Студопедия — The most typical connectives
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The most typical connectives

who whoever what whatever which whichever how however
when whenever where wherever why      


8. From the point of view of their morphological structure conjunctions may be:

· one word-form: that, because, though etc

· phrasal expressions: in order that, providing that, for all that, so far as etc

· paired correlatives (correlated with some elements in the principal clause): as … as, such … as,not so … as, etc

· used in combination with particles: even if, even though, even when, just as, if only, etc

9. Connectives are subdivided into:

a) conjunctive words, that is, conjunctive subordinate pronouns and adverbs which are use to join nominal clauses, e.g.

· Frank didn’t know what was happening to him.

· That was where Sherlock Holmes lived all that time.

b) relative words, that is, pronouns and adverbs that are used to join attributive clauses, e.g.

· Frank didn’t have the slightest ideawhat was happening to him.

· That was the cave where Sherlock Holmes lived all that time.

10. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish conjunctive and relative words. The difference is in their role in the sentence. Relative words always have an antecedent, that is, the words they relate to, e.g.

We understand the reason (antecedent) why (relative word) you did not want to come.

Iwill alwaysremember the day (antecedent) when (relative word) we met.

11. Some subordinate connectors are homonymous with other parts of speech, e.g.

· with prepositions, e.g. like, till, etc;

· with adverbs, e.g. after, since, before, immediately, directly, etc;

· with participles, supposing, provided, etc;

· with nouns and nominal phrases denoting time, e.g. the very moment, the instant, the next time, the second, etc.

12. Punctuation in complex sentences:

a) there is no comma if the main and subordinate clause are closely connected, e.g.

· I know he is here.

· Miranda saw Steve was right.

b) there is a comma if the connection is loose, e.g.

If you don’t know him well, don’t discuss serious matters with him.

c) occasionally a dash may be used to mark the borderline between the clauses, e.g.

· The evil simply was – he had missed his vocation: he should have been a soldier, and circumstanced had made him a priest.

· Most people would agree that if one disregards the typhoons, earthquakes, gangsters and reckless drivers Japan is still a relatively safe country to live in.

13. Generally the main clause dominates the subordinate clause, but sometimes it happens that the subordinate clause is more important as it contains the main information of the utterance, e.g.

· John asked me what I knew about the details of the operation.

14. The classification of subordinate clauses offers special difficulties and remains the area of syntax where there are many different linguistic approaches with some important disputable points open to thought and discussion. This is one of many ranges of linguistic structure in which there are borderline cases where the lexico-grammatical organization of complex syntactic units presents special difficulties.


TASK 5. Decide if the connectors in the sentences below are conjunctions or connectives.

1. Here is what is going to happen.

2. Her father didn’t like it when she interfered with his work.

3. This is how you should have done it.

4. The rescue team didn’t know whether anything could be done to save the man.

5. As soon as I saw Ellen I understood everything.

6. I can’t tell you which way is the shortest.

7. The librarian insisted that the missing books should be found and returned.

8. The joke which made everybody laugh was told by Mr. Bloomfield.

9. Shirley hadn’t seen her sister since she married Mr. Stonebridge.

10. You can stay here as long as you want.

11. Mr. Priestley, who had no servants, opened the door himself.

12. Irene felt as if everyone were accusing her of some crime.

13. The culprit, whoever he is, will be punished very seriously.

14. Many students opt for practical subjects at university because they believe that these courses offer better career prospects.

15. The robbers used a stolen Mercedes, whose owner has not yet been found.

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