Студопедия — Listening practice. 4.7.1. Look at the following questions
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Listening practice. 4.7.1. Look at the following questions

4.7.1. Look at the following questions. You'll have to answer them after listening to the text.

1. What languages can one of the husbands speak?

2. What can the other husband do?

3. Why does the first woman say that her husband is a very good one?

4.7.2. Listen to the dialogue.

4.7.3. Try to answer the questions in 4.7.1.

4.7.4. Look through the list of words. They will help you to understand the text.

for sale — на продажу

damn — черт побери

4.7.5. Listen to the text. Be ready to give the contents of it in Russian.

4.7.6. Tell the contents of text in Russian.

Time for fun

4.8.1. Read the jokes. Try to retell them. You may do it in Russian.

1. Prisoner: The judge sent me here for the rest of my life.

Prison guard: Have you got any complaints?

Prisoner: Do you call breaking rock with a hammer a rest?

the rest of my life — a) to the end of my life; b) the best rest in my life.

2. — Mary is a brilliant woman.

— Oh, she picks up things fast?

— Yes, she's a shoplifter.

to pick up — схватывать на лету (о знаниях); (зд.) воровать

shoplifter — магазинный вор

? *4.8.2. Try to solve the letter riddles.

1. In which word are there ten letters T?

2. Which two letters of the alphabet contain nothing?

? 4.8.3. And now a 3 minute crossword for you.


2. Present Tense of I. Let's go for a «brought», cycle...

6. The painter needs it. 2. A girl puts it on.

7. It is in your room. 3. an instrument.

4. what the fire does.

5. opposite of «hot».


Фонетика: sounds [ö], [Ó]

Словообразование: суффиксы существительных -ing; -ism; суффикс прилага­тельных -an

Грамматика: герундий, модальные глаголы can, may, must; инфинитивная конструк­ция It is too... to do smth.

Текст: «Peace rally»

Sound right

5.1.1. Listen, look, say:

come cut mummy dull

some but sonny lull

none just hurry hull

done shut other bulk

mud must under cult

won puff utter pulse

tongue stuff southern bulge

5.1.2. Listen, look, say:

1. Tough luck! Just my luck!

2. Pluck up your courage!

3. Double Dutch!

4. Here's another country cousin.

5. Gus chucked up the sponge.

6. Russ hung up hurriedly.

7. Lush is nothing but a money-grubber.

8. Gust mustn't trust to luck.

9. Brother made Mother's cup run over.

10. Duff just struck me as funny.

11. Such luck running into uncle Duncan.

12. None but dullards copy one other.

5.1.3. Listen, look, say:

are arm art army

bar hard part party

car card cart drama

char charge chart hardly

far farm farce demand

star starve start tomato

5.1.4. Listen, look, say:

1. Start the car.

2. Are these pass marks?

3. Are we to be a large party?

4. He laughs best who laughs last.

5. Father's rather hard on Charles.

6. Cars can't be parked here after dark.

7. Shan't we dance after classes?

8. How smart you are, aren't you, Mark?

9. Barbara's art and part of the party.

10. I shan't value Carl's arguments at a brass farthing.

5.1.5. Listen and look. Pay attention to the difference between [{] and [a:]; [{] as in maths, [a:] as in can't.


1. I shan't pass the maths exam.

2. I shan't pass in art.

1. Maths is too hard. I can't understand it.

2. I am very bad in art.

1. Perhaps you'll pass.

2. I shan't. Perhaps you'll pass.

1. No, no. I can't pass.


1. We've passed.

2. I haven't passed in art, have I?

1. You have. And I've passed in maths. By one mark.

2. Isn't that fabulous?

1. We must have a party.

2. We'll have a fabulous party!

1. Just imagine, we've passed!

5.1.6. Listen, look, say. Pay attention to the intonation.

5.1.7. Read the dialogues in pairs.

*5.1.8. Try to read the tongue-twisters as fast as you can. Pay attention to the sounds [{] and [ö].

1. A big black bug bit

a big black bear,

then a big black bear bit

the big black bug.

And when the big black bear

bit the big black bug,

then the big black bug

bit the big black bear.


bit (bite)—укусил

bear — медведь

2. Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager managing an imaginary menagerie?

imaginary — воображаемый

menagerie [me'n{³@rI] — зверинец

to manage — управлять.

5.2. Word-building: -ing, -ism, -an

5.2.1. Compose nouns with the help of suffix -ing and translate them.

act, begin, beat, draw, freeze, grow, hunt, cross, shoot, train.

5.2.2. Answer the following questions:

1. How often do you do your shopping?

2. What painting do you enjoy?

3. When does harvesting begin?

4. Where do you keep your savings?

5. What kind of exercises do you have to do in writing?

5.2.3. Find the pairs of antonyms in the left and right columns:

collectivism idealism

materialism leftism

rightism individualism

atheism realism

abstractivism capitalism

communism religionism

conservatism barbarism

humanism progressivism

revolutionism evolutionism

5.2.4. Give Russian equivalents to the following adjec­tives:

Palestinian, Hungarian, Canadian, Austrian, Bul­garian, Mexican, Libyan.

5.2.5. Answer the following questions:

1. Where is the Caspian sea?

2. What are the Crimean resorts famous for?

3. What South American countries produce cof­fee?

4. What Scandinavian countries are monarchies?

5. What Asian rivers are the longest?

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