Студопедия — Lexical Exercises. Exercise 1.Find the English equivalents for the words and word-. Exercise 4. More about word-building
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Lexical Exercises. Exercise 1.Find the English equivalents for the words and word-. Exercise 4. More about word-building

Exercise 1. Find the English equivalents for the words and word-

combinations given below. Use them in the sentences

of your own.


тщательно продуманный; процесс очистки; иметь успех; продолжать упорно работать; заинтересоваться; фальшивое золото; Монетный двор; проба (золота); всесторонне образованный человек; неправильно понять; превращать ч-л в; раскрыть секрет; внести вклад в; открыть ‘философский камень’.

Exercise 2. Match the English words and word combinations given

below with their Russian equivalents.


1. a certain amount of mercury 1. ни к чему не придти (потерпеть неудачу)

2. so-called magic 2. запас знаний

3. to come to nothing 3. действовать на международной арене

4. a store of knowledge 4. его слава продолжала расти

5. credulous 5. Папа Римский

6. dire penalty 6. сделать открытие

7. to operate on an international 7. определенное количество ртути

scale 8. доверчивый

8. to make a discovery 9. так называемой волшебство

9. his fame grew on 10. ужасное наказание

10. the Pope


Exercise 3. Agree or disagree with the following statements.


1. Alchemists wanted to change metals into silver.

2. Many talented scientists were among alchemists.

3. Alchemists carried out their experiments up to the 15th century.

4. Such great scientists as Sir Isaak Newton didn’t believe alchemistry.

5. Roger Bacon managed to discover the ‘Philosopher’s stone’.

6. Roger Bacon, a great English encyclopedist, worked in London.

7. He wrote 3 monographs in prison.


Exercise 4. More about word-building:

English nouns can be formed

1) from verbs using the suffixes - er/-or, - ess, - ion, - ance/-ence, - ing, - ment

For example: teach - teacher; exist - existence; educate - education;

begin - beginning; govern - government.

2) from adjectives using the suffixes -(i)ty, -ism

For example: productive - productivity, race - racism

3) from nouns using the siffux -ist

For example: physics - physicist

4) the prefixes in-, un-, im-, dis- give a negative meaning to verbs, adjectives and adverbs

important - unimportant, integrate - disintegrate, complete - incomplete


a) In the text find nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs formed in this way.

b) Give the corresponding verbs to the following nouns:

reaction, participation, production, supporter, establishment, entrance, governess, teaching, opening, development, painter, writer.

c) Form adjectives from the following adjectives using prefixes in-, im-, un-, -dis:

natural, dependent, possible, like, different, mobile, organized, curious, covered


Exercise 5. Translate at sight.


Aluminium is the most abundant metal, but it was not used until a century ago because it is active chemically and difficult to extract. Like iron it is soft, but in contrast to iron and steel, aluminium is very light and more resistant to corrosion. These qualities make it useful for airplanes, trains, automobiles, rockets, and for some constructional purposes.

In the 1940s, magnesium emerged as an important metal. Although it is less abundant in the earth, more chemically active, and harder to extract than aluminium, it is present in sea water and that means there is almost an endless supply of it.

In the space age, the extraordinary properties of titanium have made it the new wonder metal. Lighter and stronger than steel, it is more resistant to corrosion and able to withstand heat.

The remaining major metals are sodium, potassium, and calcium, all too active chemically (they react violently with water) for use in construction.



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