Студопедия — Compose a plan of the text and make notes to each paragraph.
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Compose a plan of the text and make notes to each paragraph.

2. React to the following statements: agree or disagree. Support your answers by information or facts from the text.

1. The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice is composed from all the member States of the European Union.

2. Functioning of the Commission is regulated by the EU legislation.

3. The main aim of the CEPEJ is to facilitate the improvement of the efficiency and functioning of Justice in Europe.

4. The Commission cooperates with non-governmental organizations in Europe.

5. The Council of Europe wants to promote the Rule of Law in Europe.

6. The CEPEJ uses new information technologies to control the efficiency of justice.

3. Tell the group what information you have learnt from the text about:

1) the establishment of the Commission;

2) the composition of CEPEJ;

3) the aims of the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice;

4) its tasks;

5) activity the Commission performs to carry out its tasks;

6) cooperation with countries outside of Europe;

4. Complete the following sentences according to the information from the text:

1. The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice was established by ….

2. The main objectives of the Commission are ….

3. Among its tasks are: to analyze …, to identify …, to define …, to provide … and to propose ….

4. To carry out these tasks the CEPEJ ….

5. The Commission … with non-governmental organizations outside the Europe.

6. The creation of the CEPEJ demonstrates …

7. The Council of Europe adopted Recommendations which ….

5. Explain the following terms and expressions in your own words:

1. judicial body

2. improvement

3. expert

4. efficiency

5. implementation

6. rule of law

6. To summarize the text, complete the sentences:

1. The European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice is ….

1. It includes ….

2. The Commission operates ….

3. It is called upon to ….


1. Look for additional information as to celebrations of the European Day of Civil Justice and tell the group about one of the winners of the European Prize “Crystal Scales of Justice” and about the innovative practice in civil justice organization and procedure they were awarded for.



1. Think about any problem in the sphere of civil trial procedure of Ukraine you are especially interested to improve. Compose a plan and make notes to each item of your plan. Using the plan and notes write a brief report displaying possible innovations or changes in civil procedure of Ukraine which could be nominated and possibly awarded by the prize “Crystal Scales of Justice”.

Note: when you explain the strategy of the improvements and enumerate the different stages, you may use particular phrases to structure the information you are presenting for better comprehension. For example:

First …, then …, next …, after that …, finally ….

The next thing/step is to …, once that’s been done …, before that happens you/we …, the last step will be to…/(…ing) ….


To continue studying this subject:

Find information about the European Commission for the Efficiency of Justice and prepare a short report on its activity as to the improvement of the efficiency of justice especially in relation to Ukrainian judicial syste



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