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1 No society can function without rules. There are frictions and difficulties between neighbors, between businessmen and their competitors, between husbands and wives and employers and employees. It is the lawyer's job to help people apply the rules in these situations: to avoid trouble where they can, and to resolve conflicts fairly where they cannot.

2 Because the society is complex and gives rise to many problems, the lawyer with his special training is essential to its operation and to the well-being of the people. Most lawyers spend most of their time counseling people on business or personal matters, drawing documents like contracts, wills, adoption papers, deeds and leases. In contributing to the orderly conduct of our affairs and the orderly solution of our problems, they are, in a real sense, the glue that holds the society together.

3 In addition, lawyers have another important role in the control of crime. Even in an organized, "civilized" society, people lie and cheat, steal and fight, and all too often kill. Laws are written to provide penalties for lying and cheating, stealing and fighting and killing. Courts are established to hear charges of such conduct and impose the penalties if the charges are proved. Lawyers are trained and licensed to help people obtain the full protection of the laws, on the one hand, and, on the other, to make sure that if a person does violate the law, he/she is convicted only of the offense he/she actually committed and that the penalty imposed on such a person is no greater than the law provides.

4 The lawyer's duty is to employ every proper method of asserting personal rights. Every person accused of having committed a crime, every person whose civil rights have been violated, has the right to legal advice and legal representation.

5 The demand for lawyers' services of all kinds is steadily growing. Tensions among various groups in society result in lawlessness that requires more lawyers than ever in the criminal courts. Governmental programs in areas such as the protection of consumers against frauds and the control of pollution of the environment also require new lawyers.

6 The growing complexity of the income and estate tax laws makes it increasingly difficult for persons who have the gift of making money to hold on to it and to pass it on to their families. We know lawyers to be more in demand here than ever before.

7 There is scarcely an area of American life in which social, political and economic developments are not increasing the demand for lawyers.

41. No society can function without rules.
A true B false

42. It is the lawyer’s job to help people to avoid trouble where they can and to resolve conflicts fairly where they cannot.

A true B false

43. Lawyers spend their time counseling people on business matters, but they never deal with personal problems.

A true B false

44. In fact, lawyers are in a real sense the glue that holds the society together.

A true B false

45. Laws are written to provide penalties for lying and cheating, stealing and fighting and killing.

A true B false

46. In an organized, “civilized” society people never kill.

A true B false

47. The lawyer’s duty is to employ any legal method of asserting personal rights.

A true B false

48. Every person accused of having committed a crime is entitled to legal representation.

A true B false

49. Tensions among various groups in society result in lawlessness that requires more lawyers than ever in the criminal courts.

A true B false

50. The growing complexity of the income and estate tax laws makes it easy for persons who have the gift of making money to hold on to it and to pass it on to their families.

A true B false


Which paragraph is the following mentioned in?

51. Помогать людям получить полную защиту закона.

A 4 B 1 C 3 D 6

52. Вряд ли существует сфера в американской жизни, где бы не требовались юристы.

A 5 B 7 C 2 D 6

53. Каждый человек имеет право на юридическую консультацию и представительство.

A 4 B 3 C 1 D 2

54. Суды должны назначать наказания, если обвинения доказаны.

A 1 B 4 C 6 D 3

55. Правительственные программы также требуют новых юристов.

A 3 B 2 C 5 D 4


What is the meaning of the following words in the text?

56. avoid

A пустой B пустовать C избежать D пропустить

57. resolve

A резолюция B разрешать C заново решить D вступать

58. fraud

A кража B растрата C нападение D мошенничество

59. on the one hand

A не с руки B под рукой C с одной стороны D со стороны

60. will

A будет B завещать C пожелание D завещание



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