Студопедия — Pre-reading task: Read the text and make up the plan of it
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Pre-reading task: Read the text and make up the plan of it


Навчальний посібник

для студентів усіх спеціальностей


Відповідальний за випуск О. О. Петутіна

Роботу до друку рекомендував В. І. Ніколаєнко

В авторській редакції

Комп’ютерна верстка В.І. Климко


План 2011 р., поз. 125 /


Підп. до друку.08.2011 р. Формат 60´ 84 1/16. Папір офсет.

Riso-друк. Гарнитура Таймс. Ум. друк. арк.. Обл.-вид. арк.

Наклад 100 прим. Зам. № Ціна договірна.

Видавничий центр НТУ «ХПІ»

Свідоцтво про державну реєстрацію ДК № 116 від 10.07.2000

61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21.

Друкарня НТУ «ХПІ», 61002, Харків, вул. Фрунзе, 21

Unit 3

The Legal Profession in Great Britain.


Section I


Exercise 1

Look at this list of legal occupations. All of these people work in law. We call all of the people who work in these jobs “the legal profession». Match the jobs with one of the descriptions.


Solicitor Attorney Barrister Lawyer


a. This person is a lawyer who gives legal advice and opinions to solicitors. He or she passed the exams of the Bar Council of England and Wales at the end of his or her studies.

b. This person is a lawyer who gives legal advice to individuals and companies. He or she passed his or her exams in the USA at the end of his or her studies and is usually a member of the American Bar Association.

c. This person is a lawyer who gives legal advice to individuals and companies. He or she passed the exams of the Law Society of England and Wales at the end of his or her studies.

d. This the general job title that we use for people who work as a solicitor, barrister or attorney.


Exercise 2

Supply the missing forms of the words.


Verbs Nouns Adjectives/Participles

to practice …................ ….................

…................. adviser ….................

to undertake …................. ….................

…................. instruction ….................

To form …................. ….................

…................. …................. limited

…................. …................. employed

to represent …................. ….................

…................. a draft ….................



Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word. Determine the part of speech of the missing words.

1. to represent The green movement lacks effective ….. in Parliament.

2. to instruct Follow the….. of your lawyer.

3. to limit They will resist any….. of their power.

4. practice He is a highly qualified….. in his field.

5. to undertake He is interested in buying this club as a commercial……


Text 1

Legal Practitioners

Pre-reading task: Read the text and make up the plan of it.


Lawyers in the United Kingdom jurisdictions generally practice as solicitors in private firms, as legal advisers in corporations, government departments, and advice agencies, or as barristers. They can each do advocacy, draft legal documents and give written advice, but solicitors, unlike barristers, cannot appear in every court.

Traditionally, solicitors undertake work such as conveyancing and drawing up contracts and wills. Barristers spend more time in court and have a right of audience in the higher courts. Unlike solicitors, barristers cannot usually be employed directly by clients but are instructed by solicitors. Solicitors normally form partnerships with other solicitors and work in offices with support staff. The qualification and practice of solicitors are regulated by the Law Society.

Unlike solicitors, barristers can’t form partnerships but must act as sole traders with unlimited liability. Some barristers are in employed practice and may only represent their employer, for example as in-house counsel or in government departments. Many work independently in self-employed practice in groups called chambers.

A barrister’s main work is to provide representation in the courts, to draft documentsassociated with court procedure, and to give opinions, that is, specialist legal advice. They are normally instructed by solicitors on behalf of lay clients. As the law has become more complex, barristers increasingly specialise in particular areas, such as personal injury, crime, family or commercial law. Barristers are governed by the General Council of the Bar, known as the Bar Council.


Exercise 4

Find pairs of synonyms: self – employed person, barrister, undertaking, sole trader, counsel, business, company’s legal adviser, in-house lawyer.

Exercise 5

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