Студопедия — Understanding the Importance of Travel Health Insurance
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Understanding the Importance of Travel Health Insurance

Travel health insurance can be the difference between an enjoyable, problem-free travel experience, and an unpleasant stay at a local hospital. Health, safety and security should be considered before and during travel.

There is always a possibility of coming down with something that can hospitalize you. Aside from possible maladies, you are never safe in any country from personal injury. Accidents can happen to anyone at any time and without any warning.

You should always arrange for private travel health insurance to pay for any costs which are not covered by your provincial plan. Should a sudden illness or accident occur during travel, the costs of illness or costs of injury can be many thousands of dollars. Pay special attention to deductibles.


Перечитайте текст, сосредоточив внимание на его важнейших деталях, и выполните нижеследующие задания.

7.1. Выберите правильные варианты ответов на поставленные вопросы (на каждый вопрос – только один правильный ответ).

1. What is the proper term to visit a medical physician if you are planning to travel?

a) half a year before travelling

b) at least a year before travelling

c) more than eight weeks before travelling

d) at least six to eight weeks before travelling

e) both “c” and “d”


2. Where should a traveler put all the important medication?

a) in a special section of his suitcase

b) in his pockets

c) in one piece of luggage

d) in a first-aid kit

e) in different pieces of luggage


3. What other rules should be followed aside from health issues?

a) make sure you take full medical and travel health insurance

b) listen for local weather warnings

c) know local laws and respect them

d) leave copies and information of your passport, airline tickets, hotel, plans and any travel information to friends or family members.

e) all of the variants given


4. Why is it important to have travel health insurance?

a) because thousands of people every year become hospitalized in a foreign country

b) because the conditions, both natural and man-made, may be significantly different from those in your country and may seriously affect health and personal security during travel

c) because even in the safest of environments, there is always the possibility of illness or injury

d) both “a” and “b”

e) “a”, “b” and “c”


5. What can the costs of a sudden illness or injury be during travel?

a) hundreds of dollars

b) thousands of dollars

c) millions dollars

d) not more than a hundred dollars

e) not a single cent, because medical service is free of charge


Заполните таблицу, посоветовав, как следует поступить в каждой из предложенных ситуаций.

What should one do…
  … before travelling?  
  … if one requires medication for any existing medical condition?  
  … with all the belongings during travel?  
  … driving a car in a foreign country?  
  … in case they become lost, get into trouble or needed to get in touch with?  
  … with strangers or hitchhikers?  

7.3. Определите, истинно или ложно каждое из нижеперечисленных утверждений (относительно текста). Пометьте каждое предложение как “T (true)” или “F (false)”. Откорректируйте ложные утверждения.

1. If you are planning to travel, you should see a medical physician at least six to seven weeks before travelling.

2. A health insurance will be able to help you get the proper immunizations.

3. Important medication should be divided in equal pieces of luggage.

4. Make sure you take full medical and travel health insurance.

5. Bring less money in case of emergencies.

6. Listen for local police warnings.

7. Never pick up strangers or hitchhikers.


Дайте развернутые ответы на поставленные вопросы, опираясь на содержание текста.

1. What are the advantages of having travel health insurance?

2. Is it necessary to consult a doctor before travel? Why?

3. What information should you give to your relatives or friends before you leave? What for?

Подготовьте развернутые высказывания (от 25 развернутых предложений) в ответ на вопросы, заданные ниже. Задание, помеченное звездочкой, выполнять не обязательно.

1. Recollect any episode with a complaining customer from your own experience or from the experience of someone you know. Suggest how the problem from that episode should have been handled.

2.* If you happen to know any foreigners, ask them whether they find it reasonable and practical to use travel health insurance and how expensive it is in their country. Share this information with your groupmates/instructor.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 361. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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