Студопедия — Прочитайте текст и выпишите в таблицу английские эквиваленты русским понятиям, данным в таблице. Дайте определения выписанных слов или объясните их значения по-английски.
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Прочитайте текст и выпишите в таблицу английские эквиваленты русским понятиям, данным в таблице. Дайте определения выписанных слов или объясните их значения по-английски.

The range of topics within forensic linguistics is diverse but the main research occurs in the following areas: the language of legal texts and the language of legal processes. The study of the language of legal texts encompasses a wide range of text types and forms of analysis. It includes analyzing the linguistics of documents as diverse as Acts of Parliament (or other law-making body), private wills, court judgments and summonses and the statutes of other bodies, such as States and government departments.

Linguists who work with the language of legal process examine language as it is used in cross-examination, evidence presentation, judge's direction, summing up to the jury, police cautions, 'police talk', interview techniques, the questioning process in court and in other areas such as police interviews, amongst other things. Linguists are also called to give expert testimony in a variety of types of cases both in local and international jurisdictions. The vast majority of cases where linguists are involved concern issues of linguistic competence. They provide evidence in trademark and other intellectual property disputes, identification of the author of anonymous texts (such as threat letters, mobile phone texts, emails), a suicide note, a ransom demand, identifying cases of plagiarism, tracing the linguistic history of asylum seekers, reconstructing mobile phone text conversations and a number of other areas.


1. судебная повестка  
2. завещание  
3. перекрестный допрос  
4. техника ведения допроса  
5. письма с угрозами  
6. беженцы - мигранты  
7. представление доказательств в суде  
8. решение суда  
9. предсмертная записка  
10. требование выкупа  


Заполните пропуски соответствующими словами из рамки. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

a) application b) cross-examinations с) police interviews d) expert evidence e) international jurisdictions f) trademark disputes g) forensic and judicial processes h) threat letters i) a criminal or civil dispute

1. Forensic linguists have a considerable interest in the language of ____________ of witnesses and suspects.

2. Forensic linguists have been called to give expert testimony in a variety of types of cases across UK and _______________.

3. There are perhaps three main areas of _____________ for linguists working in forensic contexts; understanding language of the written law, understanding language use in __________________ and the provision of linguistic evidence.

4. ________________ often concern questions of when a trademarked term begins to be used generically.

5. There is an interest in the language of lawyers and witnesses during the interviews and ________________.

6. Forensic linguistics deals with the study of any text or item of spoken language which has relevance to_______________, or which relates to what goes on in a court of law, or to the language of the law itself.

7. Forensic linguists give _______________ in a wide variety of cases, including authorship of ________________, the speech of a suspect at a police interview, reconstruction of a mobile phone text conversations, etc.

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Судебная лингвистика представляет собой применение лингвистических знаний в правовой сфере.

2. Судебная лингвистика занимается изучением и анализом языка юридических документов и судебных процессов.

3. Судебный лингвист работает с различными видами документов, которые имеют отношение как к уголовным делам так и к гражданским спорам, включая договоры, соглашения, заявления, оспариваемые завещания, предсмертные записки, а также письма с требованием выкупа.

4. Помощь судебного лингвиста может потребоваться при анализе языка перекрестных допросов, свидетельских показаний, предписаний судьи и техники ведения допросов.

5. Лингвистическая экспертиза помогает в разрешении споров по вопросам интеллектуальной собственности и торговым знакам.

Проектная работа. Переведите текст на русский язык (письменно). Сравните классификацию областей судебной лингвистической экспертизы, принятую в англоязычных странах с российской (воспользуйтесь Интернет-ресурсами и Википедией). Определите сходства и различия в структуре и терминологии. Представьте свою работу в виде презентации.


All areas of linguistics are used in forensic applications: phonetics and phonology (including spelling), morphology, syntax, semantics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, stylistics, and interpretation and translation:

Auditory phonetics makes use of auditory methods of analysis for the discrimination and identification of speakers by victims and witnesses.

Acoustic phonetics analyzes speech using acoustic methods for speaker discrimination and identification by instrumental means.

Semantics focuses on the comprehensibility and interpretation of written and spoken language that is difficult to understand, e.g., consumer product warnings, jury instructions, trademarks, etc.

Discourse analysis is the study of extended utterances, such as narratives and conversations of the type that takes place within the judicial process.

Pragmatics is the analysis of a speaker’s intended meaning in contexts of actual language use. Forensic linguists use the theoretical tools provided by discourse analysis and pragmatics to analyze the function of language used in specific contexts, such as dictation, conversations, hearings, questioning, and the language of specific speech acts, e.g., threats, promises, warnings, etc.

Stylistics examines cases of questioned authorship. Forensic applications of methods for determining authorship are related to cases requiring the linguist to determine (1) if all the writings in a questioned set were authored by one person, (2) if a questioned writing was written by one of a number of possible authors, or (3) if a questioned writing was or was not authored by one writer who is proposed as the suspect author based on external nonlinguistic evidence. All levels of language (sounds as represented by spelling, words, meaning, sentence grammar, and language use) are possible markers of writing style.

Language of the law is concerned with assuring that the legal language of statutes and of legal and consumer writings be clear, brief, and simple, i.e., plain language.

Language of the courtroom studies courtroom discourse, including analyses of the language of witnesses, lawyers, and judges.

Interpretation of one spoken language into another is the object of studies on interpretation tasks specific to legal venues, e.g., questions and answers in testimony, pretrial interpretation, the role and task of the interpreter, etc.

Translation work relates to providing reliable translations of written material needed in legal proceedings.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 586. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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