Студопедия — Learners
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1. learner [ countable ] someone who is learning something ученик, учащийся: a quick / fast / slow learner |a foreign language learner | an adult learner | a new dictionary for learners of business English | A good teacher holds the learner's interest and stimulates them to find out more.

2. student [ countable ] someone who is studying at a college, university, or school студент; учащийся, слушатель; ученик: a law / medical / engineering student | a farewell party for the overseas students | She's a student at Cornell University.

3. pupil [ countable ] someone, especially a child at primary school, who goes to school or who has lessons in a particular subject ученик; учащийся: The new law reduces the number of pupils per class in the first four years of schooling. | Many teachers express concern that even their more able pupils do not fulfil their potential in the subject. | There is a very relaxed atmosphere between staff and pupils at the school.

4. schoolchild | schoolboy | schoolgirl [ countable ] a child who goes to school ученик, ученица; учащийся: Smith was told to spend more time with schoolchildren.

5. class [ countable ] (1) a group of students who are taught together at school, college or university класс; группа: We're in the same class for maths. | Gary came top of the class in English. | My class was / were rather noisy this morning.

(2) (AmE) a group of students who finished studying together in the same year выпуск: a class reunion | The class of 1969 spent almost as much time protesting as learning.

6. stream (BrE) | track (AmE) [ countable ] a group of children of about the same age and level of ability who are taught together параллельный класс; класс, сформированный с учетом способностей учащихся: Kim's in the top / bottom (maths) stream. | I'm in the A stream for maths, and the B stream for English.

7. to stream (BrE) | to track (AmE) [ transitive ] to put schoolchildren of about the same age into different groups based on the level of their abilities создавать параллельные классы; формировать классы с учетом способностей учащихся: a streamed / unstreamed class | We start to stream the children in the third form. | Students are already being tracked.

8. streaming (BrE) | tracking (AmE) [ uncountable ] schoolchildren of about the same age into different groups based on the level of their abilities распределение учащихся по параллельным классам с учетом их способностей: Some people object to streaming because it gives an unfair advantage to intelligent children.

9. year [ countable ] a particular level that a student stays at for one year курс; класс: a second-year schoolchild / pupil / student | She's now in her first / second / final year at Manchester University. | He works a lot harder than most of the students in his year. | I hated teaching the fifth year.

10. form [ countable ] (BrE) a school class or a group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age класс: a third-form schoolchild / pupil / student | a third-former | She's now in the sixth form. | Classes in British schools used to be called 'forms', and in secondary schools were numbered from one to six.

11. grade [ countable ] (AmE) a school class or a group of classes in which all the children are of a similar age класс: a fourth-grade student | a fourth-grader | a fifth-grade teacher | My brother is in the sixth grade.

12. undergraduate (student) | undergrad (informal) [ countable ] a student who is studying for their first degree at a college or university студент: an undergraduate student / course | They met when they were undergraduates at Cambridge. | This textbook is primarily intended for undergraduate students of history.

13. postgraduate (student) (esp. BrE) | graduate student (AmE) | postgrad (informal) [ countable ] a student who has already obtained a first / bachelor's degree and is studying at a university for a more advanced qualification – a master's degree or a doctorate / PhD студент магистратуры; аспирант: He has three postgraduates helping him with his research. | We met when we were both graduate students at Berkeley.

14. fresher [ countable ] (BrE) a student who has recently started studying at a college or university новичок; первокурсник: a freshers' week / party | Only a few months ago university freshers started student life feeling quite flush.

15. freshman | frosh (informal) (AmE) | fresher (BrE) [ countable ] a student who is in the first year of a course that lasts four years at a high school, college, or university студент первого курса, первокурсник; новичок; ученик первого класса (в четырехлетней старшей средней школе): He's a freshman at Harvard. | Greg and Jody met in their freshman year at college.

16. sophomore [ countable ] (AmE) a student who is in their second year of a course that lasts four years at a high school, college, or university студент второго курса, второкурсник; ученик второго класса (в четырехлетней старшей средней школе): He hoped to transfer in his sophomore year to New York University. | George dropped out of college in his sophomore year.

17. junior [ countable ] (AmE) a student who is in the third year of a course that lasts for four years at a high school, college, or university студент третьего курса, третьекурсник; ученик третьего / предпоследнего класса (в четырехлетней старшей средней школе): a junior at NYU | Donna spent spring semester of her junior year in Paris.

18. senior [ countable ] (AmE) a student who is in the fourth / last year of a course that lasts for four years at a high school, college, or university студент четвертого / последнего / выпускного курса, четверокурсник; ученик четвертого / последнего / выпускного класса (в четырехлетней старшей средней школе): I took French when I was a senior. | He is already a high school senior.

19. full-time / part-time student [ countable ] студент очного / дневного // заочного / вечернего отделения



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