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The students’ life is not limited to lectures, practical classes, tests and exams. Studying at the Academy students can develop their hobbies by singing, performing arts, choreography, and folk dance.

There are many talented students at our Academy They can take part in a «KVN» team, and festivals. The students participate in the volunteer movement. Besides, Russian and foreign students can take part in the organized actions devoted to celebration of different holidays in our town and in the Academy.

In order to support their health and to be in a good physical form the students go in for sports. They like to take part in sport competitions and to win them. The Academy has a sports complex with a swimming pool, and gyms.

There are all created conditions for improvement and supporting of the students’ health: the Students’ Polyclinic, the Stomatological Polyclinic, and the Students’ Health Centre. The Students’ Health Centre of the Academy carries out monitoring of the students’ health. There is a sanatorium, where the students receive comprehensive treatment.

One of the main components of the young people’s health is their nutrition. For this purpose, canteens and refreshment rooms are opened in the educational buildings and students’ hostels. The Academy has four students’ hostels with furnished apartments for 2-3 persons. Kitchens are equipped with all necessary facilities. There are shower rooms, washing rooms at the hostels.

Annually within summer vacations, the students have an opportunity to have a rest at the camp on the Black Sea.


Задание 3. Вставьте необходимые по смыслу слова.

1. The students’ life at the Medical Academy … to lectures.

2. There are many … students studying at our Academy.

3. When studying the students can develop their ….

4. The students participate in the … movement.

5. Russian and foreign students can take part in celebration of ….

6. The students go in for ….

7. There are all created conditions for … and … of the students’ health.

8. The Academy has four … with furnished apartments.

9. The students have an opportunity to have a rest at ….


Задание 4. Расположите предложения соответственно содержанию текста.

1. The Students’ Health Centre of the Academy carries out monitoring of the students’ health.

2. They like to take part in sport competitions and to win them.

3. The students have an opportunity to have a rest at the camp on the Black Sea.

4. The students participate in the volunteer movement.

5. The Academy has four students’ hostels with furnished apartments for 2-3 persons.

6. There are many talented students at our Academy.

7. There are all created conditions for improvement and supporting of the students’ health.


Задание 5. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

1. Is the students’ life limited to lectures and practical classes?

2. What hobbies can the students develop?

3. What do the students take part in?

4. Why do the students go in for sport?

5. What facilities has the Academy for health supporting?

6. What centre carries out monitoring of the students’ health?

Задание 6. Составьте план к тексту. Передайте содержание текста сначала на русском языке, а затем на английском.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 822. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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