Студопедия — Раздел 6.3
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Раздел 6.3

6.3.1. Прочитайте данный текст и определите его основную идею


This five-bedroom, 2, 500 sq ft home is designed by a husband-and-wife team Cathrenne Burd and Buddy Harward, both 41.They devised the low-energy Brook Coomes House, Ealing, west London, which in 2002 won the Riba Manser Medal, and are designing 600 sustainable homes in the Rochester Riverside scheme at Thames Gateway.

Their house has three key principles: its construction must be incorporate local materials from sustainable sources and low-energy build methods; it must consume little or no energy, so conserve or generate it on site; and the flexible design must have non-load bearing internal walls, so that it can be adapted to the changing needs of the occupants.

“The most important aspect of ensuring any low-energy home works properly is educating the user, ’ says Haward. There have been many cases of low-energy public buildings developing problems because people didn’t know how to use the technology.”

The open-plan layout of the Sheppard Robson three-bedroom house, designed by Dan Burr, surrounds an open courtyard that effectively splits the building into two zones and introduces light and ventilation. A smaller street-facing block has a guest flat or house office on the ground floor, with the master bedroom suite above it.

This wing is connected to the main section by a hall and stairs – or “service spine” – running front to back. This has storage, a utility room for drying clothes (rather than a mechanical dryer), a biomass boiler for top-up space heating and hot water in winter, a grey-water recycling tank and a mechanical ventilation heat-recovery system. Only 18% of the building is glazed – 10% less than a conventional home – but the windows there are triple-glazed and gas-filled, with external shutters.

“One of the starting premises of the design is to manage the daylight coming in, ” Burr says. Two wedge-shaped, monopitch roofs bring in “north light” – daylight, not direct sunlight. The inverted plan, with family living space on the top floor and the children’s bedrooms below – benefits from this. Photovoltaic panels power lights, solar panels provide hot water. Both are angled 40 degrees south for best performance.

A computer in the kitchen monitors energy use; adjustments can be made as it fluctuates.

Rooftop wind-catchers have vents on four sides to let heat out and fresh air in. There is a subterranean rainwater recycling tank.


One of the key elements of Burd Haward’s five-bedroom house is its large, southfacing glazed courtyard, which most rooms overlook. Externally, it is double-glazed; internally, full-height, triple-glazed sliding doors lead onto it from each floor. “So, in effect, the whole building, from inside to out, is five times glazed, ” Haward says. The courtyard makes the greatest use of energy from the sun in winter and cuts heat loss from windows. Climbing plants on the walls and roof (“seasonal shading”) limit solar gain in summer and utilize it in winter. The sliding doors can be opened to let air circulate – vents open and close at the top, allowing hot air out.

A ventilation heat recovery system recycles up to 70% of energy that would otherwise be lost. The house has low-energy appliances, space for bicycle storage, and, in the garage, a charging point for an electric car. Rain and grey water are harvested and stored separately underground, saving 60% of average water consumption.


6.3.2. Письменно переведите текст, используя словарь.


6.3.3. Выберите заголовок, наиболее соответствующий содержанию текста.


1. Two Modern Houses

2. Houses of My Dream

3. New Technology In Buildings

4. Designing Modern Houses

6.3.4. Ролевая игра.

Ситуация: Вы купили новый современный дом и пригласили своих друзей. Вы показываете дом и участок вокруг дома своим друзьям, Друзья задают Вам вопросы по поводу дома и благоустройства прилегающей территории.



* Грамматика: The Infinitive

* Cловообразование

* Текст: Some Facts About The United Kingdom


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