Студопедия — Vocabulary. Vocabulary and Questions for discussion
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Vocabulary. Vocabulary and Questions for discussion


Vocabulary and Questions for discussion

At the Winter Term Credit and Spring Term Exam (2nd-year students).

Module 1and 2 (Card 1 and 2).

People around you.

Who: family members, friends, acquaintance, business associate, classmate / group-mate, fellow student, flat mate, ex-boy-friend, neighbour, colleague, partner; to get on with

Family life: marriage, divorce; to be / get married / divorced; to marry smb; to bring up / raise children; to start a family, one-parent family, nuclear, average family; twins, a half-brother

Appearance: good-looking, natural-looking, attractive, gorgeous, ordinary

Height: tall, short, average height

Build: slim, fat, athletic, average built, a bit overweight, to be fit

Age: young, old, middle-aged, he’s in his (early, mid, late) teens/ twenties

Hair: straight, long, short, wavy, shiny, going grey

Skin: dark, pale, tanned, smooth

Clothes: casual, old-fashioned, fashionable, smart, designer clothes; to be well-dressed

Character/qualities, personality: patient, sympathetic, careful, honest, well-mannered, well-qualified, good with (people, money, etc.), cheerful, enthusiastic, good-hearted, self-confident, a good talker, ambitious, career-minded, malicious person, computer nerd, vegetarian

Describing a person: to look like, to look alike, to be different from / similar to, similarity, to have smth in common; career, education, marital status, likes / dislikes; he is the sort of person who.., she is someone who…

Questions for discussion:

  1. What kind of people do we usually deal with?
  2. Who are your nearest and dearest? What kind of relationship do you have with them?
  3. In what way is your family different from others?
  4. What are your relatives like? (What are their positive and negative qualities?)
  5. Why are people’s personalities sometimes very similar?
  6. What are your friends like?
  7. What do they do?
  8. What do they like doing? What kind of hobby do they have? How do they spend time?
  9. What kind of clothes do they usually wear?
  10. Are you similar to any of them? Why?
  11. Who do you like best? Why?

How you spend your time.

To study hard, to attend / skip lectures and seminars, to do a course, to do homework / to do housework, to work long hours, to stay in / to go out, to eat out, to entertain friends / to visit friends, to spend time doing smth, to have free time / time off, to have a good time, to have fun, to relax, to do smth for relaxation, to play / watch sports, leisure activities, to share national passion, to have enough time for socializing (social life), to keep busy, to do well

To enjoy / like /dislike / hate doing, to be good at, to be into, to be interested in, to waste time doing smth, a waste of time

Adverbs of frequency: often, frequently, occasionally, from time to time, at weekends, once/ three times a week

Questions for discussion:

  1. What do you usually do on weekdays and at weekends?
  2. How do you spend time at university? What do you need to do well at university?
  3. What do you do for relaxation?
  4. What do you absolutely love doing? What do you really enjoy doing?
  5. What are you interested in? What are you good at?
  6. What do you hate doing because it’s a waste of time?

Module 3 (Card 3).

Cities and Countries


The biggest in the world, the second (largest), most (densely populated) place in the world, area, population, by far (the biggest), the biggest…of all; the same as, very similar to, slightly / completely different from; a place to stay / to eat / to enjoy, public services, sports facilities, urban problems (crime, pollution, overpopulation, traffic congestion), efficient and cheap transport, historical sights, nice walks and views, beautiful scenery, beautiful spots, industrial area, spectacular coastline, a famous tourist attraction, a very popular tourist destination.

City: crowded, exciting, cosmopolitan, noisy, old-fashioned, peaceful, ugly, touristy, famous for

The best / worst thing about the city.., it gives the whole city a different atmosphere

Trip: to start, to finish; to visit, to stay, …is worth a visit / visiting; there is so much beautiful scenery to see, it’s quite a journey; to do sightseeing, to name just a few, itinerary

Traditional food / drink / music, to try typical food, particularly popular amongst Russians; difference in social behavior, perfectly normal worldwide, equally acceptable for… to do smth

Questions for discussion:

  1. Where is the city located? Is it big / enormous/ small / old / new?
  2. What is its population?
  3. Does it have any typical urban problems?
  4. Is it touristy / popular tourist destination?
  5. What are its famous sights?
  6. What are the places to spend time? Which place do you like best / least?
  7. What are the best / worst things about living there?
  8. Where is the country situated? What is its capital city?
  9. What language is spoken there? What is special about its culture?
  10. Is there much scenery to enjoy? Where exactly?
  11. What are the places to visit? To go out? What is it you should definitely visit?
  12. What is worth seeing? What is worth a visit? What is it famous for?
  13. What is a must to do in this country?
  14. What is the best place to drink and to eat? To buy souvenirs? To stay?
  15. What is the best way to travel about this country?


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