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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника


- list the hormones produced by each endocrine gland and describe the effects of each on the body;

explain the role of hypothalamus;

- tell about hormones and treatment.

English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
thyroid ['GairDid] gland glandula thyroidea щитоподібна залоза
parathyroid glands glandulae parathyroideae прищитовидні залози
superior [sju'pisris] superioris верхній
inferior [in пзгіз] inferioris нижній
thymus ['Gaimss] gland thymus загрудинна залоза
pancreas pancreas підшлункова залоза
adrenal [eed'rhnsl] glandula adrenalis надниркова залоза
gonads ['gsunaedz]   статеві залози
ovary ['aovari] ovarium/oophor- яєчник
testis ['testis] testis/orchi-, didym- яєчко
prostate ['prosteit] prostata передміхурова залоза
mammary gland glandula mammaria/mast- молочна залоза
mucous [mjukas] glandulae mucosae слизовий
salivary ['saslivsri] glandulae salivariae слинний
lacrimal ['laskrimsl] glandulae lacrimales слізний
sweat sudorum/hidr- піт
hormone ['ho:maun] hormonum гормон


Exercise 2. Learn the names of the pituitary hormones.

- Somatotropin [^saomatau'traupin], or growth hormone (GH) - соматотропін, гормон росту;

- thyrotropin [,9airau traopin], or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) - тиреотропін, стимулює вироблення гормонів щитовидної залози;

- adrenocorticotropic [a3,dri:nau,ko:tikau4iT>pik] hormone (АСТН) — адренокортико-тропін, стимулює кіркову частину надниркових залоз;

- follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) - фолітропін, стимулює розвиток яйцеклітини у яєчниках і сперматозоїдів у яєчках;

- luteinizing ['lu:fii naizirj] hormone (LH) - лютеїнізувальний гормон, спричинює овуляцію у жінок і виділення статевих гормонів у жінок і чоловіків;

- antidiuretic [, sent і, daij и' reti k] hormone (ADH) - антидіуретичний гормон, допомогає відділенню і виділенню води з нирок;

- oxytocin [nksi'taosin] - окситоцин, спричинює скорочення м'язів матки і виділення молока з молочних залоз.

Exercise 3. Read and translate the following information, title it.

The nervous system and the endocrine system are two main controlling and coordinating systems of the body.

The nervous system controls muscle movement and intestinal activity by means of electric and chemical stimuli. So, it controls rapid activities.

The effects of the endocrine system occur more slowly and over a long period of time. The endocrine glands produce chemical messengers, hormones, which have widespread effects.

These two systems are closely connected, because the activity of the pituitary gland is controlled by the nervous system.

Exercise 4. Look at Fig. 24-1 and name all the endocrine glands of males and females.


Exercise 5. Read the text.


Endocrine Glands

Endocrine glands, or glands of internal secretion, are glands without excretory ducts. They produce special substances called hormones, which are secreted directly into the blood. The hormones are carried throughout the organism with the blood and delivered to various organs whose activity they either stimulate or depress.

Hormones play a very important part in the organism. Many of them affect metabolism and the functioning of the cardiovascular, reproductive, and other systems. A disturbance in the activity of the endocrine glands is accompanied by changes throughout the organism. These changes may be due to an increase in the function of a gland (hyperfunction) or a decrease (hypofunction).

The chemical composition of some hormones is well known. Various hormonal preparations are made synthetically or from the corresponding glands of animals (endocrine preparations). They are widely used in medicine. It should be noted that hormones are substances with very high biological activity.

The endocrine glands include the hypophysis (or pituitary), the epiphysis cerebri (or pineal), the thyroid, the parathyroids, the thymus, the islet part of the pancreas, the adrenals and the incretory part of the sex glands. Each gland consists of glandular epithelial tissue and has an extensive network of blood vessels and large number of nerve fibers (from the vegetative nervous system).

The functions of all endocrine glands are interconnected, and the glands make up a single system. The hypophysis is the chief gland of this system: it produces special substances which stimulate the activities of the other endocrine glands.

The influence of various substances (mainly hormones) acting on the organism through the blood is called humoral regulation.

The activities of endocrine glands are regulated by the nervous system. The nervous system exercises direct control over the endocrine glands through the nervous and neurohumoral control, particularly through the hypophysis. The hormones in their turn affect the functions of different parts of the nervous system.


Exercise 6. Make up a plan of the text and retell it.

Exercise 7. Complete and translate the sentences.

- Гормони переносяться по організму кров'ю...

- Порушення в роботі залоз внутрішньої секреції супроводжується змінами у всьому організмі...

- Різні гормональні препарати виготовляються синтетично...

- Функції всіх ендокринних залоз взаємозв'язані...

- Робота залоз внутрішньої секреції регулюється нервовою системою.


Exercise 8. Answer the questions.

- Where are hormones secreted?

- What is the role of hormones?

- How are hormones made?


- What are the parts of the endocrine system?

- What is humoral regulation?

Exercise 9. Read and translate the names of different diseases caused by abnormal activity of the endocrine glands.

Goiter (зоб), the enlarged thyroid.

Hyperthyroidism (гіпертиреоз), produces exophthalmic goiter, it leads to loss of weight, nervousness, a rapid pulse, protrusion of the eyes, sweating.

Hyperthyroidism causes cretinism or myxedema because of failure of the thyroid gland.

Hypoparathyroidism causes hypocalcemia. It can lead to tetany (['tetani] - правець).

Addison's disease is caused by failure of the adrenal glands. It is characterized by weight loss, weakness, low blood pressure, brownish pigmentation of the skin, hypoglycemia.

Diabetes insipidus (нецукровий діабет) is characterized by the heavy discharge of urine (polyuria) and intense thirst (polydipsia).

Diabetes mellitus (цукровий діабет), deficiency of insulin prevents sugar from leaving the blood, so it is characterized by excess of sugar in the urine; hunger, thirst and quick loss of weight.

Hyperinsulinism is the excessive secretion of insulin from the pancreas. The patients may be convulsing and fainting.

Control Tests. Endocrine System. Cell. Physiological Functions of the Organism

1. What substances are produced by endocrine

A. Enzymes

B. Hormones

C. Proteins

D. Vitamins

E. Glucose

2. How do we call the system of glands?

A. Lymphatic

B. Circulatory

D. Endocrine

E. Exocrine

3. What glands are not endocrine?

A. Hypophisis

B. Hypothalamus

C. Epiphysis

D. Thymus

E. Sweat

4. What is the English for щитовидна залоза!

A. Adrenal gland

B. Pituitary gland

C. Pineal gland

D. Thyroid gland

E. Pancreas

5. What glands are situated above the

A. Sex

B. Parathyroid

C. Adrenal

D. Thyroid

E. Thymus

6. What does the endocrine system consist of?

A. Reproductive organs

B. Glands of internal secretion

C. Glands of external secretion

D. Glands of mixed secretion

E. All glands of the body

7. What gland is the regulating center of all

A. Hypophysis

B. Hypothalamus

C. Thymus

D. Epiphysis

E. Encephalon

8. What disease belongs to diseases of the
endocrine system?

A. Myocarditis

B. Cholecystitis

C. Bronchitis

D. Diabetes

E. Pneumonia

9. What medicine is used in the treatment of
diabetes mellitus?

A. Glucose

B. Diasoline

C. Insulin

D. Analgin

E. Dimedrol

10. What hormones are produced by the
female sex glands?

A. Corglycoids

B. Thyroidin

C. Estrogen

D. Testosterone

E. Adrenaline

11. What are the main functions of

A. Excretion and metabolism

B. Development and growth

C. Growth, development and metabolism

D. Excretion and growth

E. Metabolism and immunity

12. Where is the thyroid gland situated?

A. Under the heart

B. In the front part of the neck

C. In the back part of the neck

D. In the left side of the chest

E. In the right side of the chest

13. What is another name of the epiphysis?

A. Pineal

B. Pituitary

C. Adrenal

D. Ovary

E. Testis

14. What part of the pancreas is endocrine?

A. Left

B. Right

C. Islets

D. Middle

E. Central

15. What is the English for наднирникиї

A. Epiphysis

B. Pituitary

C. Hypophysis

D. Adrenals

E. Parathyroids

16.____ stimulate the growth of the female sex


A. Androgens

B. Testosterone

C. Adrenaline

D. Sex hormones

E. Estrogens

17. The sex glands in males are_________.

A. Prostate

B. Ovary

C. Testes

D. All answers are right

E. All answers are wrong

18. The sensitive part of the penis is___________.

A. the middle part

B. the glans

C. the prepuce

D. All the penis

E. No right answer

19. Progesterone is produced in the__________.

A. uterus

B. ovary

C. placenta

D. corpus luteum

E. follicle

20. The inlarged thyroid is________.

A. Addison's disease

B. myxedema

C. tetany

D. goiter

E. cretinism

21. What does the term polydipsia mean?

A. Intense hunger

B. Intense thirst

C. Loss of blood

D. Anemia

E. Intense secretion

22. The functions of all endocrine glands are interconnected and the glands make up

A. an organism

B. a single system

C. blood circulation

D. different things

E. control over the organism

23. The hormones are carried throughout the
organism with.

A. water

B. lymph

C. urine

D. gall

E. blood

24. The hypophysis is the chief of the

endocrine system.

A. gland

B. brain

C. cell

D. organ

25. The composition of some hormones is

well known and they are made synthetically.

A. simple

B. various

C. chemical

D. mechanical

E. physical

26. Without that substance our organism
cannot be.

A. Alcohol

B. Nicotine

C. Water

D. Beer

E. Spirit

27. What isn't harmful to your health?

A. Cigarettes

B. Alcohol

C. Water

D. Nicotine

E. Spirit

28. We breath with_______.

A. water

B. nitrogen

C. oxygen

D. hydrogen

E. air

29. Physiology studies________ of the body.

A. the structure

B. the functions

C. the growth

D. the weight

E. the reproduction

30. The exchange of substances in the organism
is called.

A. heat action

B. metabolism

C. water balance

D. immunity

E. nutrition

31. What does the term myoma mean?

A. Muscle tumor

B. Bone tumor

C. Skin tumor

D. Malignant tumor

E. Benign tumor

32. What does the term chondroma mean?

A. Tumor of the muscle

B. Tumor of the uterus

C. Tumor of the heart

D. Tumor of the cartilage

E. Tumor of the joint

33. What doesn't describe a kind of disease?

A. Chronic

B. Acute

C. Mortal

D. Infection

E. Good

34. This science studies body cells.

A. Pathology

B. Etiology

C. Biology

B. Physiology E. Cytology

35. The breakdown of nutrients or complex
substances into simpler ones is called.

A. Metabolism

B. Botulism

C. Anabolism

D. Catabolism

E. Organism

36._____ is the building of body materials.

A. metabolism

B. botulism

C. anabolism

D. catabolism

E. organism

37. What is the structural unit of the living

A. Cell

B. Tissue

C. Organ

D. System

E. Organism

38. What is there in the center of each cell?

A. Ribosome

B. Lysosome

C. Centriole

D. Cytoplasm

E. Nucleus

39. What does the term mitosis mean?

A. Cell activity

B. Cell division

C. Cell nutrition

D. Cell structure

E. Cell membrane

40. What do we call the scientist who studies
all about tissues?

A. Histoiogist

B. Epidemiologist

C. Bacteriologist

D. Cytologist

E. Embryologist

41. The study of the cause of any disease or
the theory of its origin is.

A. biology

B. pathology

C. etiology

D. microbiology

E. chemistry

42. Vitamin______ prevents scurvy.

A. A

B. В

c. c

D. D

E. E

43. Vitamin______ deficiency leads to infertility. 47. The______ excretes bile.

A. A A. stomach

B. В В. intestine

C. C C. kidney

D. D D. liver

E. E E. gland

44. Vitamin

A. A

B. В

C. C

D. D

E. E
prevents rickets.

48. The______ carries oxygen round the body.

A. lymph

B. urine

C. water

D. vessel

E. blood


45. What vitamin is soluble in water?

A. A

B. В

C. K

D. D

E. E

49. Where do we usually take our temperature?

A. In the oral cavity

B. In the armpit

C. In the anus

D. On the neck

E. In the groin


46. What is avitaminosis?

A. Deficiency of any vitamin

B. Increased quontity of vitamins

C. Normal quontity of vitamins

D. Presence of vitamins

E. Absence of vitamins

50. Where do we usually take our pulse?

A. On the wrist

B. On the neck

C. In the armpit

D. In the groin

E. Under the knee


II. Grammar Exercises

Exercise 1. Read and translate the words, pay attention to the suffixes and prefixes.

Acupuncture, compatible, harmful, merely, selection, to simplify, invaluable, effectiveness, intention, possibility, scientifically, numbness, decomposition, irregularity, consciousness, regeneration, deafness, reformation.

Exercise 2. What are the Ukrainian equivalents of the English proverbs?

1. A sound mind in a sound body.

2. Blood is thicker than water.

3. Don't trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.

Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks with the verbs to treat, to discuss, to build in the correct form.

1. A dermatologist... skin diseases.

2. Skin diseases... by a dermatologist.

3. We... this problem yesterday.

4. New problem... by them last year.

5. New hospitals... in many cities next year.

6. They... some new schools next five years.


Exercise 4. Translate the sentences, pay attention to the sequence of tenses.

1. That patient believed that the doctor would suggest an operation. 2. The doctor said that he made the morning round every day. 3. We knew that he was ill. 4. He said that he could finish his work in time. 5. All the students knew that they had to revise for the examinations. 6. He showed me which exercises he had done.

Exercise 5. Translate the sentences with modal verbs and verbs with modal meaning.

1. This doctor ought to be more attentive. 2. He needn't hurry. 3. All our students must work at the hospital. 4. They needn't do it. 5. We have to be ready to fulfill this task. 6. I think you should go out for a walk every evening. 7. What does he have to do next? 8. What has she got to do next? 9. We are to meet them there. 10. This woman has to stay at home with her sick baby. 11. He mustn't go out in the street. 12. We ought to help this nurse.

Exercise 6. Change the following sentences according to the model.

Model: If we changed the temperature, the reaction would change too. - If we had changed the temperature, the reaction would have changed too.

1. If this were the case, he might expect an unusual effect. 2. Unless some studies were available, the drug couldn't be applied. 3. Providing doctors prevented heart attacks, the patient would live longer. 4. If the nurses were given up-to-date apparatus, they would prevent many fatal cases. 5. If every effort of organ transplants could be made, patients might be able to survive.

Exercise 7. Translate the conditional sentences.

1. If additional studies had been carried on, they might have determined the precise role of protein. 2. Overweight people are in even greater danger if they go on and off their diets, losing and gaining weight. 3. If we read much, we will know much. 4. If you read many medical books, you would know much about new techniques. 5. If I had time, I would read all the articles of this professor.

Exercise 8. Translate into English.

1. Якби в мене був час, я зробив би цю роботу вчора. 2. Якби ви читали багато, то й знали б багато. 3. Якщо ми будемо багато читати, то й знатимемо багато. 4. Якби йому не допомогали друзі, він не закінчив би роботу вчасно. 5. Якби вони були тут, ми обговорили б це питання.

III. Independent Work: Secretion


Exercise 1. Read the text; try to understand it without using a dictionary.



Secretion is a process generally brought about by an organ called a gland. A gland whether simple or highly complex in structure may be looked upon as a tube, whose walls are composed of highly specialized epithelial cells, gland cells. The tube is closed at one end. In many glands the other end of the lumen opens up, either directly or by means of a special duct, onto a free surface, such as the skin, the interior of the mouth, the lumen of the intestine, etc. The materials produced by the gland are poured onto this free surface, for which reason the secretion of this type of gland is spoken as an external secretion. The gland is surrounded by a dense network of capillaries.

The distinct process may take place in a gland: the gland cell serves merely as a transfer agency, or it acts as a manufacturing plant or both. In the first instance, certain materials, water and NaCl are taken out of the blood stream by the gland cell, transferred through the cell, passed into the duct or lumen, and secreted on a free surface. All types of glands transfer water in this manner. Some glands, e.g. the sweat glands, practically limit their activity to this.

Other glands take certain materials out of the blood stream and chemically transform them into new compounds which together with water and salts are then poured into the duct.

The activity of a gland is normally accompanied by a great dilation of its blood vessels, without this increased flow of blood a gland cannot function for any appreciable length of time. Nevertheless in many instances its blood flow in itself is not the direct cause of secretion, for by administering certain drugs (e.g. atropine) it is possible to stop the secretion completely although the flow of blood continues. Secretion by the digestive glands is to be regarded as an active phenomenon, and not merely a passive filtration.


Exercise 2. Make up a short plan of the text. Retell the text according to your plan.

Exercise 3. Arrange the sentences in the right order (as in the text).

1. Some glands practically limit their activity to this.

2. The activity of a gland is normally accompanied by a great dilation of its blood

3. A gland... may be looked upon as a tube...

4. Secretion by the digestive glands is to be regarded as an active phenomenon...

5.... the gland cell serves merely as a transfer agency...



I Speaking Urinary System
II Grammar Subjunctive Mood (§112)
III Independent Work Organism as a Whole



I. Speaking: Urinary System


After careful study of this unit you should be able to:

- list the systems that eliminate waste products and substances eliminated by them;

- name parts of the urinary system and their functions;

- describe a nephron;

- name the normal and abnormal constituents of the urine;

- list disorders of the urinary system.


Exercise 1. Read and learn the following words and their equivalents.


English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
urinary ['jusrinari] urinaria сечовий
urine [ juarin] urina/ur(o)- сеча
kidney ren/nephr(os) нирка
urinary bladder vesica urinaria/cyst- сечовий міхур
renal pelvis pelvis renalis/pyelo- ниркова миска
margin ['margin] margo край
fatty capsule ['kaepsju:l] capsula adiposa жирова капсула
segments ['segmsnts] segmenta сегменти
tubules ['tju:bju:ls] tubuli канальці
renal cortex cortex renalis ниркова кора
medulla of kidneys medulla renalis нирковий мозок
glomerular [,gtau'merulo] glomerulars клубочковий
glomeruli [,gbo'merulai] glomeruli гломерули (клубочки)
renal arteries arteriae renalis артерії нирки
veins of kidneys venae renalis вени нирки
ureter [jo'ri:t3] ureter сечовід
urethra []о'ґі:8гз] urethra сечівник
female ['fi:meil] femininus жіночий
male masculinus чоловічий
dialysis [dai'celisis] dialysis діаліз
excretion [iks'krijh] excretio виділення
hemodialysis haemodialysis гемодіаліз
nephron [ nefrrm] nephron нефрон

English Latin/Greek Ukrainian
urea [ jusris] urea сечовина
nitrogen ['naitrec^sn] Nitrogenium азот
ammonia [s'msunjs] Ammonium аміак
diuresis [,daiju'ri:sis] diuresis діурез (виділення сечі)
micturition [,miktj3'rijh] micturitio сечовипускання
ketone bodies Cal(cium)+(ace)tone кетонові тільця

Exercise 2. Learn the pronunciation of the following clinical terms.

glomerulonephritis [glo,m3ruhuni'fraitis]

pyelonephritis [,pai3buni'fraitis]

hydronephrosis [.haidrsoni 'freusis]

renal falure ['feiljs]

uremia []и:з'гі:тіз]

polycystic kidney [,pcli'sistik]

calculi ['kaelkju:,lai], kidney stones

strictures ['striktfsz]

ptosis ['tsosis]

renal colic ['knlik]

cystitis [sis'taitis]

urethritis [ juari'Qraitis]

enuresis [,enjo'ri:sis]


Exercise 3. Read the texts, translate them and retell.


Text A. Urinary System


The urinary system is also called the excretory system, because one of its main functions is to remove waste products from the blood and eliminate them from the body. The other functions are:

- to regulate the volume of the body fluids;

- to balance the pH;

- to balance the electrolyte compositions of the body fluids.

But other systems also eliminate wastes. For example, the digestive system eliminates undigested food, water, salts and bile. The respiratory system eliminates carbon dioxide and water. The skin eliminates water, salts, nitrogen waste.

The urinaiy system includes the kidneys, right and left; two ureters - long tubes, which lead to the lower part of the urinary bladder; the urinary bladder, which is a hollow sac for temporary collection of the urine; and the urethra - the tube, through which the urine is discharged from the bladder and passes out of the body.


Text B. Kidneys

The kidneys are considered to be the main organs of the urinary system. They are two in number, right and left. The kidneys are bean-shaped organs embedded in a cushion of adipose

Fig. 25-1. The urinary system

Fig. 25-2. The kidney


tissue and located behind the abdominal cavity. They consist of outer cortex part, inner medullar part, and pelvis. The kidneys can be compared with filters, as they perform the filtration of waste products from the blood.

These waste products go to the kidney through the renal arteries, rather short and thick vessels.

The location of the urinary organs and their blood supply can be seen in Fig. 25-1.

The kidney is an organ about 10 cm long, 5 cm wide, and 2.5 cm thick. On the inner margin there is the hilus (ворота), at which the renal artery and vein, and the ureter connect with the kidney. The renal cortex covers the kidney. The renal medulla contains the tubules that collect urine. These tubules form pyramids with the tips toward the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis is a funnel-shaped basin that forms the upper part of the ureter. Calyx ['keeliks] is a cuplike extension which surrounds the tip of pyramids and collect urine, which then passes down the ureter and bladder (Fig. 25-2).


Text C. Nephrons

The nephron is the smallest unit of the kidney. It is a tiny coiled tube with a bulb [ЬлІЬ] at one end. This bulb is called Bowman's capsule (капсула Боумена). which surrounds the glomerulus. Each kidney contains about 1 million nephrons. The afferent artetiole supplies the glomerulus with blood; the efferent arteriole carries blood from the glomerulus. (The detailed structure of the nephron can be seen in Fig. 25-3.)

The process of filtration and formation of the urine takes place within the tiny tubules of the kidneys.

Text D. Functions of Kidneys

The kidneys are involved in the following processes:

1. Excretion of unwanted substances such as waste products from cell metabolism, excess salts, and toxins.

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Ведение учета результатов боевой подготовки в роте и во взводе Содержание журнала учета боевой подготовки во взводе. Учет результатов боевой подготовки - есть отражение количественных и качественных показателей выполнения планов подготовки соединений...

Сравнительно-исторический метод в языкознании сравнительно-исторический метод в языкознании является одним из основных и представляет собой совокупность приёмов...

Концептуальные модели труда учителя В отечественной литературе существует несколько подходов к пониманию профессиональной деятельности учителя, которые, дополняя друг друга, расширяют психологическое представление об эффективности профессионального труда учителя...

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