Студопедия — Humor 3-4
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Humor 3-4

1. ‘Will you be late home tonight?' 'I'm afraid.. so …. '

2. ‘Do you think she'll like this book as a present?' 'I'm certain.. that she will ….

3. 'You will be going to Nancy's party next week, won't you?' 'I expect………………. '

4. ‘Olivia must have taken the money.' 'I refuse to accept………………………… '

5. ‘I think Mark should move to a new school.' 'I agree……………………. '

6. ‘I imagine they'll have already left.' 'I suspect……………….. '

7. 'Were they angry about the decision?' 'It certainly seemed…………….. '

8. 'Has Jack gone home?' 'It appears........... ……………….'


2. Complete the answers using the verb in brackets and so, not, or not (n't)...so, as appropriate. If answers are possible, give them both.

1) A: Don't you think it's time for you to go home? B: I.. guess so... (guess)

2) A: Surely you don't think I would have written that letter? B: I …….…. (hope)

3) A: You don't think, then, that the escaped prisoners have tried to leave the country?

B: We..... ……………………………..(believe)

4) A: It looks like Peter isn't going to keep his job after all. B: It ….…………………. (seem)

5) A: After living in a village for so long Kathy won 't want to live in a big city
B: I………………………………………….…..(imagine)

6) A: We'd better not borrow Diane's books without asking her
B: No, I........... ………………………………….… (suppose)

+ Fear Words + Grammar Revision



Humor 3-4


How do you make a blonde's eyes sparkle? Shine a torch into her ear
Why don't oysters give to charity? Because they're shellfish
How many men does it take to open a can of beer? None, it should be open when she brings it to him
What have you done wrong if your wife walks into the living room and slaps you. You have left the chain too long.
What does a blonde say after her doctor tells her that she's pregnant. Is it mine?
Hey, man! Please call me a taxi. Yes, sir. You are a taxi
Did you hear about the guy who finally figured out women? He died of laughing before he could tell anybody.
Doctor, I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea. Take the spoon out of the mug before you drink.
When I'm gone you'll never find another man like me What makes you think I'd want another man like you
Do you love me just because my father left me a fortune? Not at all honey, I would love you no matter who left you the money
Did you hear about the terrorist who hijacked a Boeing full of lawyers? He threatened to release one every hour if his demands were not met
  I feel horrible, I look fat and ugly. Pay me a compliment Your eyesight's damn near perfect



Where do bees go to the bathroom?   At the BP station!
Why is your dog watching me so attentively while I am eating?   Maybe it's because you are eating out of its plate
How do you confuse a blonde?   Put her in a round room and tell her to sit in the corner
What do you do if a blond throws a grenade at you?   Pull the pin out and throw it back
Miss, I see a fly in my soup on the bottom of my plate. What does that mean?   I have no clue. I'm a waitress, not a fortuneteller
Mary, have you changed the water in the fishbowl?   No, mummy. The goldfish has not drunk this water yet.
Doctor! Doctor! Everyone keeps on copying me!   Doctor: Doctor! Everyone keeps on copying me!
What do cows do for entertainment?   They rent moovies!
How do you call a deer with no eyes?   I have no I-Deer
What is the difference between men and pigs?   Pigs don't turn into men when they drink  
How can I catch a squirrel?   Climb up a tree and just be yourself. Squirrels will run for you. Because they just love NUTS!
What did your doctor tell you about your memory loss?   He made me pay in advance  
Why don't skeletons fight each other?     They don't have the guts



  You are barking up the wrong tree/ not you are barking at a wrong tree ругаешь не того, кого следует not лаешь на неправильное дерево   she has to fill in for a sick teacher/ not to fill in a sick teacher заменить учителя not наполнить учителя
  On the day of his wedding he got cold feet / not his feet were cold Он испугался not его ноги замерзли   He got the sack for not doing his work properly/ not he received the sack Его уволили not он получил мешок
  She was having an argument with her sister when suddenly she turned on me/ not she turned me on Она атаковала меня not очень привлекла   She didn’t have a leg to stand on/ not legs Ей нечем было возразить not не было ног стоять
  they lost face/ not lost their faces ударили лицом в грязь not потеряли их лица   In the waiting room I had butterflies in my stomach/ not a butterfly Я волновалась not у меня была бабочка в желудке
  she has a bone to pick with him\ not she has a bone to eat with him иметь счёты(обиду) с кем-л. not кости, чтобы подобрать   My friend still drops me a line sometimes\ not drops me lines черкнуть словечко not сбросить строки
  He gave me a hand/ not gave me his hand помог мне not дал руку   She is used to smoking\ not she used to smoke Она привыкла курить not когда-то курила
  He made a mountain out of a molehill/ not he turned a molehill into a mountain он сделал из мухи слона not превратил кротовину в гору   Get that parcel off / not get off that parcel Отправить посылку not слезть с посылки get off me/ the bus/ the table
  My mother’s dog drives me up the wall not drives me into the wall бесит меня not врезается со мной в стену   Bathroom was just the tip of the iceberg/ not the top of the iceberg Это были еще цветочки not вершина айсберга  


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