Студопедия — My future speciality
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My future speciality

I am a second-year student of the Bratsk State Technical University, the Faculty of Pedagogics and Psychology. I’ve chosen psychology as my profession. In the near future I’ll graduate from the University and become a specialist in pedagogic or a psychologist. I want to work with people and try to understand them better. And of course it will help me to understand myself better, too. Also I think that psychology is a fast developing science and I’ll always have a job.

My future job will be connected both with pedagogics and psychology. As I’m deeply interested in these sciences, I’m eager to master my speciality.

What makes a good teacher? First of all, a teacher should have a true interest in children and love for them. He must be also a well-educated person with a broad outlook and deep knowledge of the subject. A teacher should have the qualities of sympathy, kindness and an inquiring mind. I think that a teacher is a person who is teaching as well as learning himself all his life. As for me I’d like to teach my pupils to develop their intellect, from their views and characters, their attitude to life and other people.

At the University we are taught various subjects, such as Pedagogics, History, Philosophy, the Russian language, foreign languages, Physical training, computer science and others. After two years of studying general subjects, specialization, begins. Our faculty provides all necessary conditions for developing the students’ creative activity.

Many students of our department are engaged in scientific work. The themes of the students’ research reflect the wide range of their interests. At the end of the fourth year the University undergraduates are sent for a few month to school to get some practical experience in teaching.

The profession of a psychologist deals with a person, his feelings, his inner world and studies a human nature and behavior. Most people still don’t realize the importance of psychology in every sphere of human life. For me, one of the central problems is the person’s character which is known to be influenced both by hereditary and environmental factors. I must study a lot of special and additional literature and do my best to become a highly-qualified specialist in my field.

My future profession is quite diversified and the graduates of our faculty can work not only at secondary schools, at the higher educational establishments but also at different offices as psychological advisors. They may continue their studies at the post-graduate courses if they have a desire to become scientists.

Whenever I shall make a good teacher or become a successful in some other field of social life to be seen. But I’m sure that my knowledge received at the University will help me to succeed in my future work.



а) Запомните чтение и перевод следующих интернациональных слов:

Pedagogic, psychology, character, activity, sympathy, specialization, creative, nature, psychological, intellect;


Дата добавления: 2014-11-10; просмотров: 2187. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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