Студопедия — Institute of recreation and tourism
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Institute of recreation and tourism

По плану производства продукции предприятию необходимо изготовить m изделий. Эти изделия могут быть изготовлены 2-мя технологическими способами. При производстве - изделий 1-ым способом затраты равны (т. руб.), а при изготовлении - изделий 2-ым способом они составят (т. руб.).

Определить сколько изделий каждым из способов необходимо изготовить, чтобы общие затраты на производство были минимальные.

Номер варианта m n k


Контрольная работа № 1.

Вариант 1.

1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе. Переведите их.


1. academy

2. establishment

3. discipline

4. foot

5. coach

6. degree

7. stadium

8. centre



2. Перепишите словосочетания с притяжательным падежом и переведите на русский язык. Начинайте перевод с определяемого слова.


1. my friend's coach

2. his friends' coaches

3. this athlete's result

4. that referee's title

5. these athletes' records


3. Вставьте глаголы “to be”, “to have” в соответствующей форме в Past Indefinite, Present Indefinite, Future Indefinite. Перепишите и переведите предложения.


1. I … Master of Sport of Russia.

2. My friend … the first ranking in track-and-field.

3. You … … be a member of Burevestnik next year.

4. Spartak … the first trade-union sports society in Russia.

5. Each school in Russia … a gymnasium.

6. His coach … an Olympic champion in 1988.

7. The students of our group … at the training session last month.

8. She … … good results next year. She practices much.

9. There … only 1 Candidate Master of Sports in our group last year.

10. There … many good sports facilities in our University.


4. Поставьте прилагательные, данные в скобках, в соответствующую степень сравнения. Запишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. Larisa Latynina won (great) number of Olympic medals in history.

2. This gym is (big) than that one.

3. Russia is (large) country in the world.

4. He exercises (much) than his friend.

5. Ice hockey is (dynamic) than field hockey.

6. Soccer is (popular) game in the world.


5. Перепишите предложения. Укажите временную форму и инфинитив глагола. Переведите предложение.

Образец: He has just set a world record.

Present Perfect глагола to set.

Он только что установил мировой рекорд.

1. She practices much.

2. He was trying to set a new record when we came to the stadium.

3. They have never participated in the Olympic Games.

4. Our athletes are exercising in the gym now.

5. He will referee the match next week.

6. When they came the match had already finished.

7. He won his first race in 1999.

8. They will be preparing for the Olympic Games for the next three years.

9. Our athletes will have finished their sports career by the end of the year.




Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism known up to 1993 as State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Education (SCOLIPE) is the largest higher educational establishment in the sphere of physical education in Russia originating from the 29th May, 1918. The University is situated in the capital of Russia – Moscow, the greatest financial, industrial, historical and cultural center of the country. Our higher educational establishment is one of the leading centers in Russia for training highly skilled specialists in physical education and sports.. Within the time of the University activity more than 50 thousand highly skilled specialists in physical education and sport have graduated from it including 4000 foreign specialists from 115 countries. Today the total number of students is about 4700 including about 150 foreign students.

Among the graduates of our University there are European, World and Olympic champions such as Lev Yashin, Valeriy Broumel, Elena Voytsehovskaya, Irina Rodnina, Andrey Boukin, Natalia Bestemianova, Peter Bolotnikov, Anfisa Reztsova, Valeriy Kharlamov, Nikolay Balboshin, Boris Gourevich, Irina Sloutskaya, Svetlana Zhourova, Gennady Karponosov, Victor Ageev, Natalia Lissovskaya, Olga Broussnikina, Yuri Kashirin, Irina Moisseeva, Ekaterina Gordeeva, Sergei Grinkov, Maria Boutyrskaya, Alexander Timoshinin, Oleg Goncharenko, Alexander Balashov, Svetlana Kriveleva, Pavel Bure.

Today more than 550 instructors direct academic, educational, scientific, methodical and sports work of students and post-graduates at the chairs and laboratories of the University. More than 70 per cent of them have scientific degrees and academic status. Among the teaching staff there are 100 Professors, Doctors of Science, 250 assistant professors, PhDs.

Annually the scientists of the University issue more than 300 publications, including monographs, text books, training appliances, scientific articles and other works.

The actual recognition of the great international authority of the University was the award of International UNESCO Diploma in 1988 for con­tribution to the development of physical culture and sport.

University possesses one of the largest libraries in the world on physical education and sport with the fund of more than 600 thousand volumes of books, it represents complex informational system, aimed at providing educational process and scientific research.

Structurally the University consists of Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Fitness, Humanities Institute, Institute of Recreation and Tourism, Institute of Correspondence and Distance Education, 41 chairs, Preparatory Department for Training Foreign Students, post-graduate department, doctoranture, higher coaching school, institute for advanced qualification and staff retraining, scientific-research center. University disposes of the unique sports com­plex.

6. Прочитайте текст и письменно ответьте на вопросы:


1. What is the largest higher educational establishment in the sphere of physical education in Russia?

2. How many specialists in physical education and sport have graduated from the University?


7.Выпишите и письменно переведите предложения с конструкцией there is/there are.


8. Запишите числа словами:


29th May, 1918; 3500; 115; 39.


9. Выпишите и переведите предложения с глаголами to be и to have.


10. Перепишите и письменно переведите последние 2 абзаца текста.


Вариант 2


1. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе. Переведите их.


1. library

2. complex

3. faculty

4. gymnasium

5. department

6. rink

7. cafe

8. graduate


2. Перепишите словосочетания с притяжательным падежом и переведите на русский язык. Начинайте перевод с определяемого слова.


1. my coach's stopwatch

2. their friends' results

3. this athlete's best time

4. that referee's penalty cards

5. these athletes' titles


3. Вставьте глаголы “to be”, “to have” в соответствующей форме в Past Indefinite, Present Indefinite, Future Indefinite. Перепишите и переведите предложения.


1. My friend … Candidate Master of Sport of Russia.

2. This athlete … the second ranking in cross-country skiing.

3. They … … members of Spartak next year.

4. Dynamo … one of the first stadiums built in Moscow.

5. Each city in Russia … sports facilities.

6. Their coach … an Olympic champion in 1992.

7. Athletes of this sports club … at the training session last month.

8. He … … a champion next year. He practices much.

9. There … 5 Candidate Master of Sports in our group last year.

10. There … many excellent sports facilities in Moscow.


4.Поставьте прилагательные, данные в скобках, в соответствующую степень сравнения. Запишите и переведите предложения на русский язык.


1. Ice hockey is one of (popular) games in the world.

2. This stadium is (bad) than a new one.

3. Luzhniki is (large) sports complex in Russia.

4. She exercises (little) than her teammates.

5. Basketball is (interesting) than badminton.

6. The opening ceremony is (great) event at the Olympic Games.


5. Перепишите предложения. Укажите временную форму и инфинитив глагола. Переведите предложения.

Образец: He has just set a world record.

Present Perfect глагола to set.

Он только что установил мировой рекорд.


1. She often participates in competitions.

2. He was warming up at the stadium when we came.

3. They have never participated in the World Championships.

4. Our athletes are working at a new programme now.

5. He will assist the refereenext week.

6. When they came the match had already started.

7. She won her first medal in 2008.

8. They will be showing this programme for the next two years.

9. Our athletes will have already taken part in the Cup games by the end of January.




Russian State University of Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism is one of the leading higher educational establishments training specialists in the sphere of physical education and sports.

University disposes of the unique sports com­plex comprising 14 specialized sports halls, indoor athletics arena with artificial covering, 3 shooting halls, indoor skating rink for ice sports, swim­ming pool with 3 baths, stadium with football field and track-and-field facilities, 13 outdoor tennis courts.

On the territory of the University there are two buildings of the hostel for students and post­graduates, several cafes, restaurant, shops. The University has its own medical service department in its disposal,

Structurally the University consists of Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Fitness, Humanities Institute, Institute of Recreation and Tourism, Institute of Correspondence and Distance Education, 41 chairs, Preparatory Department for Training Foreign Students, post-graduate department, doctoranture, higher coaching school, institute for advanced qualification and staff retraining, scientific-research center.


Institute of Physical Education, Sport and Fitness.

The institute trains bachelors and masters on direction “Physical Education”, specialists on specialization “Physical Education and Sport”.


Specializations: theory and methodic of aviation kinds of sport, aiki-do, sport acrobatics, armsport, aerobics and fitness, basketball, billiard, boxing, kickboxing, cycling, volleyball, handball, sport gymnastic, calisthenics, golf, mountain kinds of sports, rowing and sailing, Greco-Roman wrestling, free style wrestling, judo, karate-do, skating, biathlon, downhill skiing, freestyle, table-tennis, swimming, underwater kinds of sports and diving, sambo, synchronized swimming, applied kinds of single combats, taekwon-do, tennis, sportive-remedial activities, technical kinds of sports, training technologies, weight-lifting (weights sport, power triathlon, bodybuilding), fencing, figure skating, football, hockey, chess, sportive-remedial tourism, sports management.


Humanities Institute.

The Institute trains specialists in speciality “Physical education for persons with health deviations” (Adaptive physical education), specializations: adaptive physical education, adaptive motor recreation, physical rehabilitation, technology of management in adaptive physical education; speciality: “Producing theatrical performances and festivities”, specialization: sports producing, sports animation; speciality “Public relations”, specialization: public relations in the sphere of physical culture and sports, sportive press service; direction: “Economics”; speciality “Management of organization”, specialization: sports management, speciality “The organization of work with youth”, speciality “Psychology”.


Institute of recreation and tourism.

The institute trains bachelors and masters on direction “Physical Education”, bachelors on direction “Tourism”, specialists in speciality “Recreation and sportive-remedial tourism”, and specializations youthful tourism and local history, recreation management and tourism; speciality “Tourism”, specializations: organization technologies of tour-operation and agent services, technology and organization hotel services, organization technology of catering services; speciality “Physical Education and Sport”, specialization theory and methodic of sport tourism, theory and methodic of sportive-remedial activity.


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