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Scientists consider hydrogen a very promising energy source. The reserves of hydrogen are practically unlimited. Per unit of weight if contains almost three times more thermal energy than benzene. Be­sides, hydrogen can be used as fuel in transport, industry and home.

Hydrogen is easy to transport and store. It can be transported over large distances using conventional pipelines. It can be accumu­lated and kept for a long time either in conventional or natural reser­voirs.

Scientists have found many ways of producing hydrogen - basi­cally from ordinary water. And large volumes of this fuel can obtained from coal, whose global reserves are tremendous. There is also an idea of using nuclear power plants to generate hydrogen. Scientists hope to use the energy of the sun, wind and tides to obtain hydrogen.

In several countries car engines fed by hydrogen have been tested successfully. Tests have also shown that adding five to ten per cent hydrogen to benzene increases engine efficiency by 40 - 45 per cent.

What is still holding back the use of hydrogen as fuel, and what has to be done in order to apply it extensively in the economy? The main reason is that it is more expensive than mineral fuels, but in the near future hydrogen can be cheaper to obtain. This new kind of energy opens up new prospects in aviation, metallurgy and some other indus­tries.

Task 1. Finish the sentences according to the text.

1. Scientists consider hydrogen...

a) not very promising energy source

b) a very promising energy source

c) a more promising energy source than atomic energy

2. At present hydrogen fuel is being produced from...

a) the energy of the sun

b) the energy of the wind and tides

c) ordinary water.

3. Adding a few per cent of hydrogen to benzene...

a) greatly increases engine efficiency

b) decreases a little engine efficiency

c) does not change engine efficiency

4. Hydrogen is not used widely as a fuel at present because...

a) hydrogen reserves are limited

b) its production is very expensive at present

c) it is impossible to accumulate and keep it for a long time

Task 2. Define the predicate, its tense and voice 1. Scientists consider hydrogen a very promising energy source. 2. Besides, hydrogen can be used as fuel in transport, industry and home. 3. Scientists have found many ways of producing hydrogen -basically from ordinary water. 4. There is also an idea of using nuclear power plants to generate hydrogen. 5. In several countries car engines fed by hydrogen have been tested successfully. 6. What is still holding back the use of hydrogen as fuel, and what has to be done in order to apply it extensively in the economy? 7. This new kind of energy opens up new prospects in aviation, metallurgy and some other Industries. 8. A great many experimental models had been tested before the first tidal power station was built. 9. It should be said that all the chemical ele­ments known to science can be found in the Ural mountains. 10. The iron ores of the Ural mountains are spoken about as having no equal in quantity and variety.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 2570. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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