Студопедия — Preparing for the morning arrival
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Preparing for the morning arrival

Exercise 3.14.1 Read and translate the text.

By 03.00 UTC Hong Kong is 825 nm away. Less than two hours are left in the marathon trek of Speedbird 25. Passengers are stirring from their night’s slumber. Cabin lights are turned on, window shades pushed up and bright sunlight fills the cabin. In the galleys, the flight attendants have begun breakfast preparations. Coffee is brewing, tea is made, glasses of orange juice and water are poured and the tantalizing smells of bacon and sausage waft through the cabin. The flight is back in smooth air again, just in time to allow the meal service to proceed – dinner was over Denmark and now breakfast is served over southern China.

At the Xuyong VOR (XYO), just past Chengdu, Harry checks with Guiyang Control, level at 11, 400m and estimates arriving at IDSEG, 32nm ahead, in four minutes, and the VOR at Qianxi (QNX), some 75nm distant, in time.

The controller asks the pilots to report over QNX which is passed on schedule at 3.22 UTC. The wind is blowing from the right rear quarter, giving a groundspeed of 564kt. Fifty-one nautical miles later, Harry reports passing the VOR at Guiyang (KWE) and is told to report at ELKAL, a waypoint which is 90nm ahead and should be reached in about 10 minutes.

John returns from his rest break and joins the other pilots in a quick breakfast of eggs, sausages and pastries and one final cup of tea. After the meal trays are cleared away, pocket electric shavers – standard kit, it seems, for long-haul pilots – are retrieved from the flightbags and used to remove morning whiskers and freshen up for fast - approaching arrival. Speedbird 25 have has just 469nm to go.

Exercise 3.14.2 Answer the questions.

1. How much time is left to fly to Hong Kong?

2. What are the passengers doing?

3. What have the flight attendants begun to do?

4. Is the flight back in smooth air again?

5. Where (over what country)was dinner served?

6. Where is breakfast served?

7. What flight level is Speedbird 25 maintaining?

8. Who is Harry in contact with?

9. What does Harry report?

10. What does the controller ask the pilot to report?

11. What is the groundspeed of the plane?

12. What point is Harry told to report?

13. How many miles ahead is ELKAL?

14. When should ELKAL be reached?

15. What does John do?

16. What is John’s breakfast?

17. What do the pilots do after breakfast? What for?

18. Are the members of the crew long-haul pilots?

19. Where do the pilots keep their standard kits?

20. How many miles does Speedbird 25 have to fly to destination?

Exercise 3.14.3 Are the following statements true (√) or false (×)? Correct the false ones.

1. Hong Kong is 925 km away.

2. It is necessary for Speedbird 25 to fly two hours more.

3. Passengers are stirring from their night’s slumber.

4. Cabin lights are turned on.

5. Window shades are pushed up and bright light fills the cabin.

6. The flight attendants haven’t begun breakfast preparations yet.

7. Coffee is brewing, tea is made, glasses of orange juice and water are poured.

8. The tantalising smells of bacon and sausage waft through the cabin.

9. The flight is back in smooth air again.

10. The flight is smooth and it allows to serve breakfast without problems.

11. Passengers had dinner when the plane was over Denmark.

12. Speedbird 25 is maintaining 10, 200 meters.

13. The controller asks the pilots to report over NQX.

14. The groundspeed of the aircraft is 564 km.

15. Breakfast consisted of eggs, sausages and pastries and two cups of tea.

16. After breakfast the pilots used their pocket electric shavers.

17. Everybody wanted to freshen up for the fast-approaching arrival.

Exercise 3.14.4 Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations

Осталось меньше, чем два часа; суетиться после ночного отдыха; огни в салоне включены; приготовления к завтраку; на бортовых кухнях воздушного судна; приготовить кофе; заваривать чай; стакан апельсинового сока; как раз вовремя; подается завтрак; рассчитать пролет точки; доложить над; по расписанию; приблизительно через 10 минут; присоединиться к другим пилотам; поднос; после еды; стандартный набор для бритья; небольшая электрическая бритва; пилоты, выполняющие полет на большие расстояния; освежиться, привести себя в порядок после ночи; прилет.

Exercise 3.14.5 What do the following abbreviations stand for?

UTC nm VOR kt

Exercise 3.14. 6 Find in the text synonyms for the following words and expressions.

Agitate; night sleep; lights are switched on; stewards and stewardesses; start brerakfast preparations; to clear, to permit; some 75 nm away; on timetable; be requested; make a company; tbe taken away; long distance pilots.

Exercise 3.14.7 Match the word combinations and expressions in column A with those in column B.

1.begin breakfast preparations a. подавать завтрак
2. brew coffee b. присоединяться к пилотам
3. make tea c. рейсы (полеты) на дальние расстояния
4. serve breakfast d. освежиться
5. just in time e. приготовить кофе
6. join the pilots f. заваривать чай
7. long-haul flights g. по расписанию
8. freshen up h. ровный (гладкий) полет
9. smooth flight i. начать приготовления к завтраку
10. on schedule j. как раз вовремя

Exercise 3.14.8 Fill in the gaps with the words from the text choosing from the ones given in brackets.

1. Less than two hours are left in the marathon _______ (race, competition, trek) of Speedbird 25.

2. Bright sunlight ___ (occupies, fills, supplies) the cabin.

3. The flight is back in ___ (calm, undisturbed, smooth) air again.

4. The flight is smooth to ___ (allow, clear, permit) the meal service to proceed.

5. Now breakfast is ___ (given, assisted, served).

6. Harry is _____ (asked, requested, told) to report at ELKAL.

7. John ___ (reverts, returns, comes back) from his rest break and joins the other pilots in a _________ (fast, rapid, quick) breakfast.

8. Pocket electric shavers are ______ (taken, retrieved, rescued) from the flightbags.

9. Pilots used their shavers to _________ (take away, remote, extract) morning whiskers and freshen up.

Exercise 3.14.9 Fill in the gaps with related words.

1. Passengers are _______ (STIR) from their night slumber.

2. The flight attendants have begun breakfast ____ (PREPARE).

3. The ________ (TANTALIZE) smells of bacon and sansage waft through the cabin.

4. Breakfast is ________ (SERVE) now.

5. The controller ______ (ASK) the pilot to report over QNX.

6. ELKAL should be _______ (reach) in about 10 minutes.

7. Pocket electric ____ (SHAVE) are used by long-haul pilots.

Exercise 3.14.10 Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Гонконг находится на расстоянии 825 морских миль.

2. Борту Спидберд 25 осталось лететь менее чем два часа.

3. Пассажиры суетятся, просыпаясь после ночного отдыха (сна).

4. Огни в салоне включены, шторки на люках подняты и яркий солнечный свет наполнил салон.

5. На кухне воздушного судна бортпроводники начали подготовку к подаче завтрака.

6. Готовится кофе, заваривается чай, стаканы наполняются апельсиновым соком и водой.

7. Запах бекона и сосисок (колбасок) стоит в салоне.

8. Рейс опять проходит в гладком (ровном) полете, как раз очень удобно, чтобы подавать завтрак.

9. Спидберд 25 выдерживает эшелон 11 400 метров.

10. Диспетчер просит пилота доложить QNX.

11. Путевая скорость воздушного судна 564 узла.

12. Пункт обязательного донесения ELKAL должен быть достигнут примерно через 10 минут.

13. Джон присоединяется к друзьям на быстрый завтрак.

14. Завтрак состоит из яиц, сосисок, печенья и чая.

15. После завтрака подносы унесены.

16. Пилоты вытащили из сумок портативные наборы с бритвами и стали бриться.

17. Борту осталось лететь 469 морских миль и пилоты стали готовиться к быстро приближающемуся прилету.

Exercise 3.14.11 Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations.

Less than 2 hours; cabin lights; push up window shades; begin breakfast preparations; brew coffee; make tea; be back in smooth air again; just in time; serve a meal; in about 10 minutes; join smth or smb; freshen up.

Exercise 3.14.12 Retell the text.


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