Студопедия — The position of writing in foreign language teaching. The term ‘writing’ is generally referred to writing per se(=proper) and writing for communication(=written speech or composition)
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The position of writing in foreign language teaching. The term ‘writing’ is generally referred to writing per se(=proper) and writing for communication(=written speech or composition)

10.2.1. What is writing?

The term ‘writing’ is generally referred to writing per se (=proper) and writing for communication (=written speech or composition). Writing denotes written word production. Teaching writing includes teaching writing technique (handwriting, spelling, punctuation) and teaching written speech (that is, written discourse of different levels = annotation, essay, exposition, composition). In other words, teaching writing means teaching the ability to express one’s thoughts and ideas in written form in English. Both writing technique and written communication are the realisations of productive written speech. Receptive written speech is realised in reading.

Written word in any language is the most stable graphic system that undergoes changes least of all. The graphic system is understood as the constellation of letters, letter-combinations and diactrical signs(= apostrophes and the like), realised in print and script. Orthography is a system of rules applied to the usage of script (= written signs) while writing words. Productive written speech is a complex use of graphic, orthographic, lexical-grammatical and stylistic means, which allow for expressing thoughts and for communicating. Both graphic habits, realised in handwriting, and orthographic habits, realised in spelling, are developed at the level of a lexical item. At the same time, the objects of written speech study are a sentence, a paragraph and a connected text as elements of written discourse.

Written speech is used as a separate form of communication. Being a separate skill, nevertheless, does not make writing a lesser skill. Mastering written speech is based on oral speech acquisition. The terminal behaviour in written communication depends on the type of educational establishment. Final goals to be achieved by the learners are fixed in a syllabus for a certain type of establishment. The syllabus defines the requirements in the level of English to be reached. The syllabus requirements define the role and position of writing in the teaching process.

10.2.2. Writing: Syllabus requirements

The graduate of a foreign language department should qualify for advanced language performance. He is to master both receptive and productive forms of written speech. He should be able to take notes of what is said or has been written by other people. Among other skills, he is to be able to make up a summary, an annotation and an essay; to compose theses or a plan for his oral talk, report or discussion. At the same time, the graduate should be able to express his thoughts and ideas in written form in the proper functional style as a competent language user.

English for Science and Technology prevails in non-language higher educational establishments and university departments. That’s why a cognitive function of teaching a foreign language predominates in teaching writing in these establishments. This means that habits and skills of reading specialised literature are formed and cultivated, as well as the ability of taking notes of the learned material. Here writing is also used for consolidation of knowledge and building up habits of writing.

In schools, teaching writing is carried on consecutively at all stages. At the junior stage, the main concern of teaching writing is its technical side. Much prominence is given to teaching handwriting and spelling at this stage.

At the intermediate stage, both orthography and written speech become the main concern in teaching writing. It is noteworthy that teaching both spelling and written communication is not only closely connected with the stored up language input but also is much dependent on it.

At the senior stage, written speech becomes the focus of attention in teaching writing. Nowadays, writing for communication has become not only an important additional means of self-dependent language learning for students, but also one of the four main final practical goals in school.

Thus, teaching writing per se and writing for communication is one of the main vehicles of teaching English in school. At the same time, the level of minimal communicative efficiency in writing for communication is considered the terminal behaviour in the target language for any school-leaver.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-29; просмотров: 375. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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