Студопедия — Fish Soup With Rasstegai
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Fish Soup With Rasstegai

For some people fishing is a favorite pastime, while for others it is an all-consuming passion. How pleasant it is to sit on a river bank or by a lake, enjoying the excitement of waiting for a bite, the peace and quiet, and the fresh air! And it goes without saying that no fishing expedition is complete without fish soup. If fishing has no attraction for you, you can of course make fish soup at home, in which case it will lose its romantic aura, but will be delicious nevertheless.

Take 600 grammes of perch, ruff or other small fresh­water fish, clean it, but don't remove the scales, and wash it. Put it in a pot with cold water and bring slowly to the boil. Skim off the froth, add 20 grammes of parsley roots, 40 grammes of onion and 20 grammes of celery, and sim­mer for 40-50 minutes. Strain the stock.

Add 8 peeled medium-sized potatoes, 2-3 onions and 4 pieces of a large fish such as burbot, pike perch or sterlet, and simmer for another 20-30 minutes, skimming off the froth as it forms, but leaving the tiny globules of fat. 10-15 minutes before the soup is cooked season with whole peppercorns and bay leaves.

Before serving, put a piece of cooked fish and finely chopped parsley and dill in each plate.

Fish soup is traditionally served with rasstegai. These are little open pies with a filling; their name comes from the Russian word rasstyognuty meaning 'unfastened'. The filling can be made either from fish and rice, minced meat and eggs or from mushrooms.

First of all you need yeast dough. When it is ready, divide it into small portions. Roll out these small balls of dough and place a spoonful of the stuffing in the centre. If you are using a fish stuffing, it can be garnished with small pieces of salmon or other cooked fish. Pinch up the edges of the dough around the filling to make round or oval pies, leaving the centre uncovered. Put the rasstegai on a baking tray greased with butter and leave in a warm place for the dough to rise. As soon as they are ready, brush with egg yolk and bake in the oven.

For a fish stuffing, take 250 grammes of fresh-water fish fillets and bake in the oven or steam for 15-20 minutes. Chop the fish not too finely. Heat some flour with melted butter, and add the juice from the cooked fish and 100 grammes of finely chopped onion, and cook slowly for 10-15 minutes, until you have a sauce the consistency of thick sour cream. Mix the fish, cooked rice to taste, finely chopped parsley and dill, and pepper and salt with the sauce, and the stuffing is ready.

IV. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following words and expressions. Reproduce the sentence in which they were used:

-любимый вид отдыха

-не счищайте чешуи и промойте

- снимая появляющуюся пену и оставляя блестки жира

- нужно дрожжевое тесто

- противень, смазанный маслом

- смазывать яичным желтком

- мелко нарезанный лук


V. Match the following English words with their definitions:

1. grease 2. to skim 3. to bake 4. to simmer 5. froth 6. to mince 1. to make (esp. meat) into very small pieces, esp. with a knife etc.; 2. melted fat; 3. to remove from the top of a liquid; 4. to cook using dry heat in an oven; 5. to cook gently in liquid at or just bellow boiling point; 6. a white mass of small bubbles formed on top of a liquid.  

VI. Make up the sentences:

1. Small, fish, freshwater, wash, clean, and, it.

2. In, put, the fish, a pot, cold, with, water, to the boil, slowly, bring.

3. The froth, off, skim.

4. Simmer, and, parsley roots, onion, celery.

5. The stock, strained, be, should.

6. Peeled, add, simmer, potatoes, onions, pieces of a fish, and.

7. The soup, with, season, peppercorns, bay leaves, and, whole.


VII. Place the sentences in sequence:

1. Roll out these small balls of dough.

2. Pinch up the edges of the dough around the filling to make pies.

3. Divide your yeast dough into small portions.

4. Place a spoonful of the stuffing in the centre.

5. Remember, that the centre of your pies should be uncovered.

6. Leave them in a warm place for dough to rise.

7. Brush the rasstegai with egg yolk and bake in the oven.

8. Put the rasstegai on a baking tray.


VIII. Answer the questions:

1. Is it possible to make fish soup at home?

2. What fish should you take for fish soup?

3. What is fish soup traditionally served with?

4. What is a rasstegai?

5. What does the Russian word «rasstygnuty» mean?

6. What can the filling for rasstegai be made from?

7. What should you take for a fish stuffing?


IX. How can fish soup be made?:


Put it in…

Skim off…





X. How are rasstegai made?

XI. Translate the recipe from Russian into English:



1 курица,

600г стерляди или осетрины,

3 картофелины,

2 луковицы,

1 корень петрушки,

½ стакана сухого белого вина,

специи, соль.

Способ приготовления

Отварите курицу и процедите бульон. Положите в бульон осетрину или стерлядь и варите 30 – 40 минут. Охладите и нарежьте рыбу. В бульон добавьте нарезанный картофель и варите до готовности. Затем добавьте рыбу и немного сухого белого вина и прогрейте. Украсьте зеленью.



Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 607. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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