Студопедия — Types of tests
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Types of tests


1. selection exam / test [ countable ] конкурсный экзамен

2. assessment test [ countable ] оценочный тест

3. (class) progress test [ countable ] a test that is given at a certain stage of a course of study to see what the students have learnt проверочный тест; контрольная работа

4. achievement / attainment test [ countable ] a test that is given at the end of a course of study итоговый тест / экзамен; итоговая контрольная работа; тест проверки навыков

5. proficiency test [ countable ] a test that is designed to measure the ability of students with reference to a particular task they will have to perform экзамен по специальности; квалификационный экзамен

6. aptitude / prognostic test [ countable ] a test that is intended to find out whether someone has a natural ability for a particular type of work тест / экзамен по проверке способностей: She had to take an aptitude test before she began training as a nurse.

7. diagnostic test [ countable ] a test that is designed to discover those areas in which a student needs further help диагностический тест

8. entrance / entry / admissions exam / test [ countable ] вступительный экзамен: Entry today is competitive, normally by an entrance examination. | Most British universities have no special entrance examination now.

9. (test / exam) paper [ countable ] (1) (BrE) a set of printed questions used as an examination in a particular subject, and the answers people write экзаменационный билет; задание для письменного экзамена / теста; письменная экзаменационная работа; письменный экзамен / зачет: I had a maths paper in the afternoon. | The test paper was really easy / difficult. | Please hand your papers in now. | We sat each paper in the Hall. | She finished the exam paper.

(2) (esp. AmE) | essay a piece of writing that is done as part of a course at school, college, or university сочинение: I have to write a paper on the Cuban Revolution. | For homework I want you to write an essay on / about endangered species.

10. written test | test paper [ countable ] письменная контрольная работа

11. written exam [ countable ] письменный экзамен

12. oral (test / exam) [ countable ] a spoken examination, especially in a foreign language устный экзамен: You can either take an oral exam or do a 25 page essay. | I've got my French oral tomorrow. | He's going to fail his German oral.

13. viva (BrE) | viva voce (BrE) (formal) a spoken examination taken at the end of a university or college course устный экзамен

14. internal exam [ countable ] an exam that is administered by the staff of a particular educational institution внутренний экзамен: More senior pupils in schools can use a word processor to write up projects for internal or external examinations.

15. external / public exam [ countable ] (BrE) an exam that is administered by outside independent examiners (Those who pass this exam are awarded certificates which are officially recognized as qualifications for entry to further and higher education as well as for various jobs.) выпускной экзамен; экзамен на аттестат зрелости: Most of our pupils will be ready to sit the external examination in May.

16. final / degree exams | finals [ plural ] (BrE) the exams taken at the end of a university or college course выпускные / итоговые / государственные экзамены: During my finals I was revising till 3 o'clock in the morning most days. | I've got my finals next month.| I'm taking my finals in June. | She sat her finals in the summer.

17. final (exam) [ countable ] (AmE) the last examination that students take at the end of a particular course in high school, college, or university итоговый экзамен; курсовой экзамен: This class will require two papers, a midterm, and a final. | I really shouldn't go out – my chemistry / French / biology final is tomorrow. | The final exam for this class will be on May 21st.

18. sessional (exam) [ countable ] the last examination that is held at the end of the academic year to assess the students' progress итоговый экзамен; курсовой экзамен

19. mid-sessional (exam) | end-of-term exam [ countable ] an exam that is held in the middle of the academic year to assess the students' progress промежуточный экзамен; семестровый экзамен: I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.

20. midterm (exam) [ countable ] (AmE) an exam that students take in the middle of a semester or quarter промежуточный экзамен: He has a history midterm next week.

21. eleven-plus (exam) | 11-plus (exam) [ singular ] in some areas of Britain, an examination taken by children at the age of eleven in order to decide what kind of secondary school they should go to экзамен для одиннадцатилетних

22. GCSE | General Certificate of Secondary Education [ countable; uncountable ] the British system (in England and Wales) of public examinations taken in various school subjects at the age of fifteen or sixteen, or one of these exams, or a qualification obtained in this system аттестат об общем среднем образовании, аттестат зрелости; экзамен на получение аттестата об общем среднем образовании: GCSE requirements / qualifications | I'm taking six subjects for GCSE. | Adam took his GCSEs last year. | But I don't go to school and I haven't done GCSEs or A-levels.

23. GCE | General Certificate of Education [ countable; uncountable ] the British system (in England and Wales) of public examinations taken in various school subjects, or one of these exams, or a qualification obtained in this system (GCE O level [= ordinary level] examinations / O levels were replaced in 1988 by the GCSE / GCSEs. GCE A level [=advanced level] examinations / A levels allow you to go to university.) аттестат об общем образовании, аттестат зрелости; экзамен на получение аттестата об общем образовании: two GCE A level passes | We felt already, then, that there was a need for an updated edition of GCE.

24. A level | advanced level (formal) [ countable; uncountable ] the British system (in England and Wales) of public examinations taken in various school subjects at the age of eighteen, or one of these exams, or a qualification obtained in this system (A levels allow you to go to university.) аттестат об общем образовании, аттестат зрелости; экзамен по программе средней школы второго / повышенного уровня сложности: She decided to stay on at school and do / take her A levels ( in chemistry and physics). | I did / took maths, physics and chemistry at A level. | You usually need three A levels to get into university. | I failed my History A level.

25. SAT | Scholastic Aptitude Test [ countable ] in the USA, an examination in school subjects that high school students must take before they can go to college or university: What was your SAT score? | SAT scores have been steadily decreasing. | When he took the SATs in his junior year, he scored an even 1600. | And if black students performed far less well on the SATs than whites, it was because standardized tests were culturally biased.

26. SAT | Standard Assessment Test [ countable ] a test taken by schoolchildren in England and Wales at the ages of 7, 11, 14, and 16 to find out the level of the National Curriculum that they have reached тест на проверку академических способностей: But tests like the SAT are much more problematic than the public is led to believe.

27. IQ test [ countable ] a test, adjusted for age, that measures a person's level of intelligence (IQ, i.e. intelligence quotient) тест, устанавливающий коэффициент умственного развития / умственных способностей / интеллекта: It's like doing one of those IQ tests. | Can he pass the IQ test? | Children with higher blood lead levels did less well in IQ tests.



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