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Exercise 1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the translation of the infinitives:

1. То play chess was his greatest pleasure.

2. Which is more pleasant: to give or to be given presents?

3. Would like to listen to good music?

4. His aim was to master English.

5. I hope to see you soon.

6. I have no desire to see him.

7. He was the first to come.

8. It is difficult for him to translate English texts.

9. He used to go for a walk in the evening.

10. I stopped there in order to rest a little.


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences and define the function of the infinitive:

1. Help me to do this work, please.

2. She asked me to give her a cigarette.

3. There is nobody to give us some water.

4. It is difficult to do it in such a short period of time.

5. To play football was the boy's great wish.

6. He is clever enough to understand what we want.

7. She was the first to offer her hand.

8. Please close the window so as not to catch cold.

9. Here is a nice magazine to read in the tram.

10. I had nothing to give him for his headache.


Exercise 3. Translate the sentences according to the model:

1. Вона пішла до бібліотеки, щоб узяти книгу. She went to the library to take a book.

1. Він прийшов сюди, щоб розповісти їй про це.

2. Зараз занадто пізно, щоб йти до парку.

3. Він поспішив до станції, щоб купити квітки.

4. Я запишу номер вашого телефону, щоб подзвонити вам завтра.

5. Она вірішила піти у ідальню поснідати.

6. Боб позвав Джека, щоб попередити його.

7. Вони зайшли у дім, щоб вимити обличчя та руки.


Exercise 4. Translate the sentences:

1. Ми знаємо, що вона прийшла першою.

2. Слідуючим, кто прислав привітання, був його вчитель.

3. Вони останніми приєдналися до нашої екскурсії.

4. Він буде останнім, кто дізнається про цю страшну подію.

5. Я третій відповідав на іспиті.

6. Хто перший помітив ці сліди (traces)?


Exercise 5. Translate into Russian paying attention to the infinitives.

1. To identify the virus causing human influenza serologic tests are made.

2. Tuberculin seems to have no value in prevention of tuberculosis.

3. The tumor to be removed is benign.

4. I remember to have been prescribed this ointment for skin irritation.

5. The surgeon took a scalpel to make a midline abdominal incision.

6. To prevent complications after the flu one must go to bed at the onset of the disease and take the prescribed drugs.

7. The old man was too weak to be operated on and the doctor decided to postpone the operation.

8. N.I. Pirogov was the first to use ether anesthesia during operations.

9. To treat advances cases of malignant tumors is very difficult.

10. We had to take the newly admitted patient for an operation immediately to prevent the rupture of the appendix.


Exercise 6. Translate into English paying attention to the use of the infinitive:

1. Щоб виписати цього хворого ми повинні мати всі аналізи.

2. Видалити цю пухлину треба як найскоріше..

З. Він занадто старий, щоб перенести таку складну операцію.

4. Жінку вирішила зробити пластичну операцію, щоб позбавитися шраму на обличчі..

5. Ось той хворий, котрому терміново потрібно зробити рентген.

7. Щоб видалити зуб, треба спочатку зробити місцеве знеболювання.

8. Студенти раділи, що їм учора показали пластичну операцію.

9. Він першим прийшов до операційній.

10. Молодому лікарю було важко поставити діагноз.

Exercise 7. Open the brackets using Infinitive in the appropriate form:

1. This is the patient (to take) to ward.

2. He wanted (to send) to the oncological centre for practice.

3. He seems (to recover) by and by gradually.

4. The students were glad (to show) a plastic operation yesterday.

5. (To operate) on this patient we must give him a local anesthesia first.

6. The nurse brought the blood (transfer) to the patient (to operate).

7. The stitches are (to remove) on the tenth post-operative day.

8. The patient had (to take) to an operation immediately to prevent the rupture of the appendix.

9. Further studies are needed (to characterize) the cause and possible treatment of hyper ammonia after lung transplantation.




Exercise 1. Translate the sentences paying attention to Gerund.

1. Writing case history took him much time.

2. They insisted on calling a doctor.

3. It looks like raining.

4. He talked without stopping.

5. Making a correct diagnosis and prescribing a proper treatment leads to a quick recovery.

6. In this case a doctor couldn’t make a correct diagnoses without palpating the abdomen.

7. We assisted the nurse in bandaging the patients.

8. He began treating patients by the use of vaccines.

9. The students understood the article without translating it.

10. The surgeon started performing the operation.


Exercise 2. Translate the sentences paying attention to Complicated forms of Gerund.

1. I remember having been treated for pneumonia at this hospital.

2. After having been told the results of X-ray examination, the physician wrote them down in the patient’s card.

3. In spite of not having any university education Faraday made his great discoveries.

4. On having received an appropriate injection the patient fell asleep exhausted by the procedure.

5. By having made all necessary analyses the doctor was able to make a diagnosis of benign tumour.

6. After having been discharged from the hospital a patient had to come to out-patient department for regular check-ups.

7. On having been told the news, she turned pale.

8. Can you remember having seen this man before?


Exercise 3. Transform the following sentences using gerund:

E.g. She thought she would come to the lecture in time. - She thought of coming to the lecture in time.

1. The doctor put on his white gown before he started examining a patient.

2. I thought that Pr. Kravchenko would deliver a lecture in Histology on Monday.

3. The nurse withdrew the needle after she had taken the blood analyses.

4. After the dentist had examined the X-ray, he determined a profound pulpitis.

5. After the students had watched the operation, they answered all questions that the examiner asked them.

6. A patient was thankful to the doctor that he had been so attentive to him.

7. The doctor remembered that he had treated this patient before.

8. A nurse told the patient that he would be given a local anesthesia.

9. After the patient had been admitted to the in-patient department, the examined him and sent him to analysis.


Exercise 4. Open the brackets and put the gerund in an appropriate form:

1. He was always ready for (to help) people.

2. The doctor insisted on (to operate) this patient immediately.

3. Blood cannot be transfused before its group (to determine) first.

4. His bad condition prevented him from (to attend) lectures last week.

5. After (to examine) a patient a doctor could make a proper diagnosis.

6. After (to receive) the administration, I went to the chemist’s.

7. A doctor won’t be able to treat your tooth without X-ray (to make).

8. You shouldn’t take any medicine without (to consult) a doctor or (to read) instructions.

9. I thought of (visit) my sick friend today.


Exercise 5. Translate into English using Gerund:

1. Після полоскання горла, хворий відчув поліпшення.

2. Припиніть палити у палаті.

3. Я не можу не думати про це весь час.

4. Мені дуже подобається слухати лекції професора Іваненко.

5. Інфекційні хвороби розповсюджуються при кашлі та чиханні.

6. Лікар не міг прописати ліки не зробивши тест на алергічну реакцію.

7. Завдяки вчасному хірургічному втручанню життя цієї людини було врятовано.

8. Судинорозширювальні препарати не можна прописувати хворим, страждаючим на гіпотонію.

9. Знаючи про скарги хворих, лікарю легше призначити лікування.


Exercise 6. Open the brackets and put the gerund in an appropriate form:

1. In (to make) this experiment they came across some very interesting phenomena.

2. The results of the experiment must be checked and rechecked before (to publish).

3. The problem is not worth (to discuss).

4. The child insisted (to send) home at once after examination.

5. Do you mind him (to examine) by a cardiologist?

6. He had a strange habit of (to interfere) in other people’s business.

7. I was angry at (to interrupt) all the time.

8. After thoroughly (to examine) by the examination commission, the student was given a satisfactory mark.



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