Студопедия — Переведите с русского на английский язык, используя инфинитив
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Переведите с русского на английский язык, используя инфинитив


1. Говорят, что он хорошо играет в теннис.

2. Она будет рада пригласить их.

3. Врачу нужно быть терпеливым (patient).

4. Его считают (consider) хорошим преподавателем.

5. Дайте мне что-нибудь почитать.

6. Я хочу, чтобы вы остались.

7. Вряд ли она согласится.

8. Он слишком молод, чтобы понять это.

9. Полагают (believe), что она долго жила в Вене.

10. Кажется, она долго жила за границей.

Прочитать текст, ответить на вопросы и перевести.

It was almost daylight. Hearne looked at the watch, took his jacket. Everything was ready. Under his flying suit in the inside pocket of the jacket there were photos and the identification papers.

The twenty-two-minute journey was almost over. The engine was suddenly silent and the pilot waved his hand. “It is when you get ready," he had told Hearne in the morning over their last cup of hot chocolate. "Second time I wave IS good-bye and good luck."

Hearne stood as he had learned during the past three weeks. His eyes h left the pilot. How long did it take to glide from twenty thousand feet to six? He was answered by the movement of the pilot's arm. Good-bye and good luck, here it was at last.

"Good luck, yourselves!" Hearne said. And then he was diving through air to count. "Not too soon, not too late," he said to himself. "Don't think about what happens if the parachute does not work." He restrained him from pulling the rip cord. Not yet: the longer he fell, the quicker, the safer. He pulled the cord. It was not going to work. It was not going to… Then he was being pulled backward in the sky again. He could see a wood to the south. He pulled on there.

And then the ground seemed to rise up to meet him. As he landed, his arm grasped the control rope, and the clip on his belt automatically opened. The parachute pulled him forward. That was all.

Hearne rose to his feet. He must reach the trees before the light. He could not leave the parachute here. He pulled and pulled.

He finished the last twenty yards in a spurt... The trees closed in around he fell on his parachute. At last he could breathe normally again. Then he began to work with his clasp knife, cutting the turf into squares. It took time, in the end he had packed his parachute into the hole, then the flying suit and the helmet, and over them he put the turf and some stones. He looked at the watch. Three hours ago he had spoken with the pilot – over the last cup of hot chocolate. Three hours ago he had stood on English land, hours ago he had been Martin Hearne with twenty seven years of his life behind him. Now he was Bertrand Corlay, twenty-six years old. He looked down at the uniform which had been Corlay's, once more for the papers in the inside pocket. From now on he wouldn't have to speak, but think in French. He had some time now after he had got rid of the parachute and flying suit. It was cold and damp. He thought of Bertrand Corfay in his white hospital in England. If Matthew had not been examining French and Belgian bunded, if he had not seen Corlay, believed he was Hearne, and then notified.

Military Intelligence that one of their men had just got back among the prisoners of war, then the scheme would never have been born in Mathew's head. Two days after he had seen Corlay, he had not only the idea, but also the go-ahead signal from his department. A week before the French-German armistice he sent for Hearne.

"How would you like to spend a summer in France?" he asked. "But I have just come back from there."

"Brittany, this time. That should interest you, Hearne."

It did, in spite of the fact that for the last month he had not slept in a clean bed, of seen a bathroom.

"When do I go?" he asked. Brittany... well that WAS something.

"In about two or three weeks. If there is an armistice, then we will use you. Every Frenchman who can get back to his home will go there. You are to be one of the Frenchmen who get back to France, and stay there;"(the ripe cord - вытяжной трос)

1. Was everything ready for the journey?

2. What did he begin to do with his knife?

3. Who was Martin Hearne?

4. 4. What did he think of Bertrand Corlay?.

5. When was the scheme born in Matthew's head?



Содержание экзамена

1. Чтение, ответы на вопросы и перевод текста со словарём. Объём 1500 - 1800 печатных знаков (45 минут).

2. Устное изложение прочитанного текста (без словаря).

3. Беседа на английском языке по специальности и об общих интересах студента в течение 10 минут.

4. Вопрос по изученному грамматическому материалу.



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