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Exercise 1. Make up five sentences from each table.


I approached the woman reading a newspaper.
He/She came up to the man sitting c )n the bench.
We pointed to the boys playing basket-ball.
You called the girls- working in the garden.
They   the children digging potatoes.

is my best friend, lives in our house. is a good swimmer, works at this plant, dances very well.

The man The woman The boy The girl; The pupil

sitting in the corner standing at the window making the report approaching us crossing ihe street


Exercise 2. Transform the following sentences using participle phrases instead of the subordinate clauses.

A. Mode

The boys who live in this house formed a football team.— The boys living in this house formed a football team.

1. Most of the people who work at our factory have re­ceived comfortable flats in new houses. 2. Many pupils who learn English are members of our English club. 3. The man who sells newspapers showed me the way to the post-office. 4. The pupils who spend their holidays in the country help the collective farmers with their field work. 5. The woman who teaches English at our school studied in Kiev.

B. Model: The girls who are watering flowers are my

friends.— The girls watering flowers are my friends.

1. The man who is making the report is our history teacher. 2. The workers-who are repairing the road go home by bus. 3. The girl who is reciting the poem is our teacher's daughter. 4. The boys who are playing hockey live in our house. 5. The women who are working in the field go to the exhibition.

C. Model: When we arrived in London,we went sightseeing the city.— Arriving in London,we went sightseeing the city.

1. When she heard her name, she turned round. 2. When we saw our teacher, we stopped and waited for her. 3. When he came home, he switched on the TV set. 4. As I entered the hall, I saw my friends dancing round the fir-tree. 5. As I went out of the shop, I met my schoolmate.

D. Model: When I read this story, I came across many

new words.— When reading this story, I came across many new words.

1. When the pupils discussed this novel, they expressed their thoughts in good literary language. 2. When Jane cooked dinner, she forgot to salt it. 3. When Paul studied at the University, he published several scientific articles. 4. While I was waiting for you, I read this magazine.

E. Model: When she finished her work,she went home.—

Having finished her work,she went home.

1. After we had passed our examinations we went to a summer camp. 2. As I had lost my key, I couldn't get in, 3. When Nick had a dictionary, he did not have to go to the reading-hall every day. 4. As we had booked tickets before­hand, we went to the theatre half an hour before the per­formance began. 5. After they received the telegram, they packed and left for Glasgow.


F. Model: We live in the city which was founded 1,500 years ago. — We live in the city founded 1,500 years ago*

1. We live in a house which was built last year. 2. She received a telegram which was sent yesterday. 3. I've got a TV set which was made in Lviv. 4. The decisions which were adopted at the conference are supported by many scientists. 5. The machines which are made at our plant are exported to many countries of the world.

Exercise 3. Replace one of the homogeneous predicates by Participle I.

Model: The girls walked home and sang*— The girls walked home singing.

1. She looked at me and smiled. 2. The children sat and watched television. 3. The girl spoke and trembled. 4. The children ran about and shouted. 5. He turned over the pages of a book and looked at the pictures. 6. The man read a book and made notes from time to time.

Exercise 4. Find the participles, state their form and function in the sen­tence. Translate the sentences.

1. Dressing myself as quickly as I could I went for a walk. (Dickens) 2. She came into the dressing-room to look for things belonging to their father and mother. (Gaskell) 3. Mary stood for a time in silence, watching and listening. (Gaskell) 4. Still looking at me, she shook her head while I was speaking. (Dickens) 5. I saw a passing shadow on her face. (Dickens) 6. He walked around, saying nothing. (Heym) 7. Mary sat still looking at the writing. (Gaskell) 8. We sat there talking about our pleasant old Canterbury days. (Dickens) 9. They ran to the steps leading down the water. (Gaskell)

Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 1304. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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