Студопедия — Environmental protection
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Environmental protection


Now industrially developed states can't ignore the problem of environmental protection. The worldisa fine place and worth fighting for.

The relationship between man and nature has become one of the most vital problems facing civilization today. Every day air, soil and water are polluted with garbage, fume,soot and with industrial waste. Pollution of the environment is one of the problems millions of people are concerned about today. It affects harmfully, we cansee dead soil, dead lands.Once we have polluted water,soil and air, but it is very difficult toclean them.

Goneare thedays when it seemed to a man that nature's resources could not be exhausted. People interfere in the environment. Most big cities pour their waste into seas and rivers and release harmful substances into the air. A lot of big plants poison air in the towns with smoke. Some factories release poisonous substances into the atmosphere. Many forests and fields are destroyed as theresult of people's activity. Fish, birds and different animals disappear every day. A lot of children are born unhealthy. That’s why mass media draw our attention to ecological problems so often.

The protection of the environment is a task of millions of people all over the world. Itis our responsibility to preserve the planet for future generations. So we must cooperate our efforts in solving ecological problems.As you know practical stepsare being undertaken for protecting our environment.

Popular movements that tryto protect nature arecommon allover the world now. An international movement Greenpeace has united thousands of people and has achieved much success. But there are a lot of problems tosolve. The factories and plants mustbe removed from cities.Green zones must be created, the greenery must be protected and increased. Pollution control systems must be introduced. Purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used. The amount of the waste into the air must be reduced. Measures to reduce the noise in big cities shouldbe taken. Man's survival depends on the wayhe treats environment. Our taskis not to pollute and then to stop it, but to prevent pollution. As you know scientists all over the world improve technologies that will stop pollution. People look for the ways to use waste as raw material.

The law obliges people to protect nature but people break the law. They drop litter, pick flowers and destroy nests, so theytreat environment carelessly. We must preserve nature andwe must begin with placewhere we live. People can plant trees and flowers, clean streets and yards, make troughs and feed birds. They mustn’t drop paper, boxes and bottles. They must to do their best to preserve nature.

The problem of protecting nature is becoming vital today. If people do not find the way to solve it, life itself can soon come to an end.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 570. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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