Студопедия — Немецкий язык
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Немецкий язык

Агаркова Н.А. и др. Учебник немецкого языка для неязыковых вузов. – Киев, 1979.

Баскакова Н.А. Немецкий язык. Курс ускоренного обучения. – М., 1990.

Васильева М.М. Краткий грамматический справочник немецкого языка. – М., 1977.

Деловые контакты./ Сост. К.И. Зеленин. Русско-немецкий разговорник. – Минск, 1994.

Думченко. Г.И. Пособие по переводу немецкой научно – технической литературы (для неязыковых вузов). – М., 1976.

Панкова. О.Т., Медников А.И. Пособие по общественно-политической лексике немецкого языка. – М., 1978.

Смирнова Т.Н. Немецкий язык. Интенсивный курс. – М., 2011. – ч. I – II

Страны мира. Отделы Германия. Австрия.

Сущинский И. Учебник немецкого языка для юридических вузов МВД России. – М., 1993

Сущинский И. Учебное пособие «Право и коммерция». – М., 1993

Самоучитель немецкого языка. Сост. С.А. Носков – Минск, 2011.

Страны мира. Отделы: Германия, Австрия, Швейцария.

Чернышова М.Г., Абрамова Г. М., Давыдова Т.В. Пособие по развитию навыков устной речи (с использованием технических средств на немецком языке для неязыковых вузов). – М.,1978.

Чуваева В.Г., Баскакова Н.А., Иванова Е.А. Учебник немецкого языка для I курса неязыковых факультетов университетов. – М., 1978.

Чуваева В.Г., Баскакова Н.А., Иванова Е.А. Учебник немецкого языка для II курса неязыковых факультетов университетов. – М., 1983.

Научные журналы по юриспруденции на немецком языке.

Отраслевые словари и словари-минимумы.

Васильева Г.А., Плотникова Л. И. Пособие по немецкому языку (для экономических вузов). – М., 1985. (Раздел Экономика).

Artemjuk N.D., Senina V. I. Aus dem Alltag gegrieffen. – M., 1971.

Kirschbaum W., Enzyklopädie – Reisesprachfuhrer. Deutsch-Russisch. – Leipzig, 1990.

Мелихова Н.В., Пособие по экономическому переводу. - М.; НВИ-ТЕЗАУРУС, 1999.

Медведева Т.П., Финансы и экономика Германии, М.; «ГИС», 1999.

Попярник Л.В., Практикум по переводу с немецкого языка на русский текстов экономического содержания, М.; НВИ-ТЕЗАУРУС, 2000.

Чичерина Л.К., Финансовая деятельность банков и предприятий. - М.; НВИ-ТЕЗАУРУС, 2001.

Куликова Т.В., Менеджер и его предприятие. Курс немецкого языка для ускоренного обучения российских менеджеров, - М.; «ГИС», 2003.



Список литературы


1. Канингем С., Мур П. Headway Elementary Pronunciation – Оксфорд Юниверсити Пресс.

2. Вовшин Я.М., Барановский Л.С. Учебное пособие – 5-е издание, - М; Дашков и Ко, 2009 «In the world of business» - «В мире бизнеса»

3. Цветкова Т.К. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка с ответами – М., 2000

4. Ионина А.А. Саакян А.С. Английская грамматика. Теория и практика: учебник для ВУЗов. – М., Проспект; 2009

5. Агабекян И.П. Английский язык. Учебное пособие для ВУЗов. – 14-е издание. – Ростов н/Д; Феникс; 2011

6. Деловой английский – Business English. Учебник для ВУЗов. Пичкова Л.С., ред. – М; Проспект; 2009

7. Португалов В.Д. учебник по английскому языку; «Economics». Учебник для ВУЗов. – М; Аст 2011

8. Е.В. Воевода, М.В. Тимченко «A course of English». Учебник для ВУЗов –М; ТК Велби, Проспект, 2005

9. И.П. Агабекян, П.И. Коваленко, Ю.А. Кудряшова «Английский для экономистов»; учебное пособие. – М; ТК Велби, Проспект 2008

10. ”How to make a scientific speech” Щавелёва Е.Н., 2007, Кнорус

11. Английский язык для экономистов, “English course for students in applied economics”, Зайцева С.Е., Шибанова Е.С., 2011, Кнорус

12. Крылова И.П., Крылова Е.В. Практическая грамматика английского языка – М., 1996

13. Riley A. English for Law (abridged): учебное пособие на англ. яз./Сост. Червакова Г.Н. – М., 1997

14. Васильев К. An English Grammar. Грамматика английского языка в таблицах, Учебное пособие. Санкт-Петербург: «Мим-Экспресс», 1996

15. Качалова К. Н. Израилевич Е.Е. English/Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами. М.; ЮНВЕСТ ЛИСТ, 1996.

16. Murphy, Essential Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for elementary students of English, Second edition, Cambridge University Press, 1997

17. Хорнби А.С. Оксфордский интенсивный английский для взрослых. В 3 кн. М.: АО «Буклет», 1994.

18. R. Hartlty, P. Viney, Streamline English, An Intensive English Course for Beginners, Student’s Edition, Oxford University Press.

19. P. Viney, Streamline English, Сопроводительное учебное пособие к видеокурсу английского языка М., 1995

20. Headway, Workbook and Student Book, Elementary or Pre-Intermediate Level.


Экзаменационные темы для студентов заочного отделения по направлению: «Менеджмент»

Система высшего образования в Великобритании и США

1. Система высшего образования в России

2. Сравнительная характеристика высшего образования в Великобритании, США и России

3. Выбор профессии в системе высшего образования. Различные подходы и тенденции

4. Страны изучаемого языка: Великобритания. Культура, традиции, обычаи

5. Страны изучаемого языка: США. Культура, традиции, обычаи

6. Молодёжь и общество: основные проблемы и пути их решения

7. Иностранный язык в вашей жизни

8. Деловое общение: деловые письма телефонные сообщения, подписание контрактов и сделок

9. Функции менеджера

10. Виды бизнеса. Два основных подхода к менеджменту

11. Руководитель и подчинённые. Схема взаимодействия

12. Структура фирмы: организация, цели, взаимоотношение

13. Организация управления: современные формы и тенденции


Classroom activities. Higher education

Grammar exercises.

1. a) Read and find the Indefinite tense forms

British universities are not open to everyone. To get a place, you normally apply in your last year at school, before you have taken you’re a levels. The university makes you an offer; for example, it will give you a place if you get at last one grade A and two Bs in your levels. The offer depends on market forces; for popular, high-prestige courses, the university will ask for very good A level results.

The number of students on a particular course (for example, Economics at Cardiff University) is strictly limited. The system does not allow students to fallow full-time courses in a casual way, having a job or living in another town as they study. Students are quite closely monitored, and have to see their teachers regularly. Consequently, drop-out and failure rates are low.

Many cities now have two universities – an old one and a new on. For example, in Bristol there is Bristol University and the university of the West of England; in Oxford Brookes University.

Officially, all universities in the country are equal in status. But they differ greatly in reputation ad public image. In general, the older a university is, the higher its status. So the most prestigious are the ancient ones – Oxford and Cambridge.

b) Underline the Indefinite tense forms.

Explain their use.

2. a) Read and translate into Russian:

to get a place; to depend on; high-prestige courses; A level results; the number of students; to follow full-time courses; failure rates; to differ greatly in reputation; public image; prestigious

3. Open the brackets and insert the verbs in the proper forms.

A. Before the 12th century people _____ (1. to get) to think that books and the learning that _____ (2. to be) to be found in books. (3. to belong) to the Church only, and that common people who (4. not to be) priests or monks _____ (5. to have) no business to meddle with books or book-learning. But with the development of such sciences as medicine and law, corporations of general study (6. to call) universities (7. to appear) in Italy and France. The (higher) faculties, that of Theology, of Canon Law (church laws) and of Medicine; and one inferior (primary) faculty, that of Art, where Music, Grammar, geometry, Logic and some other subjects (8. to be studied)

Translate into English

A. a) 1. Я не знаю, когда он сдаст экзамен по грамматике английского языка

2. Когда ты мне позвонишь, я могу уже уехать

3.Ты мне не подскажешь, когда мы будем участвовать в этой конференции?

4. Мне и моим родителям нравится отдыхать на юге.

5. Мои друзья – очень интересные люди, они увлекаются спортом и учатся в Московском университете.

6. Этот университет отличается, с точки зрения репутации, и статуса, от других вузов.

7. Я не уверена, что он поступит в университет, так как уровень его знаний очень низкий.


Unit I, II

Part 1. Choose the correct answer to the questions

1) What subjects do your fellow students study at the University?

a. My fellow students studied English Literature, philosophy.

b. Students have to study philosophy.

c. My fellow students have studied Management.

d. My fellow students and I study Law, English Literature, philosophy.

2) Which of these questions is correct?

a. He missed classes yesterday when?

b. When did he missed classes?

c. When did he miss classes?

d. He did missed classes yesterday?

3) Are you good at English?

No, I’m not, I don’t know …..

a. What to do

b. to do

c. I do what

d. I’m reading

4) Where is Sue?

a. She is coming to go to the cinema

b. She is to the cinema

c. She goes to the cinema

d. She has just gone to the cinema

5) He’s the man ….. sold the house

a. who

b. which

c. whom

d. he


Which is the best answer to give in following situations?

6) In a café:

Can I help you?

a. Give me a coffee.

b. Please, one coffee.

c. Thank you for a coffee.

d. I’d like a coffee, please

7) In the street:

a. I’m sorry, sir, I’m lost. Please direct me to Oxford Street?

b. Where’s Oxford Street?

c. Please, which route is for Oxford Street?

d. Excuse me, could you tell me the way to Oxford Street please?


Part2. – Choose the correct answer to the questions.

8) Why are you carrying an umbrella?

I think it ….. later.

a. is to rain

b. may have rain

c. will rain

d. raining

9) What are the arrangements at the airport?

Someone ….. when you arrive.

a. meet you

b. will meet you

c. going to meet you

d. would meet you

10) At the end of my course.

a. I am for to speak good English.

b. I will can speak good English.

c. I speak good English

d. I will be able to speak good English.

11) What are your hobbies?

I’m interested …..

a. in playing tennis

b. to play tennis

c. of played tennis

d. my playing tennis

12) You bought a new car last year, …..

a. isn’t it?

b. don’t you?

c. did you?

d. didn’t you?

13) What ….. when you met him?

a. has he been wearing

b. does he worn

c. was he worn

d. was he wearing

14) Why are those two people so friendly?

a. because they’ve known themselves for years.

b. because each one has known them for years.

c. because they’ve known each other for years.

d. because they are long acquainted


Which is the best answer to give in the following situations?

15) In a meeting:

a. Is it a disturbance if I open the window?

b. Do you mind if I open the window?

c. Can you pardon me for opening the window?

d. Will it be inconvenient for you to the window opened?


Part 3. Which is the best answer to give in the following situations?

16) On the telephone:

Can I speak to Jane please?

a. Please attend, she is talking

b. I’m sorry, she’s on another line

c. No, I’m afraid her extension is in business.

d. No, we are engaged

17) In the travel agent:

Where can I go on holiday? Have you got any advice?

a. Yes, go to Spain

b. If I were you, I’d go to Spain

c. If I am you, I’ll go to Spain

d. Please choose Spain. It’s a most excellent choice

Choose the word which best completes each sentence.

18) They are ….. their house because it’s no longer big enough.

a. increasing

b. extending

c. growing

d. adding

19) The cost of ….. is very high in London.

a. life

b. living

c. existence

d. to live

20) I’m not sure if I’m free on Thursday 5th. Let me just look in my …..

a. agenda

b. calendar

c. diary

d. directory

21) You should be doing this test …… your own.

a. by

b. on

c. with

d. from

22) Studying English in England is not the same ….. studying English in the States.

a. like

b. than

c. as

d. to

23) Why is your English so good?

a. Because I’m studying in for ten years.

b. Because I’m study it since ten years.

c. Because I study it for ten years.

d. Because I have been studying it for ten years.

24) Which of these questions is correct?

a. If you were there yesterday, what would you do?

b. If you had been there yesterday, what would you have done?

c. If you would been there yesterday, what would you done?

d. If you have been yesterday, what would you do?


Part 4 – Choose the word which best completes each sentence.

25) The number of students allowed on the course is …… by the size of the lecture room.

a. determined

b. related

c. consequent

d. dependent

26) The accused was given a short sentence as he had committed only a …… offence.

a. minimal

b. minor

c. subordinate

d. secondary

27) The new law gives the government the power to …… protest marches.

a. ban

b. veto

c. inhibit

d. deny

28) The speed of technological progress means that the computers being made today will be …… in five years time.

a. retired

b. extinct

c. obsolete

d. outdone

Classroom activities

Unit I, II

Grammar exercises.

I. a) Read and find the Continuous tense form. Explain their use.

1. Listen! The telephone is ringing.

2. They are busy now. They are translating this text.

3. Where is Bill? He is playing tennis.

4. Mr. Smith is dancing very well.

5. Who is sleeping in this room?

6. Let’s go for a walk, it’s not raining.

7. I’m listening to you.

8. My wife is reading a very interesting book. She reads English books without a dictionary.

b) Translate into English

1. Что вы читаете? – Интересную статью.

2. Когда он вошёл в аудиторию, они всё ещё сдавали экзамен.

3. Они отвечали на вопросы преподавателя, когда вошёл декан.

4. Когда мы проезжали Воронеж, было совсем темно.

5. Вы знаете этого студента? – Да, это студент второго курса нашего университета.

6. Позвони и узнай, когда он приедет.

7. Кого вы ждёте? – Я жду свою дочь.

8. Он занимается в институте каждый день.

9. Кому ты звонишь? – Моему другу.


c) Get ready to speak about plants for the future.

d) Write five questions with the Continuous tense.

e) Continue the sentence:

I didn’t call you last night because I ……

1) to speak to my friend;

2) to sleep;

3) to watch TV.

f) When he returned home I ……

1) to listen to the music

2) to play tennis

3) to read my favourite journal

II. a) Insert the verbs in the proper forms.

Tenses in the Active and Passive Voice. The Sequence of Tenses:

1 I never (read) a story that (interest) me so much as the one I (read) last night.

2 When we (go) to see them last night, they (play) chess, they (say) they (play) since six o'clock.

3 You (go) with us to the Zoo tomorrow if you (be) a good boy.

4. No sooner we (finish) the translation of the text than the bell (ring).

5. Why you (not, make, do) an effort to improve your life? I wish you (make) an effort to change everything.

6 If I (be) you, I (think) twice before accepting his invitation.

7 1 wish you (discuss) this (serious, seriously) tomorrow. It isn't funny.

8. All the doors and windows (lock) before we went on holiday, but the house (break into) when we (return) home.

9. Our house (surround) by a beautiful garden. The garden (plant) by my grandfather many years ago.

10. The Cambridge Folk Festival very well (organize), and there are never (any, some) of the serious problems which can (cause) by large crowds.

11. The oldest college in Cambridge University is Peterhou-se, which (found) in 1284, and the most recent is Robinson College which (open) in 1977.

12. I'd like to know who Australia (discover) by? - Ask the teacher about it,...?

13. Dan said that he (call) you (tomorrow). - If he (call) me in the evening, I (be) very busy. I wish he (call) me in the morning.

14. We thought that the parcel (deliver) in time, but the postman (not, come) yet.

15. The furniture (rearrange) today, and the flat (look) very cozy now.

Modal verbs:

16. Let's discuss this over lunch,...? - OK. We (can, had to, may) discuss this (later, lately).

17. Cambridge (can, must, may) be one of the best-known towns in the world and (may, can, must) (find) on most tourists' lists of places to visit. You (should, have to, might) go there yourself to see this town. I (mustn't, can't, needn't) do it, I (be) there several times.

18. Everyone (can, should, might) pay taxes to the government.

Pronouns and Prepositions:

19. (Some, any, few) beautiful roses (give) (on, to, for). Jane (to, by, at, for) Patrick (by, at, on) (her, hers) birthday.

20. The house was small and there (be) not (many, much, little, a little) rooms in it.

21. (What, how) is Rob like? - He is generous and kind.

22. The secretary just (sign) (this, these, that) letters (of, on, by) behalf (on, for, at, of) the manager.

Adjectives and Adverbs:

23. (Old) she gets, (forgetful) she becomes. (A, the, -) elderly and (at, an, the, -) old (be) often forgetful.

24.1 think the American version of 'War and Peace' was (lit-tle) interesting than (our, ours).

25. For (far) information, please write to the above address.

26. Now there (be) about 12,000 students in Oxford, and the University and the town live (happy, happily) side by side.

27. Mr. Smith is much (old) than his wife but they are (happy) couple I ever (meet).

Choose the right variant:

28. Are you going (on, to, in) holiday this year?

a) I'm afraid not. b) Yes, please, c) You are welcome. 47.1 didn't go to the party last night.

a) So did I. b) Neither I did. c) Neither did I.

29. Let's go to the beach today,...?

a) Why not? It 's a lovely day. b) Yes, we would. c) Don't worry.

30. Sorry to keep you waiting.

a) Don't say so. b) Don't mention it. c) That's OK.

31. Could you pass me the salt, please?

a) Yes, I could. b) Yes, I will. c) Here you are.




Part I


1.1 knew that I... her somewhere before.

a) saw c) would see

b) had seen d) has seen

2. When I finally found the house, I knocked at the door but... the answer.

a) don't hear c) didn't hear

b) hasn't heard d) heard

3. I went out into the garden to fetch my bike, but found that someone... it.

a) stole it c) has stolen

b) would steal d) had stolen

4. When I... for the keys, I remembered that I had left them at home.

a) looked c) had been looking

b) was looking d) look

5.1 have been working for the bank for a year already, but I... to change my job.

a) decided c) has decided

b) have decided d) decide

6. They spoke so quickly that I... what they were speaking about.

a) not understand c) didn't understand

b) don't understand d) hadn't understood

7. Yesterday our flight... because of the fog.

a) cancelled c) had been cancelled

b) was cancelled d) has been cancelled

8.1 couldn't open the office door because someone... it.

a) lock c) had locked

b)locked d)would lock

9. As soon as you... me, I will contact you.

a) calls c) called

b) will call d) call

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Постинъекционные осложнения, оказать необходимую помощь пациенту I.ОСЛОЖНЕНИЕ: Инфильтрат (уплотнение). II.ПРИЗНАКИ ОСЛОЖНЕНИЯ: Уплотнение...

Приготовление дезинфицирующего рабочего раствора хлорамина Задача: рассчитать необходимое количество порошка хлорамина для приготовления 5-ти литров 3% раствора...

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