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Определите видовременные формы глаголов

Упражнение 1

X was 1ing, x have 2ed, x was being 3ed, x have been 4ed, x have 5ed, x is being 6ed, x will be 7ing, x had been 8ed, x will have 9ed, xs are 10ing, xs were being 11ed.

Упражнение 2

X 1, x 2s, x 3es, xs 4, x 5ed, x will 6, x are 7ed, xs are 8ed, x will be 9ed, xs have been 10ing, x will have been 11ing, x 12s.

Упражнение 3

X will 1, x has 2ed, xs are 3ed, xs are 4ing, x will have 5ed, xs were being 6ed, x had been 7ed, x had been 8ing, xs are 9ing, x was 10ed, x will have been 11ed, x will be 12ed.

Упражнение 4

1 had ronked, 2 had been ronking, 3 will be ronked, 4 was ronked, 5 will ronk, 6 has been ronking, 7 will have ronked, 8 had been ronking, 9s were ronked, 10 ronks, 11 will have been ronked.

Упражнение 5

1 is being ronked, 2 have ronked, 3 ronk, 4 will be ronked, 5 has ronked, 6 ronked, 7s were ronked, 8 ronks, 9s were ronking

Упражнение 6

1 was asked, 2 will be asked, 3 had asked, 4 has been asking, 5 is asked, 6 have been asked, 7 will have asked, 8s asked, 9 was being asked, 10s are asking, 11 will have been asked, 12s were asked, 13 has asked, 14 asks, 15s are being asked.

Упражнение 7

1 have asked, 2 will ask, 3 will have been asked, 4s were asked, 5 is being asked, 6 am asking, 7s are asked, 8s asked, 9 had asked, 10 will be asked, 11s were asking, 12 will ask.

Упражнение 8

1 ask, 2s are being asked, 3 asked, 4 will have been asked, 5 will have been asking, 6s are asked, 7 asks, 8 has asked, 9 will ask, 10s will have asked, 11 was asked, 12 are asking, 13 ask.

Упражнение 9

1s were asking, 2 will be asked, 3 has asked, 4 am asked, 5 is asking, 6 will ask, 7 was being asked, 8 had been asked, 9 had asked, 10 will be asked, 11 asked, 12 will have asked.

Упражнение 10

1 have stopped, 2s were being stopped, 3 is stopping, 4 has been stopped, 5s will be stopped, 6 stopped, 7 will have been stopped, 8 stops, 9s were stopping, 10 is stopped.

Упражнение 11

1s were being prepared, 2 had been prepared, 3 was being prepared, 4 has prepared, 5 is prepared, 6s prepared, 7 was preparing, 8 will be preparing, 9 will have been prepared.

Упражнение 12

1 has transported, 2 transport, 3 am transporting, 4 have been transported, 5s were transported, 6 is being transported, 7 will be transported, 8 transported, 9 will be transported, 10s have been transporting, 11s are transported.

Упражнение 13

1 started, 2 have started, 3s were being started, 4s are starting, 5 was started, 6 have been started, 7 starts, 8 will have started, 9s are started, 10 were starting, 11 was started, 12 has started, 13s start, 14 had started.



Упражнение 14 Дайте развернутую форму глагола.

It’s done, she’s seen, I’ve been asked, I’d asked, we’ve been asked, she’s reading, it’s written, I’ll be taken, they’ll go, you’re transported, it's read, she’s put, he's cut.


Упражнение 15

Проанализируйте структуру предложений и переведите их.

1. There is a five- star concrete and glass modern eight- storey Japanese hotel recently built on the picturesque rocky Pacific Ocean coast.

2. My best friend is a final year law student interested in investigating cyber crimes.

3. He has always been an industrious, ambitious and goal- oriented A- student.

4. Despite a number of laws to protect children and youth from the danger of smoking, the government has not done enough to create public awareness.

5. Six people were killed and around 1,000 injured as a freak hurricane struck Moscow uprooting trees and destroying buildings, including parts of the Kremlin wall.

6. A 37-year-old woman arrested on Thursday night for shoplifting at the mall on Callow Avenue allegedly swallowed heroin as she was being taken in for questioning.

7. Having escaped during questioning a South African drug suspect was caught by anti-narcotics police yesterday.

8. Two traffic policemen caught on film extorting money from truck drivers have surrendered and one has protested his innocence.

9. In Japan, it is customary to take off one’s shoes before entering homes and some public facilities.

10. Since there is no time like the present, he thought it was time to present the present.


Упражнение 16

Переведите предложения с интернациональными словами, опираясь на лексические и грамматические признаки.

1. Politics has never interested me.

2. She takes an active part in local politics.

3. Foreign policy is the prerogative of Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

4. Honesty is the best policy.

5. All progressive people in the world are against environmental pollution.

6. Foreign journalists accredited in Moscow have special visas.

7. Government -made laws were criticized by the public.

8. An official works for the government or other large organizations in a position of responsibility.

9. Final – year journalism students combine study and work in mass media.

10. He took legal action to stop his neighbours making so much noise.

11. Do you know your legal rights?

12. A lot of citizens took part in Presidential elections.

13. Terrorists were responsible for the bomb explosion.

14. A local government officer is responsible at the higher rank officials.

15. Suicide bomber action caused a lot of damage.

16. What is your status in this country? Are you a citizen?

17. Civil servants are people who work for the government.

18. There are many arguments against smoking.

19. The press have been invited to a meeting with the Vise- President.

20. The jury passed the verdict in 5 hours.


Упражнение 17

Составьте предложения по предложенной схеме, используя данные слова.

1. The 1ed 2 3ed by an 4ed 5 6ed all his 7s.

The (arrest) criminal (interrogate) by an (experience) investigator (answer) all his questions.

2. 1ing on the 2, the 3 was 4ing a 5 6 7 8ed by a 9 10 11.

While (lie) on the sofa, the boy (read) a new interesting book (write) by a famous English writer.

3. An 1 2 3 4 ed 5 6 to 7 a 8.

An, verdict, man, took, to return, five, eight, jury, minutes.

4. A 1ly 2ed 3 4(s) 5ing a 6ed 7.

A judge, newly, a case, hearing, starts, complicated, appoint.

5. A1 and 2 3ed 4 was 5ed with the 6 7 8.

Murder, a, blue, narrow eyed, man, first, be, degree, charge, with, the.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-19; просмотров: 501. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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