Студопедия — Render these sentences into English; state the differences and similarities in the expression of parts of the sentence in both languages.
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Render these sentences into English; state the differences and similarities in the expression of parts of the sentence in both languages.

a) 1. Пахощі з липи (1) і квіток (1) носилися в повітрі (2) і розвівалися широкими хвилями (3) далеко навкруги (Панас Мир­ний).

2. В очереті біліла срібною стрічкою (4) Расава (І. Нечуй-Левицький).

3. Сріблистий місяць тихо (5) чарівне світло лив на сонну землю (6) (І. Франко).

4. Як розбещує людину сама можливість принижувати (7) інших, топтати (7), розстрілювати (7) безкарно! (О. Гончар).

5. Сяють блакиттю на сонці (8) води Дніпра (9) (Н. Рибак).

6. Плавав лебідь білокрилий (10) по глибокому ставу (11)
(Я. Щоголів).

7. Дорогими для мене (12) стали схили Дніпра (13) (А. Ма­лишко).

8. Говори мало (14), слухай багато (14), а думай ще більше (14) (Н. тв.)

9. Везе Марко Катерині (15) сукна (16) дорогого (Т. Шев­ченко).

10. В далечінь (19) холодну без жалю за літом (20) синьоока осінь їде навмання (В. Сосюра).

b) 1. Не знайшовши броду (1), не лізь у воду (Н. тв.).

2. Вночі (2) земля дубіла від морозу (3) (В. Козаченко).

3. Хмари котилися одна за одною (4), одна за одною (4) безконечним караваном (Г. Хоткевич).

4. Любові (5) й віри (5) невмирущі зерна поет посіяв на лану своїм (М. Рильський).

5. Людина без національного заземлення (6) – перекотиполе або й пил на вітрах історії (7) … (В. Яворівський).

6. Знову (8) біблія літа розкрила сторінки (9) заколосених піль (10) (Є. Маланюк).

7. Не шукай красоти (11), а шукай доброти (Н. тв.).

8. Од вітрових ударів (12) тільки важко (13) поскрипують снасті та зростають навкруги світло-сині снігові дюни
(І. Кириленко).

9. Виходить дівчина із хати (14) води (15) з криниці набирати (16) (А. Малишко).

10. Трохи вірить серце в забобони (17), логікам (18) усім наперекір (М. Рильський).

11. На небі зорі синьоокі, і лебідь (19) – місяць на хмарках (Олександр Олесь).

12. І невидимі в пущі солов’ї жагу солодку в звуки (20) виливають (М. Рильський).

*The material is taken from the text-book: Терлак З. Українська мова: Збірник вправ із синтаксису та пунктуації. – Львів: Світ, 1999. –
P. 50–51.


IV. Analyze the following sentences according to the type of syntactic structures they contain that is structures of: 1) predication, 2) complementation; 3) modification and 4) coordination. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian and compare the types of structures in original sentences and their equivalents.

1. She smoothed her satin dress nervously (fiction writing).

2. The plan also earmarks 20 million pounds of capital investment for safety measures (newspaper writing).

3. In Anchorage we saw killer whales (conversation).

4. The latest market research confirms that consumers now put safety at the top of their list of desirable features in a car (newspaper writing).

5. The most central sites will be more attractive that others for all types of land users (academic prose).

6. EEG recording is technically difficult and fraught with potential artifacts due to muscle movement (academic prose).

7. There was in the sky more than a hint of summer lightning (fiction writing).

8. Mosses made the way soft and held many scents of marsh orchids (fiction writing).

9. Analysts have attributed the general weakness in the construction industry to high interest rates (newspaper writing).

10. I just talked to Don Jones you know our former board member (conversation).

*The material is taken from “Longman Student Grammar of Spoken and Written English Workbook” by Susan Conrad, Douglas Biber, Geoffrey Leech, Pearson Education Limited, 2003. – P. 65–66.


V. Analyze the following sentences according to the type of secondary predication constructions they contain, known traditionally as: 1) Complex Object; 2) Complex Subject; 3) Abso­lute Construction/Prepositional Construction (with or without participle); 4) For-to-Infinitive Construction, 5) Gerundial Predicative Construction. Define the type of syntactic structure (predication, complementation, modification or coordination) they enter in the sentence. Suggest the ways of rendering the English sentences with secondary predication structures into Ukrainian.

1. She could hear the wasp singing a love song to her as he flew above the trees (Pat Conroy).

2. […] we could be found discussing every aspect of our vocation (Kazuo Ishiguro).

3. For a moment Christoff appeared badly shaken (Kazuo Ishiguro).

4. Now she seemed infected with anxiety (P.D. James).

5. […] I’ll get it started (John Grisham).

6. Your father would go through the roof if he heard you asked for a sport coat now (Pat Conroy).

7. Determined not to repeat my earlier mistake of prevaricating, I leaned forward decisively, my intention to cut Inge off with a bold announcement of who I was […] (Kazuo Ishiguro).

8. The northerners were moving at a faster pace than usual, almost a lope, in rough Indian file, with Darius leading (William Boyd).

9. So they repeat certain things to themselves, and after a while, they begin to believe themselves authorities (Kazuo Ishiguro).

10. But you are not making it clear to me (Pat Conroy).

11. […] and there were times when he still felt he was doing the only thing a man of his instincts could be expected to do (Pat Conroy).

12. Workmen were expected to turn their hands to anything within the limits of their trade […] (Flora Thompson).

13. A door to a neighbouring room had been left ajar through which several female voices could be heard chattering away (Kazuo Ishiguro).

14. Candleford seemed a very large and grand place to Laura […] (FloraThompson).

15. We let her float by herself but she seemed unbalanced and unsure of herself (Pat Conroy).

16. Privately, with no one to jeer at her weakness, she allowed the tears to fall unchecked (Rosamunde Pilcher).

17. Her cycle of poems “Considering Manhattan” was completed in one feverish three-month period when she felt her powers return (Pat Conroy).

18. Waiting for someone to answer the call, she found herself undecided […] (Rosamunde Pilcher).

19. She insists on me doing it alone (John Grisham).

20. “I’m sorry I’m not a heart surgeon or a white-shirt banker, Lila,” my father said, “but it’s about time you quit being ashamed of me being a shrimper ” (Pat Conroy).

21. I don’t get paid to have people scream at me (Pat Conroy).

22. Luke had maneuvered the boat up beside us and I could hear it idling […] (Pat Conroy).

23. His eyes took it all in, his children gaily savoring those fresh glands as an act of defiance against the man of the house (Pat Conroy).

24. […] even the truck driver had surrendered to whatever mass hysteria had possessed the rest of us and he stood with his arm cocked […] (Pat Conroy).

25. Boris shrugged, his attention fixed on the waitress, now in the process of extricating an elaborate confection from out of the display cabinet (Kazuo Ishiguro).

26. Savannah and I stayed behind with our mother as Luke left the house and walked the back road through the swamp, the wind at his back (Pat Conroy).

27. “Since we’re practically paupers, it must have been damn creative, Henry,” my mother said, her mouth a thin line across her face like a knife-cut on a piece of fruit (Pat Conroy).

28. I was out, but Mrs Cooper took it down and left it for me to find (Rosamunde Pilcher).

29. I’ve arranged for a car to take me to the concert hall, it should be waiting for me (Kazuo Ishiguro).

30. No doubt the fact of our being so close to its actual setting had made irresistible the prospect of going through it all again (Kazuo Ishiguro).

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