Студопедия — Match the parts of sentences in A and В columns
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Match the parts of sentences in A and В columns


1. It's difficult to keep them а. sheltering in the barn.

2. The police caught him b. coming from the house.

3. Will you, please, stop c. opening the safe.

4. I can hear someone d. thinking about the problem.

5. They left us e. working all the time.

6. I could smell smoke f. shouting in the distance.

7. The searchers found the boy g. changing TV channels.




Supply Gerund forms for the words in brackets


1. The baby started crying when he woke up, and went on (cry) all the morning. 2. He didn't want to lose any more money, so he gave up (play) cards. 3. Imagine (keep) a snake as a pet! 4. Please go on (write); I don't mind waiting. 5. He offered to buy my old car, if I didn't mind (wait) a month for the money. 6. The taxi-driver tried to stop in time, but he couldn't avoid (hit) the old woman. 7. At first I enjoyed (listen) to him, but after a while I got tired of hearing the same story again and again. 8. My watch keeps (stop). – That's because you keep (forget) to wind it up. 9. I suggest (telephone) the hospitals before asking the police to look for him.


1. Where is Ann? – She is busy (do) her homework. 2. Let's go for a swim. – What about (go) for a drive instead? 3. I intended to go to the cinema yesterday, but my friend told me the film wasn't worth (see). 4. Try to forget it; it isn't worth (worry) about. 5. When I came he was busy (write) a letter to his friend. 6. Do you feel like (go) to a film or shall we stay at home? 7. It's no use (have) a bicycle if you don't know how to ride it. 8. It's no use (ask) children to keep quiet. They can't help (make) noise. 9. Mr Shaw is very busy (write) his memoirs. 10. There are people who can't help (laugh) when they see someone slip on a banana skin. 11. I didn't feel like (work) so I suggested spending the day in the country. 12. What about (buy) double quantities of everything today?


1. My father thinks I am not capable of (earn) my own living. 2. I am tired of (do) the same thing all the time. 3. I tried to convince him that I was perfectly capable of (manage) on my own, but he insisted on (help) me. 4. There was no way of (get) out of the building. 5. He didn't leave the house because he was afraid of (meet) someone who would recognize him. 6. I called at his house on the chance of (see) him. 7. There is no point in (remain) in a dangerous place if you can't do anything to help the people. 8. What's your idea of (do) it? 9. He expects me to answer by return but I have no intention of (reply) at all. 10. I'm not used to (drive) on the left. 11. I want to catch the 7 a.m. train tomorrow. – But you are no good at (get) up early, are you?


1. By (neglect) to take ordinary precautions he endangered the life of his crew. 2. After (hear) the conditions I decided not to enter for the competition. 3. After (walk) for three hours we stopped to let the others catch up with us. 4. Don't forget to lock the door before (go) to bed. 5. Why did you go all round the field instead of (walk) across it? 6. He surprised us all by (go) away without (say) " Good-bye". 7. Before (give) evidence you must swear to speak the truth. 8. She rushed out of the room without (give) me a chance to explain.


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