Студопедия — Desserts Drinks
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Desserts Drinks

Fresh strawberries Vanilla ice cream Cola

Tinned peaches Chocolate cake Water

Cheese and biscuits Apple pie and cream Juices


You and Your Health. What do you know about disease? Just what is disease? Disease is a change from the condition of good health. In disease, the normal structure or function of the body is harmed or weakened. Disease is often called sickness or illness.

A disease may last a brief time or a long time. It may be mild or severe. Some diseases such as the common cold may go away after a few days without any treatment. Other diseases require medical treatment to cure them. Still other diseases may require a lifetime of medical supervision to manage them.

Favorable standards of living help promote health. Also the body itself has defenses against disease. But now and then the defenses give way and illness occurs. Disease germs may break through the defenses. Parts of the body may begin to function poorly. Tissues in the body may grow in uncontrolled ways. Something may go wrong with certain chemical reactions in the body.

Symptoms of Illness. How do people know they are ill? Often they have symptoms such as pain, nausea, sore throat, lack of appetite, fatigue, or fever. However, a disease may be present without a person knowing it. Sometimes a disease is discovered during a routine health examination. Illnesses, that can be passed along by an infected person to a well person either directly or indirectly are called infectious or communicable diseases.

In early 1900s infectious diseases were still a serious public health problem. Today as a result of improved hygiene and living conditions, new drugs, new kinds of medical treatment, and the widespread use of vaccines, the picture has changed. Many diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, scarlet fever, small pox, and diphtheria have been almost wiped out. However, some of these diseases - and others - pose problems in certain areas of the world.

The cold is the most common communicable disease. So far, scientists have identified more than 100 different viruses capable of causing cold symptoms. For this reason, no vaccine exists to immunize against colds. Some diseases are not caused by disease-producing microorganisms. These diseases cannot be passed from person to person. No immunity can be produced for these diseases. They are called non-communicable. Among them are most diseases of the heart, allergy and a lot of others.

Asking about health. When an Englishman asks you about your health, he is probably only doing so out of politeness unless he knows you have been ill, he is certainly not expecting a detailed medical report, and will be most surprised if you give him one.

-How's your father keeping?

-How's your brother these days?

-What's wrong with him?

-What's the trouble?

-What's the matter?

-What's up with him?


-He's gone down with a cold.

-He's not feeling very well.

-He hasn't been too well just recently.

-As a matter of fact, he's laid up.

-I think he must have eaten something.


-Tell him I hope he soon feels better.

-Give him my regards and tell him to take things easy.

-I hope he soon gets over it.

-Let me know if there's anything I can do.


-Thank you very much.

-I will tell him what you said/you inquired about him.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What is disease?

2. What are the other words for disease?

3. Is lifetime medical supervision required to manage all the diseases?

4. How do people know they are ill?

5. How has the situation with diseases changed since the early 1900s?

6. Why are infections dangerous?

7. Are diseases common for all areas of the world?

8. What is the most common disease?

9. What provokes a disease?

10. Is there any universal protection against diseases?

2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях, выбрав из предложенных слов подходящие по смыслу:

" illness " - состояние болезни (the state of being ill);

" disease " - сама болезнь с ее симптомами и названием;

" pain " - боль, резкое и внезапное страдание;

" ache " - (продолжительная) боль;

" cure " - вылечить, вернуть здоровье (+ of);

" heal " - вылечить после ран любого вида (e.g. cuts are healed);

" treat " - лечить; процесс лечения лекарствами (the process of curing (e.g. a person must be treated to be cured).

A. ill - sick (обратите внимание: "ill" никогда не стоит перед существительным)

1. The nurse mixed the medicine with a teaspoon and gave it to the ____________ man who sat up in bed to take it. 2. When people are ____________ and have a temperature of over 39 degrees we say they are in a high fever. 3. When I go on board a ship or a boat, I feel ____________. 4. He was suddenly taken __________.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-17; просмотров: 1940. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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