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Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 529


Personal Details    
Put your most recent studies first.     Melanie Henderson Date of birth 3.11.1978 Address 99 Newlands Park London SE30 8UJ Tel: 0171 25650
Don’t go too far back in time or leave any gaps. 1997-present Degree in French and Film Studies, University of London Degree performance to date: 2.1 Specialist subjects: British Cinema, The Narrative Technique 1992-1997 Royal Latin School, Aylesbury 4 A Levels: French (B), German (C), English (B), Film studies (A) 7 GCSEs: French (A), German (A), English (A), History (B), Art (A), Maths (B), Economics (B)
Work experience    
Put our recent experience first. Information Officer, Futuroscope, France Responsible for dealing with enquiries in busy office, responding to 2.000 enquiries a week. This demonstrated my ability to retain a professional approach and a sense of humour while working under pressure.
  Give more detail about more relevant experience. Customer Services Assistant Provided support for customer enquiries. Dealing with customers’ complaintsdemonstrated my ability to remain calm under pressure. Explaining complex issues simply and clearly helped me to develop my communication skills.
Positions of responsibility    
Miss this section out if you haven’t had a position of responsibility.   In my final year at school, I helped organize a careers fair for all final year students. Skills Good working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel Spreadsheets Working knowledge of French and Italian Current clean driving licence
Don’t just list your interests – add a few details. Interests Travel: I have traveled expensively and independently in Europe. Music: I play the guitar in a semi-professional band and have done a number of ‘gigs’ for school and student clubs.  
Give two referees. Referees  
  Hamish Roberts (Tutor at University of London) 17 Woodland Avenue Oxford OX117GGR Richard Gayle (Customer Services Manager/DAT) 31 Pleasant Street London SE18 3LSR



Exercise 12. Read and learn the dialogues.

Calling Directly the Possible Employer


Secretary: Good morning, OSHA Partners

Applicant: May I speak with the personnel department?

Secretary: Are you looking for a job or are you already working with us?

Applicant: I’d like to apply for a job.

Secretary: One moment, please.

Secretary: (Personnel department): Personnel Department.

Applicant: I’m interested in a job in computer programming, with whom can I speak?

Secretary: I’m sorry, we are not hiring today in this field.

Applicant: All right, but can I come in and give you my application anyway?

Secretary: We receive applications every Wednesday between 1.00 and 3.00 pm.

Applicant: Shall I bring a resume?

Secretary: If you like. Good bye.

Applicant: Thank you. Good bye.

Secretary: Good bye.


Personnel Department. Wednesday


Applicant: Good morning, my name is Ivanov, Sergey Ivanov. I’d like to give you my application for a job.

Secretary: All right, here you are. Fill it out.

Applicant: (in 20 minutes) I’ve completed this application and I also have a resume. Is there someone with whom I can speak?

Situation I.

Secretary: No, if there is any interest in your application someone will

call you.

Applicant: Thank you. Good bye.

Secretary: Good bye.


Situation II.

Secretary: Yes, someone will talk to you in a few minutes.

Mr. Green: Mr. Ivanov? Sit down, please. I’ve examined your application and your resume and I’m not quite sure what you’re qualified for. So explain again to me your education and experience.

Applicant: I graduated from St. Petersburg Technical University, Standards Department. I’m qualified as standards control engineer.

Mr. Green: We don’t have a quality control department here, but we do have a product assurance department in which you’d fit nicely. I’ll pass your resume on to the department head and I’ll call you in a couple of days about result (*).

Applicant: Thank you. Good bye.

Mr. Gr: Good bye. Have a good day.

(*) The reason for this is that the applicant has been too specific in his resume.


Exercise 13. Translate the dialogues from Russian into English.


А:Здравствуйте, агентство «Континенталь».

В:Здравствуйте, я ищу работу юриста. Занимается ли ваше агентство подбором работы в этой области?

А:Мы работаем только с иностранными компаниями. Вы хотите работать в российской или иностранной компании?

В:Я не знаю, подойдет ли моя квалификация для работы в

иностранной компании.
А:Тогда вам надо поговорить с нашим консультантом. Вы не

хотели бы записаться на прием к нашему консультанту?

В:Спасибо, конечно. Когда я могу с ним поговорить?

А:В пятницу, в три часа. Удобно ли для вас это время?

В:Минутку, я загляну в свой деловой блокнот. Да, спасибо. .Я буду у вас в пятницу в 3. До свидания.

А: До свидания. Всего доброго.


А:Здравствуйте, агентство «Прогресс».

В:Здравствуйте, я прочел в газете ваше объявление, что

требуется администратор в гостиницу «Европа». Я хотел бы

прийти и поговорить с кем-либо по поводу этой работы.

А: Наш консультант проводит интервью с претендентами в

понедельник в 10 часов. Есть ли у вас соответствующий опыт


В: Да, я работал несколько лет в гостинице. Я знаю свое дело

хорошо, но я не знаю иностранный язык.

А: Для этой работы это не обязательно. Могли бы вы

встретиться с нашим консультантом в указанное время?

В: Да, я приду обязательно. Нужно ли мне иметь какие-нибудь документы?

А: Для этой работы необходимо составить резюме.

В: Но я никогда не составлял резюме, я не знаю, как это


А: Приходите к Андрею Петрову в понедельник в 10 утра, он

поговорит с вами и поможет вам составить резюме.

В: Спасибо. Я обязательно приду в понедельник в 10. До


А:До свидания.


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