы Лайма; stand — остановка; сопротивление). The main sewer (главный коллектор), half as wide as the Thames (вполовину такой широкий, как Темза), rushes by under a huge arch (бежит мимо под огромным сводом), fed by tributary streams (питаемый второстепенными потоками; tributary — платящий дань; подчиненный; являющийся притоком; tribute — дань; подать): these streams have fallen in waterfalls (эти потоки упали водопадами) from higher levels (с более высоких уровней) and have been purified in their fall (и были очищены в своем падении), so that only in these side channels is the air foul (так что только в этих боковых каналах воздух отвратителен). The main stream smells sweet and fresh with a faint tang of ozone (главный поток пахнет приятно и свежо с легким запахом озона; tang — резкий вкус, ощутимый привкус; острый запах; faint — слабый, ослабевший; вялый; тусклый; нечеткий, расплывчатый; бледный; незначительный, слабый и т. п.), and everywhere in the darkness is the sound of falling and rushing water (и повсюду во тьме есть = раздается звук падающей и несущейся воды). It was just past high tide (это было как раз после прилива) when Martins and the policeman reached the river (когда Мартинс и полицейские достигли реки): first the curving iron staircase (сперва винтовой железной лестницы), then a short passage so low they had to stoop (затем короткого коридора, такого низкого, что им пришлось пригнуться), and then the shallow edge of the water lapped at their feet (и затем мелкий край воды плескался у их ног). My man shone his torch along the edge of the current (мой человек посветил своим фонарем вдоль края потока) and said, "He's gone that way (он ушел эти путем)," for just as a deep stream when it shallows at the rim leaves an accumulation of debris (ибо прямо как глубокий поток, когда он мельчает у края, оставляет массу /наносного/ мусора; debris — осколки, обломки), so the sewer left in the quiet water against the wall a scum of orange peel (так и канализация оставила в тихой воде у стены отбросы из апельсиновой кожуры), old cigarette cartons and the like (старых сигаретных коробок и тому подобного), and in this scum (и в этих отбросах) Lime had left his trail (Лайм оставил свой след) as unmistakably as if he had walked in mud (так безошибочно, как если он бы прошел в грязи). My policeman shone his torch ahead with his left hand (мой полицейский светил своим фонарем вперед своей левой рукой; to shine), and carried his gun in his right (и нес = держал свой пистолет в своей правой). He said to Martins, "Keep behind me, sir (держитесь сзади меня, сэр), the bastard may shoot (этот ублюдок может стрелять)."

"Then why the hell should you be in front (тогда какого черта должны вы быть впереди; why — почему; hell — ад)?" "It's my job, sir (это моя работа, сэр)." The water came halfway up their legs as they walked (вода поднялась им до колен: «пришла на полпути вверх по их ногам», пока они шли): the policeman kept his torch pointing down and ahead (полицейский держал свой фонарь указывающим вниз и вперед) at the disturbed trail at the sewer's edge (на неровный след вдоль края канала; to disturb — беспокоить; приводить /что-л./ в беспорядок, хаос). He said, "The silly thing is the bastard doesn't stand a chance (глупость в том, что у этого ублюдка нет ни одного шанса). The manholes are all guarded (люки все охраняются) and we've cordoned off the way into the Russian zone (и мы оцепили весь путь в русскую зону). All our chaps have to do now (все, что наши парни должны делать сейчас) is to sweep inwards down the side passes from the manholes (это прочесывать внутрь вдоль: «вниз» по боковым коридорам от люков)." He took a whistle out of his pocket and blew (он достал свисток из своего кармана и дунул; to blow), and very far away here and again there (и очень далеко здесь и снова там) came the notes of the reply (пришли = раздались сигналы ответа). He said, "They are all down here now (теперь они все здесь внизу). The sewer police I mean (канализационная полиция, я имею в виду). They know this place just as I know the Tottenham Court Road (они знают это место точно так же, как я знаю /улицу/ Тоттенхэм-Корт-Роуд). I wish my old woman could see me now (я желаю = хотел бы, чтобы моя старуха могла видеть меня сейчас)," he said, lifting his torch for a moment to shine it ahead (сказал он, поднимая на секунду свой фонарь, чтобы посветить им вперед), and at that moment the shot came (и в этот момент раздался выстрел). The torch flew out of his hand (фонарь вылетел наружу из его руки; to fly — лететь) and fell in the stream (и упал в поток). He said, "God blast the bastard (Господь разрази этого ублюдка)."


rare [req], brush [brAS], cavernous ['kxv(q)nqs], adventure [qd'ventSq], account [q'kaunt], voyage ['vOIIG], Thames [temz], tributary ['trIbjut(q)rI], current ['kAr(q)nt], debris ['deIbri:], quiet ['kwaIqt], orange ['OrInG], disturb [dIs'tq:b]


What had happened was this. Martins was still on the telephone to me when Harry Lime came into the café. I don't know what he heard, if he heard anything. The mere sight of a man wanted by the police and without friends in Vienna speaking on the telephone would have been enough to warn him. He was out of the café again before Martins had put down the receiver. It was one of those rare moments when none of my men was in the café. One had just left and another was on the pavement about to come in. Harry Lime brushed by him and made for the kiosk. Martins came out of the café and saw my men. If he had called out then it would have been an easy shot, but it was not, I suppose, Lime, the penicillin racketeer who was escaping down the street; it was Harry.

He hesitated just long enough for Lime to put the kiosk between them: then he called out "That's him," but Lime had already gone to ground.

What a strange world unknown to most of us lies under our feet: we live above a cavernous land of waterfalls and rushing rivers, where tides ebb and flow as in the world above. If you have ever read the adventures of Allan Quartermain and the account of his voyage along the underground river to the city of Milosis, you will be able to picture the scene of Lime's last stand. The main sewer, half as wide as the Thames, rushes by under a huge arch, fed by tributary streams: these streams have fallen in waterfalls from higher levels and have been purified in their fall, so that only in these side channels is the air foul. The main stream smells sweet and fresh with a faint tang of ozone, and everywhere in the darkness is the sound of falling and rushing water. It was just past high tide when Martins and the policeman reached the river: first the curving iron staircase, then a short passage so low they had to stoop, and then the shallow edge of the water lapped at their feet. My man shone his torch along the edge of the current and said, "He's gone that way," for just as a deep stream when it shallows at the rim leaves an accumulation of debris, so the sewer left in the quiet water against the wall a scum of orange peel, old cigarette cartons and the like, and in this scum Lime had left his trail as unmistakably as if he had walked in mud. My policeman shone his torch ahead with his left hand, and carried his gun in his right. He said to Martins, "Keep behind me, sir, the bastard may shoot."

"Then why the hell should you be in front?" "It's my job, sir." The water came halfway up their legs as they walked: the policeman kept his torch pointing down and ahead at the disturbed trail at the sewer's edge. He said, "The silly thing is the bastard doesn't stand a chance. The manholes are all guarded and we've cordoned off the way into the Russian zone. All our chaps have to do now is to sweep inwards down the side passes from the manholes." He took a whistle out of his pocket and blew, and very far away here and again there came the notes of the reply. He said, "They are all down here now. The sewer police I mean. They know this place just as I know the Tottenham Court Road. I wish my old woman could see me now," he said, lifting his torch for a moment to shine it ahead, and at that moment the shot came. The torch flew out of his hand and fell in the stream. He said, "God blast the bastard."


"Are you hurt (вы ранены)?"

"Scraped my hand (поцарапало мою руку), that's all (это есть все). Here (вот), take this other torch, sir (возьмите этот другой фонарь, сэр), while I tie my hand up (пока я перевяжу свою руку). Don't shine it (не зажигайте его). He's in one of the side passages (он в одном из боковых коридоров)." For a long time (в течение долгого времени) the sound of the shot went on reverberating (звук выстрела продолжал: «шел дальше» отражаться): when the last echo died a whistle blew ahead of them (когда последнее эхо умерло, свисток дунул = просвистел впереди от них), and Martins' companion blew an answer (и Мартинса товарищ свистнул в ответ).

Martins said, "It's an odd thing (странная вещь)—I don't even know your name (я не знаю даже вашего имени)."

"Bates, sir (Бэйтс, сэр)." He gave a low laugh in the darkness (он издал тихий смешок в темноте): "This isn't my usual beat (это не мой обычный район обхода). Do you know the Horseshoe, sir (вы знаете Подкову, сэр)?"


"And the Duke of Grafton (а Толчок: «герцога Графтонского»)?"


"Well, it takes a lot to make a world (ну, нужно многое, чтобы составить мир; it takes — требуется)."

Martins said, "Let me come in front (позвольте мне пойти вперед). I don't think he'll shoot at me (я не думаю, что он выстрелит в меня), and I want to talk to him (и я хочу поговорить с ним)."

"I had orders to look after you, sir, careful (я получил приказ смотреть за вами, сэр, осторожно)."

"That's all right (все в порядке)." He edged round Bates (он пробрался вокруг Бэйтса), plunging a foot deeper in the stream as he went (при этом: «когда он шел» погрузившись на один фут глубже в поток). When he was in front he called out (когда он оказался впереди, он выкрикнул), "Harry," and the name set up an echo (и это имя вызвало: «устроило» эхо), "Harry, Harry, Harry!" that travelled down the stream (которое распространилось вдоль потока) and woke a whole chorus of whistles in the darkness (и разбудило целый хор свистков в темноте). He called again (он снова позвал), "Harry. Come out (выходи). It's no use (в этом нет никакой пользы = это бесполезно)."

A voice startlingly close (голос, пугающе близкий) made them hug the wall (заставил их прижаться к стене; to hug — крепко держать, сжимать в объятиях). "Is that you, old man (это ты, старина)?" it called (позвал/крикнул он /голос/). "What do you want me to do (что ты хочешь от меня: «чтобы я сделал»)?"

"Come out (выходи). And put your hands above your head (и подними руки над головой)."

"I haven't a torch, old man (у меня нет фонаря, старик). I can't see a thing (я ничего не вижу)."

"Be careful, sir (будьте осторожны, сэр)," Bates said.

"Get flat against the wall (прижмитесь к стене: «сделайся плоским против стены»). He won't shoot at me (он не выстрелит в меня)," Martins said. He called (он крикнул), "Harry, I'm going to shine the torch (Гарри, я собираюсь зажечь фонарь). Play fair (действуй честно: «играй честно») and come out (и выходи). You haven't got a chance (у тебя нет ни одного шанса)." He flashed the torch on (он зажег фонарь), and twenty feet away (и в двадцати футах от него), at the edge of the light and the water (на границе света и воды) Harry stepped into view (Гарри ступил в поле зрения). "Hands above the head, Harry (руки над головой, Гарри)." Harry raised his hand and fired (Гарри поднял свою руку и выстрелил). The shot ricochetted against the wall a foot from Martins' head (выстрел срикошетил по стене в футе от головы Мартинса), and he heard Bates cry out (и он услышал, как вскрикнул Бэйтс). At the same moment (в тот же момент) a searchlight from fifty yards away lit the whole channel (фонарь /находящийся/ на расстоянии пятидесяти ярдов, осветил целый канал; to light), caught Harry in its beams (поймал Гарри в свои лучи), Martins (Мартинса), the staring eyes of Bates slumped at the water's edge (широко раскрытые глаза Бэйтса, тяжело опустившегося у края воды; to slump — проваливаться /в болото, трясину/; шлепаться в воду) with the sewage washing to his waist (со сточной водой, плещущейся = подступающей к его поясу). An empty cigarette carton (пустая сигаретная коробка) wedged into his armpit (вплыла в его подмышку; to wedge — вклиниваться) and stayed (и осталась /там/). My party had reached the scene (мой отряд достиг места действия: «сцены»).

Martins stood dithering there above Bates' body (Мартинс стоял, дрожа, там, над трупом Бэйтса; to dither — вибрировать, трястись; дрожать, ежиться), with Harry Lime halfway between us (с Гарри Лаймом посередине: «на полпути» между нами). We couldn't shoot for fear of hitting Martins (мы не могли стрелять из страха подстрелить Мартинса; to hit — ударить; попасть /в цель/), and the light of the searchlight dazzled Lime (а свет фонарика ослепил Лайма). We moved slowly on (мы медленно двинулись дальше), our revolvers trained for a chance (с нашими револьверами наготове на всякий случай; train — тренировать, готовить; наводить /орудие, объектив и т. п./), and Lime turned this way and that way like a rabbit dazzled by headlights (а Лайм поворачивал туда и сюда, словно кролик, ослепленный фарами): then suddenly he took a flying jump (затем внезапно он прыгнул с разбега: «взял летящий прыжок») into the deep central rushing stream (в глубокий центральный несущийся поток). When we turned the searchlight after him he was submerged (когда мы повернули фонарь за ним, он был погружен), and the current of the sewer carried him rapidly on (и течение канализации несло его быстро дальше), past the body of Bates (мимо тела Бэйтса), out of the range of the searchlight into the dark (за пределы досягаемости фонаря во тьму). What makes a man (что заставляет человека), without hope (без надежды), cling to a few more minutes of existence (цепляться за несколько больше минут существования)? Is it a good quality or a bad one (есть это хорошее качество или плохое)? I have no idea (не знаю: «я не имею никакого понятия»).


passage ['pxsIG], reverberate [rI'vq:b(q)reIt], echo ['ekqu], travel [trxvl], chorus ['kO:rqs], ricochet ['rIkqSeI], channel ['tSxn(q)l], sewage ['sju:IG], carton ['kRt(q)n], submerge [sqb'mq:G], existence [Ig'zIst(q)ns], quality ['kwOlItI]


"Are you hurt?"

"Scraped my hand, that's all. Here, take this other torch, sir, while I tie my hand up. Don't shine it. He's in one of the side passages." For a long time the sound of the shot went on reverberating: when the last echo died a whistle blew ahead of them, and Martins' companion blew an answer.

Martins said, "It's an odd thing—I don't even know your name."

"Bates, sir." He gave a low laugh in the darkness: "This isn't my usual beat. Do you know the Horseshoe, sir?"


"And the Duke of Grafton?"


"Well, it takes a lot to make a world."

Martins said, "Let me come in front. I don't think he'll shoot at me, and I want to talk to him."

"I had orders to look after you, sir, careful."

"That's all right." He edged round Bates, plunging a foot deeper in the stream as he went. When he was in front he called out, "Harry," and the name set up an echo, "Harry, Harry, Harry!" that travelled down the stream and woke a whole chorus of whistles in the darkness. He called again, "Harry. Come out. It's no use."

A voice startlingly close made them hug the wall. "Is that you, old man?" it called. "What do you want me to do?"

"Come out. And put your hands above your head."

"I haven't a torch, old man. I can't see a thing."

"Be careful, sir," Bates said.

"Get flat against the wall. He won't shoot at me," Martins said. He called, "Harry, I'm going to shine the torch. Play fair and come out. You haven't got a chance." He flashed the torch on, and twenty feet away, at the edge of the light and the water Harry stepped into view. "Hands above the head, Harry." Harry raised his hand and fired. The shot ricochetted against the wall a foot from Martins' head, and he heard Bates cry out. At the same moment a searchlight from fifty yards away lit the whole channel, caught Harry in its beams, Martins, the staring eyes of Bates slumped at the water's edge with the sewage washing to his waist. An empty cigarette carton wedged into his armpit and stayed. My party had reached the scene.

Martins stood dithering there above Bates' body, with Harry Lime halfway between us. We couldn't shoot for fear of hitting Martins, and the light of the searchlight dazzled Lime. We moved slowly on, our revolvers trained for a chance, and Lime turned this way and that way like a rabbit dazzled by headlights: then suddenly he took a flying jump into the deep central rushing stream. When we turned the searchlight after him he was submerged, and the current of the sewer carried him rapidly on, past the body of Bates, out of the range of the searchlight into the dark. What makes a man, without hope, cling to a few more minutes of existence? Is it a good quality or a bad one? I have no idea.


Martins stood at the outer edge of the searchlight beam (Мартинс стоял у внешнего края фонарного луча), staring down stream (внимательно смотря вниз по течению): he had his gun in his hand now (он держал теперь пистолет в руке), and he was the only one of us who could fire with safety (и он был единственным из нас, кто мог стрелять с безопасностью). I thought I saw a movement and called out to him (я подумал = мне показалось, что я увидел движение и крикнул ему), "There (там). There. Shoot (стреляйте)." He lifted his gun and fired (он поднял свой пистолет и выстрелил), just as he had fired at the same command all those years ago on Brickworth Common (точно так же, как он стрелял по той же команде столько лет назад на Брикуорт Коммон), fired as he did then inaccurately (выстрелил, как он выстелил и тогда, неточно = не метясь). A cry of pain came tearing back like calico down the cavern (крик боли раздался в ответ, раздирая, как ситец = словно рвущийся ситец, по пещере): a reproach, an entreaty (укор, мольба). "Well done (хорошо сделано)," I called and halted by Bates' body (крикнул я и остановился у тела Бэйтса). He was dead (он был мертв). His eyes remained blankly open (его глаза остались пустующе открытыми; blank — белый; бледный, бесцветный; пустой) as we turned the searchlight on him (когда мы повернули фонарь на него): somebody stooped and dislodged the carton and threw it in the river which whirled it on (кто-то нагнулся, удалил картонку и кинул ее в реку, которая закружила ее)—a scrap of yellow Gold Flake (обрывок от Золотой Кукурузы; flake — чешуйка, flakes — хлопья; cornflakes— корнфлекс, кукурузные хлопья /подаются к утреннему завтраку с молоком и сахаром/): he was certainly a long way from the Tottenham Court Road (/теперь/ он был /уж/ точно далеко от Тоттенхэм-Корт-Роуд).

I looked up and Martins was out of sight in the darkness (я взглянул наверх/воднял взгляд, и Мартинс был вне поля зрения в темноте): I called his name (я выкрикнул его имя) and it was lost in a confusion of echoes (и оно было потеряно в неразберихе эхо), in the rush and the roar of the underground river (в напоре и реве подземной воды). Then I heard a third shot (затем я услышал третий выстрел).

Martins told me later (Мартинс рассказал мне позже): "I walked upstream to find Harry (я шел вверх по течению, чтобы найти Гарри), but I must have missed him in the dark (но я, должно быть, пропустил его в темноте = прошел мимо него). I was afraid to lift the torch (я боялся: «был испуган» поднимать фонарь): I didn't want to tempt him to shoot again (я не хотел искушать его выстрелить снова). He must have been struck by my bullet just at the entrance of a side passage (он, должно быть, был поражен моей пулей прямо у входа в боковой коридор; to strike — бить; поражать). Then I suppose he crawled up the passage to the foot of the iron stairs (затем, /как/ я предполагаю, он пополз вверх по коридору к подножью железной лестницы). Thirty feet above his head was the manhole (в тридцати футах над его головой был люк; feet — мн. ч. от foot — нога /ступня/; фут), but he wouldn't have had the strength to lift it (но у него не было силы, чтобы поднять его), and even if he had succeeded (и даже если он бы преуспел) the police were waiting above (полицейские ждали наверху). He must have known all that (он, должно быть, знать все это), but he was in great pain (но он был в большой боли = испытывал большую боль), and just as an animal creeps into the dark to die (и точно так же, как животное ползет в темноту, чтобы умереть), so I suppose a man makes for the light (так, я полагаю, человек стремится к свету). He wants to die at home (он хочет умереть дома), and the darkness is never home to us (а темнота никогда не является для нас домом). He began to pull himself up the stairs (он начал подтягивать себя вверх по лестнице), but then the pain took him (но тогда боль охватила его) and he couldn't go on (и он не смог двигаться дальше). What made him whistle that absurd scrap of a tune I'd been fool enough to believe he had written himself (что заставило его просвистеть этот абсурдный ошметок мелодии, которую я был дурак достаточно, чтобы верить, он написал сам = которую, как я по глупости думал…)? Was he trying to attract attention (пытался ли он привлечь внимание), did he want a friend with him (хотел ли он друга с собой = чтобы с ним рядом был друг), even the friend who had trapped him (даже друга, который заманил его/в ловушку/), or was he delirious (или был он исступленный/находящийся в бреду; delirium — делирий, бред, расстройство сознания /сопровождаемое галлюцинациями, обычно зрительными/) and had he no purpose at all (и не имел никакой цели вообще)? Anyway I heard his whistle (во всяком случае, я услышал его свист) and came back (и пошел назад) along the edge of the stream (вдоль края потока), and felt the wall end (и ощупал конец стены; to feel) and found my way up the passage where he lay (и нашел мой путь по коридору: «вверх по коридору», где он лежал; to find — найти, to lie — лежать). I said, 'Harry,' and the whistling stopped (и свист остановился), just above my head (прямо над моей головой). I put my hand on an iron handrail and climbed (я положил руку на железный поручень и полез): I was still afraid he might shoot (я был все еще боялся, что он может выстрелить). Then, only three steps up (затем, только три ступеньки вверх), my foot stamped down on his hand (моя нога наступила на его руку), and he was there (и он был там). I shone my torch on him (я посветил моим фонарем на него): he hadn't got a gun (у него не было пистолета): he must have dropped it (он, должно быть, уронил его) when my bullet hit him (когда моя пуля попала его). For a moment (на какое-то мгновение) I thought he was dead (я подумал, что он мертв), but then he whispered with pain (но затем он /что-то/ прошептал от боли). I said, 'Harry,' and he swivelled his eyes with a great effort to my face (и он повернул свои глаза с большим усилием к моему лицу; swivel — вертлюг, шарнирное соединение; to swivel — поворачивать). He was trying to speak (он пытался говорить), and I bent down to listen (и я наклонился, чтобы слушать). 'Bloody fool (проклятый дурак),' he said—that was all (это было все): I don't know whether he meant that for himself (я не знаю, подразумевал ли он это для себя = имел ли он при этом в виду себя)—some sort of act of contrition however inadequate (что-то вроде акта раскаяния, хотя и недостаточного; inadequate — неадекватный; не отвечающий требованиям; недостаточный) (he was a Catholic (он был католиком))—or was it for me (или было это для меня)—with my thousand a year taxed (с моей тысячей в год, обложенной налогами) and my imaginary cattle rustlers (и моими воображаемыми угонщиками скота; cattle — скот; rustler — человек, занимающийся кражей и клеймением чужого скота) who couldn't even shoot a rabbit clean (который не мог даже чисто = ловко/умело пристрелить кролика). Then he began to whimper again (затем он начал скулить снова; to whimper — хныкать). I couldn't bear it any more (я не мог выносить это сколько-нибудь больше) and I put a bullet through him (и я пустил: «положил» пулю сквозь него = выпустил в него пулю)."

"Well forget that bit (ну, забудь этот кусочек/отрывок = а об этой детали лучше забыть)," I said.

Martins said, "I never shall (я никогда не смогу /забыть это/)."


command [kq'mRnd], inaccurately [In'xkjurItlI], tear /рвать/ ['teq], calico ['kxlIkqu], cavern ['kxv(q)n], reproach [rI'prqutS], entreaty [In'tri:tI], confusion [kqn'fju:Z(q)n], suppose [sq'pquz], succeed [sqk'si:d], animal ['xnIm(q)l], purpose ['pq:pqs], swivel [swIvl]


Martins stood at the outer edge of the searchlight beam, staring down stream: he had his gun in his hand now, and he was the only one of us who could fire with safety. I thought I saw a movement and called out to him, "There. There. Shoot." He lifted his gun and fired, just as he had fired at the same command all those years ago on Brickworth Common, fired as he did then inaccurately. A cry of pain came tearing back like calico down the cavern: a reproach, an entreaty. "Well done," I called and halted by Bates' body. He was dead. His eyes remained blankly open as we turned the searchlight on him: somebody stooped and dislodged the carton and threw it in the river which whirled it on—a scrap of yellow Gold Flake: he was certainly a long way from the Tottenham Court Road.

I looked up and Martins was out of sight in the darkness: I called his name and it was lost in a confusion of echoes, in the rush and the roar of the underground river. Then I heard a third shot.

Martins told me later: "I walked upstream to find Harry, but I must have missed him in the dark. I was afraid to lift the torch: I didn't want to tempt him to shoot again. He must have been struck by my bullet just at the entrance of a side passage. Then I suppose he crawled up the passage to the foot of the iron stairs. Thirty feet above his head was the manhole, but he wouldn't have had the strength to lift it, and even if he had succeeded the police were waiting above. He must have known all that, but he was in great pain, and just as an animal creeps into the dark to die, so I suppose a man makes for the light. He wants to die at home, and the darkness is never home to us. He began to pull himself up the stairs, but then the pain took him and he couldn't go on. What made him whistle that absurd scrap of a tune I'd been fool enough to believe he had written himself? Was he trying to attract attention, did he want a friend with him, even the friend who had trapped him, or was he delirious and had he no purpose at all? Anyway I heard his whistle and came back along the edge of the stream, and felt the wall end and found my way up the passage where he lay. I said, 'Harry,' and the whistling stopped, just above my head. I put my hand on an iron handrail and climbed: I was still afraid he might shoot. Then, only three steps up, my foot stamped down on his hand, and he was there. I shone my torch on him: he hadn't got a gun: he must have dropped it when my bullet hit him. For a moment I thought he was dead, but then he whispered with pain. I said, 'Harry,' and he swivelled his eyes with a great effort to my face. He was trying to speak, and I bent down to listen. 'Bloody fool,' he said— that was all: I don't know whether he meant that for himself—some sort of act of contrition however inadequate (he was a Catholic)—or was it for me—with my thousand a year taxed and my imaginary cattle rustlers who couldn't even shoot a rabbit clean. Then he began to whimper again. I couldn't bear it any more and I put a bullet through him."

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