Студопедия — Task 6. Do you know anything about the situation with migration in Russia?
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Task 6. Do you know anything about the situation with migration in Russia?

Task 7. Read the article from the Daily Mail and speak about new developments in British Immigration Policy.

Britain opens door for skilled immigrants to fill hi-tech jobs

THOUSANDS of foreign hi-tech workers may soon be heading for Britain after the Government put out the welcome mat yesterday.

Ministers announced that they will lower entry barriers for qualified staff as part of their campaign to turn Britain into a world centre for e-commerce. Skilled specialists from places such as Eastern Europe, India and Israel will be welcomed to help solve a desperate shortage of staff in a number of cru­cial areas, including e-commerce. It is estimated that hi-tech employ­ers could be short of nearly 330,000 workers by 2003. There are fears that small and medium firms will struggle to recruit staff as demand sends wages soaring. Some could be forced out of busi­ness. The Government's response -streamlining employment rules for workers from outside the European Union - follows a review by the Department for Education and Employment. The time for processing a work per­mit renewal is to be slashed by up to three months. The aim is to cut the time for 80 per cent of all applications to one week by March 2001. The system will include a fast-track work permit route for employers in recognised shortage sectors, such as information technology. Officials will quickly identify any sectors with shortages of skilled staff. 'Season ticket' work permits will be brought in for employees who need to work for short periods on a regular basis. The maximum permit period will be increased from four to five years. The Government's initiative follows similar moves in the U.S. It is being spearheaded by employ­ment minister Margaret Hodge. Her boss. Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett, said: 'What we are delivering is nothing less than one of the world's most flex­ible, modern work permit systems, fit for the 21st century.' The scheme was welcomed by infor­mation technology firms and others involved in hi-tech work. John Higgins, direct or-general of the Computing Services and Soft­ware Association, said: 'This will put us ahead of the game compared to other European countries.' Chris McGrath, principal partner at City law firm McGrath and Co, com­mented on the new arrangements for handling work permit applications: 'My clients will see this as a welcome response.' Vince Lammas, human resources manager at Newham Healthcare, an employer of doctors and nurses from overseas, said: 'Being able to get a quick response to our applications through one department will be a great help.'

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 627. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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