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Brainstorming is a useful way of generating creative ideas in meetings.


Task 1. What is the best way to generate as many ideas as possible? Discuss the following point and tick the ones you agree with. Change any others so that you can agree with them.

1. A group of people is more creative than an individual working alone.

2. People think more creatively in a relaxed atmosphere.

3. It isn’t necessary to have a leader at a brainstorming meeting.

4. Everyone should feel that their opinions are valued.

5. Criticism kills creativity.

6. Discuss each idea as it comes up.

7. Write all ideas on a board or flipchart.

8. Don’t bother to write down stupid things.

9. Continue the session until there are no more ideas.


Task 2. Decide which tips below are good advice and which ones you disagree with. Compare your answers with a partner.

1. Explain the purpose of the meeting clearly.

2. Ask each person to speak in turn, starting with the most senior.

3. Announce the time limit for the meeting.

4. Avoid criticizing or judging ideas during the session.

5. Encourage ideas, however unusual they may be.

Unit 10


6. Don’t interrupt when people are offering suggestions.

7. Make sure everyone keeps to the point.

8. Don’t spend time on details.


Exercise 6. Read the first part of an authentic brainstorming meeting between three members of the Marketing Department at Business Solutions Limited. Then answer these questions:


1. What is the purpose of the meeting?

2. What types of promotion are mentioned by participants?


Paul: OK, thanks for coming along this morning. As I said in my e-mail, the purpose of the meeting this morning is for us to brainstorm ideas, promotional activities that we are going to carry out to make sure that the launch of the Business Solutions website is a success from the start. I’m going to open up to you to come up with the ideas you’ve formulated over the past couple of weeks. Anything goes, we’ve got no budget at the moment but you know, fire away.
Stephanie: Oh great. No budget constraints.
Courtney: That’s great. Television and radio.
Stephanie: Well, it’s starting big.
Paul: Excellent.
Courtney: Well, we haven’t got a budget, but I think we could reach a wide audience, something like that, and … we could focus on some of the big sort of business financial network television if we want to reach a global market, if that’s what we’re working to do and extending to all areas I think.
Stephanie: Yeah, that’s been quite successful for some of the banks and stuff.
Paul: That’s right, but definitely focused on advertising.
Courtney: Focused on specific networks that would reach, that you know… Businessmen are watching network television.
Stephanie: Well, I’ve been working more on cheaper solutions than that just in case there are budget problems. I thought we could do some effective online promotion, which is actually very cheap, and I think we should aim to do anyway. Direct mailing but also register the site effectively with search engines so anybody who goes onto the Internet and is looking for business solutions would come up with our website.
Courtney: Yeah, we should definitely do some of that.
Paul: Absolutely, yes.
Courtney: What about press advertising, traditional newspapers, business magazines, journals?
Paul: Yes.
Courtney: Yes, great, I mean we’ve done that very effectively in the past.

Unit 10


Paul: Yes, we’ve had some very good response rates to for the ads we’ve placed before.
Stephanie: Yes, and that could be something we could do, not just once but a kind of campaign over a period of time.
Courtney: Yes, build it up.
Paul: Yep, use a campaign, OK.


Exercise 7. Read the second part of the meeting answer these questions:

1. What other ideas for promoting the website are mentioned by participants?

2. When is the next meeting? What information will the participants get then?


Stephanie: And then, going back to cheaper solutions, we could use the contact base we’ve got, the market research we’ve bee doing for this new website. We’ve got some very good contacts where I think we could send out glossy brochures, maybe a CD demonstration, CD ROM demonstration of the site to human resource managers, training managers.
Courtney: Yes, that’s a good idea.
Paul: Great.
Stephanie: As we’ve already got contacts with lots of those and I’m sure we should.
Courtney: …exploit them.
Stephanie: Yeah, we could build that up.
Paul: Yes.
Stephanie: And direct mail them.
Paul: With information packs or…?
Stephanie: Yeah, we could do a big either CD ROM walk-through as part of a glossy brochure pack. That might be one way and... or information brochure if we didn’t have so much money.
Courtney: Yeah, would it be worth it sponsoring some kind of event, I don’t know?
Stephanie: Oh, yeah.
Courtney: You know, inviting the real movers and shakers of art, you know, are target customers, the ones we can count.
Stephanie: It would be great to do a presentation maybe on a boat going up the river or something. That would get the press in.
Paul: Yes.
Courtney: Yes.
Paul: That’s a good idea, Courtney, excellent. OK, What are the other areas of press advertising could we do, do you think, I mean, you know, we’ve done bill board advertising before but …
Stephanie: Bill boards, what about that?
Courtney: I don’t know.
Stephanie: I hadn’t thought of that for this but…
Courtney: I don’t know what the costs are related to that, I think we would have to look at that. Underground, airports, maybe some of them.

Unit 10


Paul: Yep, OK, well, I’m going to wrap the meeting up now. We’ve come up with some really good ideas, we’ve got TV, radio advertising, obviously that’s going to be dependent on the budget we’ve actually set at the end of the day. Online promotion which is cheaper but obviously we’ve got certainly have some degree of online promotion. Press advertising, business journals, billboards, maybe depending on the budget again. The contacts with human resources departments, definitely, I mean that’s an area that we’ve really got to explore and certainly a sponsorship of a major event to tie into the launch would be a great idea.
Courtney: OK, so when will we meet next?
Paul: I think we’re scheduled for three week’s time.
Stephanie: Yes, that’s right.
Paul: By which time we’ll have more of an idea of the sort of budget that we’re working with
Stephanie: Shall we cost some of these things and see … So that we can..?
Courtney: I’ve got some research I can look at.
Stephanie: OK, then we’ll bring that to the next meeting.
Paul: Great.
Stephanie: Great.
Courtney: OK.
Stephanie: OK, thanks.


Exercise 8. An HR director introduces a meeting with other members of the HR team about a new performance – related pay system for the company. Read for the answer to the question:

What is the purpose of this morning’s meeting?


Director: Right, can we start?... Good morning, everyone. Thanks for coming to this meeting. Do you all know Harriet Blofeld, my new personal assistant?
Harriet: Hello, everyone.
Director: Harriet will take the minutes of the meeting, if you all agree.
Director: Well – let me explain the background. As you know, we have created a new management model with a flatter hierarchy. Staff work in small project teams which are highly customer-focused. With no managerial positions, that means there are fewer prospects for promotion. We need to motivate staff by offering a different kind of reward. We’ve already decided to set up a performance – related pay system in which staff receive higher pay for achieving their targets. The question is: which method should we choose? Specifically, we’ve got three objectives: First, to examine the different reward schemes, to see how each one would work and to give you a chance to ask questions.

Unit 10


  Second, to decide on the most effective scheme for the company. And third, to prepare a proposal for the Board. Now we have to finish by 12 o’clock today, so the purpose of this morning’s meeting is simply to look at the different options. We’ll leave the decision till the next morning.
  Right. Now Joanna has done some research into performance-related reward scheme. Joanna, would you like to start by explaining the different opinions…?


Exercise 9. Read the following five steps that leaders typically take when opening a meeting. Read the previous text again. Write the phrases HR director uses to introduce each step.


1. Interrupt social conversation and signal the start of the meeting.

2. Greet and welcome participants, introduce new participants.

3. Explain the background to the meeting.

4. State the purpose of the meeting.

5. Ask for contributions or hand over to the first speaker.



Step 1 …………………………………………………………………………………..

Step 2 …………………………………………………………………………………..

Step 3 …………………………………………………………………………………..

Step 4 …………………………………………………………………………………..

Step 5 …………………………………………………………………………………..


Exercise 10. Look at some alternative language you can use to open a meeting. Match the phrases a)-e) with steps 1-5 above.


a) John, could you start by reminding us what the three ideas were?  
b) Good morning, everybody. Thanks for coming along this morning.  
c) So the purpose of this meeting is to review the feedback.  
d) As you know, we’ve set up this team so that we can discuss ways of increasing staff motivation. At our first meeting last month, we came up with three new ideas, and we agreed we would all try to get some feedback from our colleagues.  
e) Let’s make a start.  


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 882. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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