Студопедия — Task 4. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text below.
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Task 4. Choose the correct alternatives to complete the text below.


Employees who leave a company are not always replaced. Sometimes the company examines the (1)………………. For the post, and decides that it no longer needs to be filled. On other occasions the company will replace the person who resigns with an internal candidate who can be (2)……………. (or moved sideways) to the job. Or it will advertise the position in newspapers or trade journals, or engage an employment (3)…………. to do so. For junior management positions, employers occasionally recruit by giving presentations and holding interviews in universities, colleges and business schools. For senior positions, companies sometimes use the services of a firm of (4)……….., who already have the details of promising managers.

People looking for work or wanting to change their job generally read the (5)………………….. advertised in newspapers. To reply to an advertisement is to (6)…………………… for a job; you become an (7)………………… or a candidate. You write a/an (8)……………., or fill in the company’s application form, and send it, along with your (9)………… (GB) or resume (US). You are often asked to give the names of two people who are prepared to write a (10)……………. for you. If you have the right qualifications and abilities, you might be (11)………….., i.e. selected to attend a/an (12)..……..…….

It is not uncommon for the (13)…………. Department or the managers responsible for a particular post to spend eighty or more working hours on the recruitment of a single member of staff. However, this time is well-spent if the company appoints the right person for the job.


1. a. job description b. job satisfaction c. job security
2. a. advanced b. employed c. promoted
3. a. agency b. centre c. company
4. a. headhunters b. headquarters c. headshrinkers
5. a. openings b. opportunities c. vacancies
6. a. apply b. applicate c. candidate
7. a. appliance b. applicant c. application
8. a. appliance b. application c. demand
9. a. job history b. curriculum vitae (CV) c. life story
10. a. reference b. report c. testimony
11. a. appointed b. employed c. short-listed
12. a.examination b. interview c. trial
13. a. personal b. personnel c. resources


Task 5. Complete the collocations using the following words:

customers, information, ideas, needs/problems, deal, problem, sales, presentation, contacts, quota

1. Prospective ………………………

2. A channel of ……………………..

3. New product ……………………..

4. To recognize customers’ ………..

5. To close a ………………………..

6. To solve a ………………………..

7. To achieve long-term ……………

8. To give a sales …………………..

9. To cultivate personal ……………

10. To meet a sales ……………


Task 6. Who are the most famous entrepreneurs to your point of view? What are they famous for? In your opinion, are business leaders born or made? Write a piece of essay about a great business leader.


Release date: 2008

Director: Gus Van Sant

Genre: Biography | Drama | History


Using flashbacks from a statement recorded late in life and archival footage for atmosphere, this film traces Harvey Milk's career from his 40th birthday to his death. He leaves the closet and New York, opens a camera shop that becomes the salon for San Francisco's growing gay community, and organizes gays' purchasing power to build political alliances. He runs for office with lover Scott Smith as his campaign manager. Victory finally comes on the same day Dan White wins in the city's conservative district. The rest of the film sketches Milk's relationship with White and the 1978 fight against a statewide initiative to bar gays and their supporters from public school jobs


Task 1. Answer the following questions:


1. Who is Harvey Milk?

2. How much of Harvey Milk's life is covered in the film?

3. What exactly was Proposition 6?

4. How does the movie end?

5. At Dan White's trial, how could judge and jury have taken the "Twinkie Defense" seriously?

6. Why do you think this film wasn't released in time to influence the vote on California's Prop 8 (banning same sex marriages)?

7. What do you think about using the Russian folk song in this movie?


Task 2. Match the words with their definitions:


1. activism a) withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest
2. election   b) the policy or action of using vigorous campaigning to bring about political or social change
3. prejudice   c) a part of a city, especially a slum area, occupied by a minority group or groups
4. ghetto d) intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it
5. mediation   e) intolerance towards those who hold different opinions from oneself
6. bigotry f) preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience
7. hypocrisy g) the practice of claiming to have higher standards or more noble beliefs than is the case
8. boycott h) a formal and organized choice by vote of a person for a political office or other position


Task 3. Translate the following sentences:


1. Его избрали на высокий государственный пост.

2. В качестве члена городского наблюдательного совета Сан-Франциско он вел активную общественно-политическую деятельность.

3. Его взгляды и образ жизни претерпели значительные изменения под воздействием политических событий в стране и его участия в контркультурном движении 1960-х годов.

4. Прецедент его победы на выборах явился также отражением более широких социально-политических изменений, произошедших в городе, таких как укрепление политического влияния закрытых сообществ и общая либерализация отношения жителей Сан-Франциско к гомосексуалам.

5. На волне роста политического влияния и экономического подъёма, он неоднократно выдвигался на выборные должности, но трижды терпел поражение.

6. Этот выдающийся американский политик был избран членом муниципального наблюдательного совета.

7. Его толерантность и милосердие завоёвывали ему всё большую популярность среди различных слоев общества.


Task 4. Write a piece of essay “Struggle for freedom”. You can think about different types of social activism such as movement for rights of African-Americans or for voting right for women, etc. You can choose any type of essay. Use one of the following words and expressions:


Activist, Flashback, Referendum, Political Debate, Prejudice, Civil War,

Discrimination, Ghetto, Protest, Police Harassment, Bigot, Assassination, Mediation, Hate Crime, Riot, Revolutionary, Human Rights, Demonstration, Raid, Boycott

“Up in the Air”


Release date: 2009

Director: Jason Reitman

Genre: Drama | Romance


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 699. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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