Студопедия — Months of the year
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Months of the year

There are twelve months in a year. The names of the months are January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. January is the first month and December is the twelfth or last month.

What is May? May is the fifth month. What is August? August is the eighth month. What is November? November is the eleventh month.

March, April and May are the spring months; June, July and August are the summer months; September, October and November are the autumn months; December, January and February are the winter months.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are the four seasons.


Ex. 2. Answer the questions:


How many months are there in a year? What are the names of the months? What is the first month? December is the last month, isn't it? Is May the fifth or the eleventh month? What are the spring (summer, autumn, winter) months? What are the four seasons?


Ex. 3. Listen to the text and name all the days of the week:


Days and Weeks

There are seven days in a week. The first day of the week is Sunday. The last day of the week is Saturday. The other days of the week, between Sunday and Saturday, are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Monday is the second day, Tuesday is the third day, Wednesday is the fourth day, Thursday is the fifth day, and Friday is the sixth day. Saturday is the seventh day, the last day.There are three hundred and sixty-five days in a year.

Ex. 4. Study the examples and read the following dates:


1st January 1915 – the first of January (January the first), nineteen (hundred and) fifteen.

22nd October 1911 – the twenty-second of October (October the twenty-second), nineteen (hundred and) eleven.


15 August 1432; 18 December 1683; 5 October 1156; 27 March 1745; 14 April 1832; 23 November 1935; 22 June 1937; 26 May 1567; 3 August 1432; 8 January 1965; 23 February 1918; 16 September 1667.


Ex. 5. Transform the cardinal numerals into ordinal:


40; 60; 100; 90; 31; 57; 171; 365; 1583; 5 505; 75 000; 13 407; 433; 45 672; 324 456; 95 655; 478 932; 1 342 458; 5 879 453; 432 258; 575; 48 260; 768 354; 7 245 672; 278; 439; 2 439; 66 769.


Ex. 6. Translate into English:


Какое сегодня число? – Сегодня вторник, 25 января. (Сегодня пятница, 9 июня. Сегодня среда, 12 июля. Сегодня суббота, 23 мая. Сегодня понедельник, 7 февраля. Сегодня четверг, 6 августа. Сегодня воскресенье, 9 апреля.)


Future Simple and present tenses with a future meaning compared

1. The Simple Future используется: a) чтобы делать предсказания о будущем: This time next year I’ll be in Japan. I think Tom will get the job. b) чтобы устанавливать существование факта в будущем: Steve will be thirty next birthday. c) для выражения решения, принятого в момент речи: – Does Peter know about the picnic?I’ll tell him tonight. d) для выражения обещания или предложения: I’ll post those letters for you. 2. The Present Continuous (I am doing) используется: a) для выражения договоренностей, планов на ближайшее будущее, ‘Going to’ также возможен, но ‘I am doing’ более естественен: I’m playing tennis this afternoon. (or I’m going to play tennis this afternoon.) What time are you meeting Ann? (or What time are you going to meet Ann?) 3. Going to используется: a) для выражения запланированных решений, намерений и договоренностей: I’m going to ask for a rise next month. Сравните использование the Simple Future и ‘Going to’ в следующей ситуации: Helen (to her Father): My bicycle is broken. Can you repair it for me? Father: O’K, but I can’t now. I’ll repair it tomorrow. ‘Will’ используется, когда во время разговора мы принимаем решение сделать что-то. Later Helen’s mother speakes to her husband. Mother: Can you repair Helen’s bicycle? It is broken. Father: Yes, I know. She told me. I’m going to repair it tomorrow. ‘Going to’ использутся, когда мы уже решили что-нибудь сделать. b) для выражения предсказания о ближайшем будущем, когда есть свидетельства, что что-то может произойти в самое ближайшее будущее: Look at those black clouds. It’s going to rain in a minute. Simple Present (I do) используется, когда речь идет о расписании программе: The football match starts at 8 o’clock. What time does the film begin? Но Simple Present обычно не используется для выражения личных планов.

Ex. 7. Decide which form of the verb is correct (or more natural) in these situations:


1. I will go / am going to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come, too? 2. According to the weather forecast it will rain / is raining tomorrow. 3. I’m sure Tom will get / is getting the job. He has a lot of experience. 4. I can’t meet you this evening. A friend of mine will come / is coming to see me. 5. Have you decided where to go for your holiday yet? – Yes, we will go / are going to Italy. 6. Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt / isn’t hurting you. 7. Don’t forget to phone Ann? – O’K, I won’t. I am doing /I’ ll do it now.


Ex. 8. Put the verb into the most suitable form:


a) use will or going to


1. Why are you filling that bucket with water? – I (wash) the floor. 2. Oh, I haven’t got any money to buy the books. – Don’t worry – that’s no problem. I (lend) you some. 3. What (уоu/do) after supper? – Watch TV. 4. Have a good time in Italy! – Thanks. I (send) you a postcard. 5. Why are you turning on the television? – I (watch) the news. 6. Don’t forget to post the letter for me again. – Oh, I’m sorry. I (do) it now. 7. We need some bread for lunch. – Oh, do we? I (go) to the shop and get some. 8. The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? – No, it looks as if it (fall) down. 9. I don’t know how to use this camera. – It’s quite easy! I (show) you. 10. What would you like to drink: tea or coffee? – I (have) tea, please. 11. Phew! It’s hot in here. – Yes, isn’t it? I (turn on) the air conditioning. 12. Has George decided on what to do when he leaves school? – Oh, yes. Everything is planned. He (have) a holiday for some weeks and then he (start) a language course. 13. Where are you going? Are you going shopping? – Yes, I (buy) something for dinner. 14. I want to re-paint this room. – What colour (you/paint) it? 15. I’m going to a party tomorrow. – What (you/wear)? 16. When (you/type) my article? – I (do) it tomorrow if I have time.


b) use going to, the Future Simple, the Present Simple or the Present Continuous:


1. I don’t know what I (do) with my computer. Perhaps you’d like it? 2. The plane (leave) at 6 o’clock. 3. I know you (like) our new history teacher. 4. Come on! We (be) late. 5. Sue and Alan (get) married on Saturday. 6. Take a warm coat. It’s very cloudу. I think it (snow). 7. I (take) my exam on Wednesday. 8. My parents (arrive) by the 11.50 train. 9. I feel terrible. I think I (be) ill. 10. The new supermarket (open) on the 5th of May.



c) use the Present Continuous or the Present Simple:


1. We (go) to the theatre this evening. 2. We (have) a party on Saturday. Would you like to come? 3.... the film (begin) at 4.00 or 4.30? 4. I (go/not) away for my holiday next month because I haven’t got enough money.... (you/go) away)? 5. The concert this evening (start) at 7.30. 6. George, is it true that you (get) married next week? 7. The art exhibition (open) on the 3rd of May and (finish) on the 15th of July. 8. What time (the next train/leave)? 9. Ann, we (go) to town.... (you/come) with us?


Ex. 9. Translate into English:


1. Сколько времени у тебя уйдет на то, чтобы закончить эту работу? – Я думаю, что закончу ее через неделю. 2. Где ты собираешься отдыхать этим летом? – Я хочу поехать на море. 3. Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером? – Я иду в театр. 4. Интересно, придет ли Джейн на вечер. – Не думаю. Сегодня вечером приезжает ее мать, она идет на вокзал встречать ее. 5. Ты принесла книгу? – Нет, я совершенно забыла. Я принесу её завтра. 6. Роберт не будет присутствовать на собрании. Он уезжает в Москву. Он пробудет там целый месяц. 7. Поторопись. Поезд отправляется через полчаса. 8. Не беспокойтесь о дочери. Я за ней присмотрю. 9. Когда ты сдаешь последний экзамен? – В пятницу, 30-ого июня.



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