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Mechanized and armoured forces, which make a basis of the Army, execute tasks of holding the occupied areas, lines and positions tasks of enemy’s impacts repelling, of penetrating enemy’s defence lines, of defeating the enemy forces, of capturing the important areas, lines and objects, operate in structure of marine and landing troops.

Mechanized and armoured forces consist of mechanized and armoured divisions and brigades.

Rocket troops and artillery of The Land Forces consist of formations of operational-tactical and tactical missiles, of formations and units of howitzer, cannon, jet-propelled and anti-tank artillery, of artillery reconnaissance, of mortar units and of units of anti-tank missiles. They are assigned to destroy human resources, tanks, artillery, anti-tanks enemy weapons, aircraft, objects of air defense and other important objects during the combat arms operations.

The Army aviation is the most maneuverable branch of the Land Forces, intended to conduct the tasks under different conditions of combat arms operations.

Units and elements of the Army aviation provide reconnaissance, defeat weapons, equipment and humane resources of enemy, give fire support during the offence or counterattack, land tactical troops, deliver combat weapons and personnel at the specified areas, execute other main tasks.

The airmobile forces is a highly mobile component of the Land Forces. The airmobile forces consists of formations, units and elements of the Army and the Army aviation, whichis well-trained for combined activities in the rear of the enemy.

The airmobile forces is in constant combat readiness and is the high mobility branch of forces, that is capable of conducting any task under any conditions.

The Army Air Defense covers troops against enemy attacks from air in all kinds of combat operations, during regrouping and dislocation on terrain.

The Army Air Defense is equipped by effective surface-to-air missile systems and complexes of division level and antiaircraft missile and artillery complexes of regiment level characterized by high rate of fire, vitality, maneuverability, by capability of action under all conditions of modern combat arms operations.


4.s Answer the questions


1. What is the main characteristic the Land Forces?

2. What is the principle task of mechanized and armoured forces?

3. What weapons of mechanized and armoured forces do you know?

4. What is the principle task of rocket troops and artillery (weapons)?

5. What is the mission of army aviation?

6. How can you characterize the airmobile forces?

7. What are the main tasks of the army air defence?


5. Complete the speech bubbles


1. The Land Forces (LD) of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is the main possessor of the ___________ of the Armed Forces of the independent Ukrainian country.

2. They are assigned to destroy ____________, tanks, artillery, anti-tanks enemy weapons, ___________, objects of air defense and other important objects during the ___________.

3. Units and elements of the Army aviation provide ___________, defeat weapons, equipment and humane resources of enemy, give fire support during the offence or ___________, land tactical troops, deliver ___________ and personnel at the specified areas, execute other main tasks.

4. The airmobile forces is in constant ___________ and is the high mobility branch of forces, which is capable of conducting any task under any ___________.

5. The Army Air Defense covers troops against enemy attacks from air in all kinds of ___________, during regrouping and dislocation on terrain.


6.ó ® Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups


1. What do you know about the history of creation of the Land Forces?

2. How can you characterize the Land Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

3. What branches of the Land Forces do you know? What are their tasks?

4. What types of armament do you know?

5. What do you know about the history of the airmobile forces?


7. Translate words and word combinations into English


Сухопутні війська, танкові війська, дивізія, бригада, ракетні війська і артилерія, розвідка, бойова техніка, аеромобільні війська, війська протиповітряної оборони, зенітні ракетні комплекси.


8.ó ® Describe the picture.

Ukrainian Army soldiers aboard a APC-80 in Iraq.

APC-armoured personnel carrier


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