Студопедия — Сократите данные предложения, заменяя словами из списка (Упражнение 1) выделенные курсивом конструкции. Если это необходимо, измените порядок слов.
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Сократите данные предложения, заменяя словами из списка (Упражнение 1) выделенные курсивом конструкции. Если это необходимо, измените порядок слов.

1. The activity of spending a holiday living in a tent attracts people of all ages.

2. But his proposals were strictly not relating to or motivated by politics, such as moving a smelly garbage collection site.

3. Children were taught to show their parents compliance with an order, request or submission to their authority.

4. He began with an attack on extremism typical of this person.

5. Employers will have to make provisions for the care of children, especially by a crèche, nursery, or childminder while parents are working.

6. The Wilderness Center is the home to special clubs whose members have common interests.

7. They checked everyone's emblems (small pieces of plastic or cloth or metal) signifying their status before letting them in.

5. Дайте ответ на нижеследующий вопрос:

What do you know about the youth movement in Great Britain? Can you name at least one or two British youth organizations?

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Youth and youth movement have become important factors in the life of the country. Numerous youth organizations have been formed since the Second World War, uniting young people from all classes and sections of the population. There are about 60 youth organizations in Great Britain. Youth Council, which represents the youth of the country both nationally and internationally. All youth organizations can be divided into three large groups:

1. non-political organizations;

2. youth organizations associated with political parties;

3. youth organizations controlled by religious bodies.

The two largest non-political youth organizations are the associations of the Boy Scouts and the Girl Guides. There are about 1300000 boys and girls in them. The membership is voluntary. The Scout Association was formed in 1908 by General Baden Powell. His idea was to train boys in mapping, signaling, knotting, first aid and all the skills that would arise from camping and outdoor activities. Most important of all for a Scout was to make a promise that he would do his best to do his duty to God and the Queen, to help other people and to obey the Scout Law. The Boy Scouts had a left-handed handshake, a special badge and the motto “Be Prepared”. The Scout Law embraces “honour, obedience, cheerfulness, thrift and cleanliness in thought and deed.

The Scout movement was intended for boys from 11 to 14 (15), but in 1916 Baden Powell introduced a programme for younger people. He called them Wolf Cubs. They had special uniforms, badges, a special training system and the motto “Do your best!”. The Wolf Cub pack is based on Kipling’s “Jungle Book” about learning to survive.

The Girl Guides Association was founded by Baden Pawell in 1910. It’s divided into three sections: Brownies (from 7.5 to 11), Guides (from 11 to 16), Rangers (from 16 to 21). The programme of training is planned to develop intelligence and practical skills including cookery, needlework, childcare. Like a Scout a Girl Guide must be a friend to animals. The Girl Guides Association has extensive international links.

There are some other non-political organizations: the Combined Cadet Force, Sea Cadet Corps, the Woodcraft Folk, the Youth Hostels Association, the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs, Greenpeace.

Youth Organization Greenpeace deals with most urgent ecological problems. It protests against nuclear weapon tests, sea and soil pollution, etc.

Sport clubs are characteristic youth organizations in the UK. They unite people who are interested in baseball, football, golf, etc. There also exist interest clubs. You can attend any club: from theatre to bird-watching clubs. By the way, bird-watching clubs are very popular in Great Britain.

There are several youth organizations associated with political parties. The Youth Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (YCND) unites young people and organizes mass rallies and meetings, demonstrations, marches of protest, festivals. It co-operates with the National Union of Students.

Religious young organizations and groups aim at helping to elderly people or working in hospitals. There are even groups where young people help released prisoners to start their life a-new. Religious organizations pay attention not only to the study of religious views but involve youth into such activities as music festivals and amateur theatre.

As you see, all these organizations aim at preserving and strengthening the social and political system existing in the country. Many of them have done and still are doing useful work in providing leisure facilities for young English people.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 435. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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