Студопедия — Ех 37 Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verb
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Ех 37 Open the brackets, using the correct form of the verb




The black man with the wonderful smile (finish singing), (raise) the trumpet to his lips, and (play). The music was jazz. It (be) exciting and happy music, and soon everyone (smile) and feeling good, clapping and swaying to the rhythm. He (finish playing) and the crowd (roar) and (applaud).

That was Louis Armstrong, one of the most famous and best-loved jazz musicians of all time. Armstrong (do) a great deal to popularize this type of music'. Jazz (bring about) by black Americans from African drumbeats, work songs, blues, spirituals, and especially the lively marching band tunes so popular right after the Civil War.

The birthplace of jazz was New Orleans. Louis (born) there on July 4, 1900. His family (be) very poor. He (love) music since he was a little boy and he used to follow street bands at parades, and even funerals just to hear the music.

On New Year's Eve, when he (be) twelve, he and his friends (have) fun with shooting a small gun. Louis (buy) his own gun and (shoot) it off. It (make) such a noise that it (frighten) everybody and suddenly Louis (find) himself in the arms of a tall policeman. He (send) to the Coloured Waifs Home, a place for black children who (get) into trouble. One of the teachers that Louis (like) a lot (be) a music teacher named Mr Davis, who (form) a band in the school. Louis (behave) himself very well and soon (ask) to join the band. Mr Davis (give) him bugle* and cornet* lessons and the boy (never be) happier. He (learn) quickly and soon (make) the leader.

After Louis (stay) at the Home a year and a half, he (leave) it and (go) to live with his father. Because his family (be) so poor, he (have) to go right out and earn some money, doing all sorts of jobs. He (save) a little for quite a time to buy a cornet. He (manage) to save enough money to buy a battered old cornet. He (begin) to practise and listen to music every chance he (get). Louis (get) his first job playing when he (be) sixteen, working for whatever money the customers (throw) him.

When Louis (begin) to play with the band of Fate Marble, he (learn) to read music well and also (get) a chance to play jazz for many who (never hear) it before. Louis (become) known as the best player around New Orleans.

Since 1924 Louis (have) his own band, and some of his best music (record) during this period.

On his seventieth birthday a great tribute (pay) to Louis. Many famous singers and musicians (соте) to mark the great date. Everybody (agree) Louis (be) truly the " King of Jazz".

Louis Armstrong (die) one year later, but the world (never forget) " Ambassador Satchmo" who (do) so much to make people happy and bring the people of the world together.

Ex 38 Rewrite (or retell) in narrative form the passage from the text.

From: " They turned the flashlight on us..." up to " That's what for";.

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