Студопедия — C. Words used instead of more everyday words in an academic context
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

C. Words used instead of more everyday words in an academic context

academic verb everyday verb
append add (at the end)
conceive think up
contradict go against
convene meet
demonstrate show
denote be a sign of, stand for
negate make useless, wipe out
perceive see
reside lie, live
trigger cause
utilise use


academic word everyday synonym
the converse the opposite
crucial very important
likewise similarly
notwithstanding despite this
somewhat rather
thereby in this way
whereby by which (method)


Task 2. Which of the five verbs in A (Task 1) best fits in each sentence?

1. Although my brother and I are researching in similar areas, our work, fortunately, does not....................................... It has, however, often been said that what I do...................................... his work very well.

2. Look at the complete set of graphs and see if you can...................................... the rules governing the data from them.

3. This article...................................... a somewhat different approach to the problem than that which has been put forward by others in the field.

4. A great deal can be...................................... about the artist's state of mind from the content and style of his later works.

Task 3. Which of the five adjectives in A (Task 1) best describes each of these things?

1. a textbook written by the most highly regarded expert in the field

2. research based on a survey of the population

3. a poem which can be understood in two quite different ways

4. an argument which is well-expressed and easy to follow

5. a textbook which gives a broad overview of an entire discipline

Task 4. Answer these questions which use vocabulary from B (Task 1).

1. If the incidence of asthma in children is increasing, what is actually going up:

a) the seriousness of asthma attacks b) the number of asthmatic children

2. What are the next two numbers in the sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36?

3. If the average mark of schoolchildren in a maths test was 68% and James's mark deviated most markedly from that average, what do we know about James's mark?

4. If a historian distorts the facts, does he present them

a) accurately b) clearly c) in a misleading fashion?

5. If a sociologist chooses the subjects of her research in an arbitrary fashion, is she being careful to get people from an appropriate balance of backgrounds?

Task 5. Use vocabulary from C (Task 1) to rewrite these sentences in a more formal academic style.

1. We believe the information lies in archives that must not be opened until 2050.

2. He thought up his theory while still a young man.

3. Each of the signs in the phonetic alphabet stands for a sound rather than a letter.

4. This study went against what was previously held to be true and so started a great deal of discussion amongst specialists in the field.

5. Details of the experiment have been added at the end of the report for those who wish to see how we arrived at our data.

Task 6. Rewrite this paragraph, using words from C (Task 1), to make it sound more academic.

The study was initially thought up in order to validate a new method of enquiry by which genetic information could be used to predict disease. Our work goes against findings of Hill (2001); indeed it would to show the opposite of what he claimed. We see our work as presenting a rather different view of the genetic factors which cause disease. Despite this, our work does not wipe out Hill's, as his studies served the very important purpose of devising symbols to stand for certain tendencies, in this way facilitating further research. We hope that Hill will similarly find our work to be valid and that when international researchers meet next April, they will concur that much of value lies in both our and Hill's studies. Our results are added at the end.


Appendix 4.


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