Студопедия — Dialogues. — What's wrong with today's teenagers?
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Dialogues. — What's wrong with today's teenagers?


— What's wrong with today's teenagers?

— That's easy — everything. They want to be treated like adults, but they won't take adult responsibilities. They just sit around, listening to loud music. And do you have any problems with your teenage children?

— My daughter's fine, she works hard at school, but I have problems with my son Sam. He and his friends use the house as a hotel, and he wears these terrible clothes. 1 think he does it to upset us. And he often tells us that we are boring and we want him to accept our way of life.

— Yes, my son often says that the young generation knows better and that the young are not what we were.

— And they say that parents think they are all delinquents an criminals, just because their parents don't like the way they look and behave.

— My son often says that he likes us, but we treat him like child. He even says that we are jealous because he has a much better time we did when we were young. He intends to grow a beard when he leaves school, chiefly because I don't want him to. It is his way of rebelling, the first step towards breaking ties with a home for which he feels little sympathy.

— By the way, I agree that the young are better educated, the have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. The grow up more quickly and are not so dependant on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideal of their parents and grandparents. And I agree that every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. And this difference is called a generation gap.

— Yes, but I think that we, parents, are people who our children can trust. It's our duty to tell them about it. And we must help our children to solve their problems but not to be at odds with them.




— Would you like to go to the cinema?

— Of course, I do. But now I don't have enough pocket money. When I was younger, I used to spend most of my pocket money о crisps and sweets, and then a couple of years ago I got a bike. So now I spend a lot on accessories and spare parts. The last ones were rather expensive, that's why I don't have money now.

— And my Dad and Mum set up a bank account for me and they deposit some money into it every week. I get extra on my birthday and at Christmas. Basically, I want to save as much money as I can for later. I'd like to study foreign languages at university and will probably be spending time abroad as part of the course, so I think I'm going to need the money later.

— And as for me, I get extra money for lunch and bus fares. Now I'm saving up to get a new bike because the one I've got is already a bit small for me.

— So, it's a pity. We are both saving our pocket money and can't go to the cinema. I'll call you next week. Bye-bye.

— OK. See you later.




— How do you usually spend your pocket money, Andrew?

— I spend a bit of time in fast-food restaurants. I also like music and a lot of money goes on CDs. I go to the cinema quite often but that doesn't cost much. And you?

— I don't get much pocket money, but 1 have a part-time job. I work in a supermarket, stacking boxes and crates. I do it on Saturdays. So I can afford to pay for guitar lessons myself. And I feel independent because I can decide for myself what to spend it on.

— Do you buy clothes yourself?

— I find going shopping pretty boring. So my Mum gets most of my clothes for me.

— And I buy a lot of clothes myself. And Mum says I waste a lot of money because I get sick of wearing them. Fashion changes all the time, doesn't it?

— Sure. That's why I am not keen on fashion. I love collecting things. Now I've got a collection of stamps, but sometimes I spend money buying old ones from friends. But they have to be in good condition to be really worth anything.

— Oh, it's very interesting. I'd like to see your collection.

— OK. Come to see me at 6 pm tomorrow. Bye.

— Bye-bye.




— Professor, you must have to deal with a wide range of problems faced by teens.

— That's right. My research has focused on the learning difficulties of young children.

— And what makes some pupils succeed and others fail?

— Well, research suggests that if you get on well with people, it helps you make the most of your abilities.

— So, why do you think a personality is important?

— Because it's important to feel good about yourself.

— But what should a student do if he doesn't get on well with his mates?

— First of all it's very important not to be negative all the time. If someone gets the teacher's question wrong, you shouldn't start sniggering or giggling. But a lot of kids do it. So the main task is not to look only on the gloomy side.

— Gloomy sides?

— Yes, nobody likes to hear every day that things are bad. Most people know they are bad. If a child doesn't like maths, he doesn't have to keep going on about it.

— And what should we do if we're feeling depressed?

— It you're feeling depressed, one strategy is to try and listen to what other people are saying. Listen to the problems of others, and it may take your mind off your own problems.

— Thank you, professor. It was very interesting.

— My pleasure. Goodbye.

— Goodbye.


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 1044. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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