Студопедия — Unit 5. Reinforced -Concrete Productiоn
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Unit 5. Reinforced -Concrete Productiоn



Steam curing – пропаривание

Fill – насыпь

Truck - вагонетка

Establish – устанавливать

Lay-out – планировка

Storage bin – бункер для хранения

Casting bed – форма для отливки

Slope – уклон

Runway(s) - транспортные (промышленные) пути

Mould – формовать


In the rapid growth; in the employment of precast-concrete products, and particularly of wall panels, slabs, beams, etc., to serve a multitude of building needs, this industry has inevi­tably incurred an obligation to maintain andimprove the quality of the products. A vast amount of excellent work has already been done to raise the standards of this still comparatively young industry to their present level. Machinery and equipment desig­ners have made important contributions by creating machines and tools for the industry.

A great number of plants producing precast reinforced-concrete elements is now in operation in our country and abroad. Before the decision is made to establish a precast concrete products plant in a given area, a number оr purely economic considera­tions deserve particular attention, A careful appraisal of the potential requirements provides valuable information for determi­ning the size of the plant which should be built. A well-designed plant must have sufficient capacity for the normal output plus a reasonable margin for a possible increase. The design should specifically and carefully anticipate the future installation of additional equipment for increased production without dis­rupting the original lay-out.

The following general aspects should be kept in mind when designing a plant. The plant floor level should be not less than 6 inches above the general grade of the yard to assure adequate drainage. In addition, concrete yard runways should be slightly above the level of the surrounding yard so that they will remain free of pebbles and other obstructions that might interfere with the operation of trucks or other equipment. The yard should slope away from the main building in all directions if possible, even at the expense of hauling in fill to accomplish it, for much future trouble and expense can be averted by establishing the proper grade at the time the plant is built.

Adequate space should be allowed at sides and in front of machines and casting beds. Regardless of the general lay-out of the plant, aggregates and cement should be stored as close to the mixers as possible.


Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What is ment by the term " quality management" in civil engineering?

2. What has inevitably incurred an obligation to maintain and improve the quality of the products in precast concrete industry?

3. Why do economic considerations deserve particular attention before making decision to establish a precast concrete products plant?

4. What general aspects should be kept in mind when designing a plant?

5. Why adequate space is important at sides?




1) Give equivalents to:










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