Студопедия — II. DEVELOPMENT. 1. Using information from the text define whose rights are below (employer’s or employee’s).
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II. DEVELOPMENT. 1. Using information from the text define whose rights are below (employer’s or employee’s).

1. Using information from the text define whose rights are below (employer’s or employee’s).

1. The right to take the case to an employment tribunal.

2. The right to redundancy payments.

3. The right to dismiss for reasons such as misconduct or poor work.

4. The right to claim compensation if unfairly dismissed.

5. The right to written reasons for dismissal.

6. The right to take paid parental leave for parents.

7. The right to interview the applicant.

8. The right to dismiss for theft.


2. Read the sentences about employer’s duties. Find 10 mistakes and correct them.

1. An employer should reduce an employee’s duties, which can be implied by the law or may be found in the employment contract.

2. An employee should pay an employer the agreed amount.

3. An employer should provide an employee with work, gifts and rest.

4. An employer should breach sick and safety regulations.

5. An employer should give an employee incorrect information about rights under their contract.

6. An employer should take an employee a reasonable opportunity to have its complaints looked at.

7. An employer and an employee also owe each another a duty of "Mutual (взаємний) Trust and Confidence", basically they must show contempt for each other.

8. An employee will be entitled to at least 10 weeks holiday in any one year period.

9. An employer shouldn’t pay contractual illness pay.


In each sentence, there is one word which is wrong. Find the mistake and correct it. Translate the sentences.

Example: All companies should have a dignity at work police. policy

1. Labour responsibilities advocates work to prevent child labour. _______

2. They think that child labour as exploitative, cruel, and often economically damaging. ________

3. Child labour opponents often argue that walking children lack of education. ________

4. Child labour is the employment of children over the age determined by law or custom. __________

5. This practice is considered exploit by many countries and international organizations. _________


Translate the following into English.

1. Статутні права та обов'язки працівників та працедавців.
2. Неможливість насильства з боку як працівника так і працедавця.
3. Право на працю.

4. Право на заробітну плату.
5. Право на відпочинок.
6. Право на безпечні здорові умови праці.
7. Право працедавця подати позов на працівника за крадіжку.
8. Гарантії трудових прав працівника.

9. Право на об’єднання в професійні спілки.
10. Право на безоплатну професійну підготовку.


1. Imagine it’s an interview with an employer. Here are 3 parts of dialogues. Choose one of them and complete it with interviewer’s questions. Headline the dialogue on the basis of its content.

Notes: Interviewer (I.) Applicant (A.)


Interviewer (I.)_____________________________________

Applicant (A.) - I'm fascinated by the latest development of international law, and I've always wanted to be in a position where I can develop my own initiatives.


I. ______________________________________________________

A. - Well, I was born in Kharkiv, I really enjoyed school, and the academy where my lecturers understand me.


I. ______________________________________________________

A. - My CV more or less reflects who I am. I'm an open book; it's all there.




A. - People say I'm good at my job.


I. _________________________________________________________

A. - I'm ambitious, communicative and can be quite persuasive, and I believe my sales skills reflect those qualities.


I. ________________________________________________________

A. - Oh, I'm good at anything really. I couldn't name just one strength in particular.





A. - I'd say that I work best alone.


I. _____________________________________________________________

A. - I've been accused of being a bit of a perfectionist - that I work too hard and demand a lot from the people who work with me.


I. _________________________________________________________________

A. - I'm not as strong as I'd like to be with Excel, but I'm taking an intensive weekend class that will perfect my skills.



2. Here are 2 parts of dialogues. Complete an applicant’s answers with words and word combinations, which are given in brackets and add your own.


I. Explain your wish to hold this position.

(International projects; experience; to coincide; the company's goals; skills)



I. Do you have other reasons for applying for this post?

(Opportunity; legislation; to match with the company; to want; salary)

A. _______________________________________________________



I. Why did you leave your previous job?

(can't progress; salary; career; requirements)

A. ___________________________________________________________


I. What kind of salary are you seeking?


(to depend on; to be worth smth, to require; at least; in future; between)

A. ____________________________________________________________




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