Студопедия — LEAD-IN 2. You are a manufacturer of aluminium fittings.
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Разделы: Автомобили Астрономия Биология География Дом и сад Другие языки Другое Информатика История Культура Литература Логика Математика Медицина Металлургия Механика Образование Охрана труда Педагогика Политика Право Психология Религия Риторика Социология Спорт Строительство Технология Туризм Физика Философия Финансы Химия Черчение Экология Экономика Электроника

LEAD-IN 2. You are a manufacturer of aluminium fittings.


You are a manufacturer of aluminium fittings.

A client phones you to obtain information about the fittings you produce.

He is interested in purchasing steel fittings.

Explain very tactfully why you can’t be of service to him and tell him about your company and your products to encourage him to do business with you.


You want to purchase some sophisticated equipment from a foreign manufacturer.

A manufacturer’s representative visits you to discuss the matter in detail.

You want the supplier to install the equipment.

Clarify all points and agree upon the installation.





FOCUS 1. Read and discuss the leads-in and the letters



The letter of reply must very often fulfil the function of a salesman: it must contain information which will sustain the reader’s interest and persuade him to make an immediate decision and to place an order.



  MAHONEY AND MILLMAN, INC. 1951 Benson Street Bronx, New York 10465  
    Our ref. Your ref. 13 June 200__ Sandmann Office 128-134 Hackley Road, Wolverkampton WV 16JXZ, England     Dear Sirs,   We are replying to your advertisement in the May issue of Modern Office. We would like to know more about your new range of desk accessories.   Could you send us your latest catalogue and price-list together with your terms of payment? It would also be helpful if you could send us some samples of your products. If they meet our requirements, we will place a substantial order.   We hope to hear from you shortly.   Yours faithfully, H.Rosen (Ms) H.Rosen Manager  


  SANDMANN OFFICE SUPPLIES 128-134 Hackley Road, Wolverhampton WV 16JXZ Tel: 832.9981 Fax: 832.8747  
    Our ref. Your ref. 20 June 200__ Ms H.Rosen Machoney and Millman, Inc. 1951 Benson Street Bronx, New York 10465, USA   Dear Ms Rosen,   Thank you for your enquiry of 13 June concerning our new range of desk accessories.   We are pleased to inform you that we are sending you, under separate cover, the samples you requested as well as our latest catalogue and price list and our terms of payment.   As the new range of Sandmann desk accessories is already proving extremely successful, we would request that you return the samples after two weeks, so that we may satisfy the requirements of other customers. Indeed, the popularity of these items is such that we would urge you to place an order promptly if you wish to avoid possible delays in delivery.   Please write to us again if you have any questions, or call us at the above telephone number, and once again thank you for your letter.   Yours sincerely, R.Levine R.Levine Sales Manager  


Firms often have agents in other countries who either sell or buy products for them. An enquiry may be sent by an import/export agent on behalf of a client.



Import and Export 10 Ichiban-cho Tokyo 102, Japan Directors: H.O.Katsumi, D.R.Dove
    Our ref. Your ref. 12 November 200__ Osaka Electronics Ltd. 2-33, Namba 4-chome Chuo-ku Osaka 544, Japan     Dear Sirs,   We have received an enquiry from a multinational company owing a chain of restaurants in Russia. They are opening three new restaurants in Sochi this summer and are interested in installing electronic air-circulation systems in them.   We have seen your advertisement in the October issue of Exclusive Electronics, and would be grateful if you would kindly send us details of your electronic air- comfort system.   1/2  


KATSUMI & DOVE LTD. Continuation sheet No. 2
      Could you send us your current catalogue and price-list quoting prices c.i.f. Vladivostok? Will you please indicate delivery times, your terms of payment and details of discounts for large orders. If the quality and prices of your equipment are suitable, and you can guarantee delivery by February this year, our principals will place a substantial order with you, and may be able to order on a regular basis. Their terms of payment are normally 30-day bill of exchange, documents against acceptance.   Our principals would also like to know if you could send your representative to install the equipment within three months of its delivery and adapt it to their special requirements.   We would be grateful for an early reply.   Yours faithfully, D.R.Dove D.R. Dove Managing Director      

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FOCUS 6. Translate into English. . | 

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