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  FINE TEXTILES LTD. Hope on Road Stroke-on-Trent ST7 1QF England  
    Our ref. Your ref. 25 May 200__ Johanssen Forlag 21 Kirkegate Stravanger 5026, Norway   Dear Mr.Olssen,   We thank you for your enquiry of 21 May and have sent you today, by separate post, our current price-list and a full selection of our silk patterns. All of these are selling well throughout the Scandinavian countries and we can safely recommend them to you. Once you have seen the samples we are sure you will agree that our cloth is unique both in texture and colour.   Details of our terms of payment and discounts are enclosed. We can guarantee delivery within a week of receiving your order.   Our representative for Europe, Mr. K.Spider, will be in Norway in a week, and we have asked him to make an appointment to visit you. He is authorized to discuss the terms of an order with you.   Thank you for your interest. We hope to hear from you again soon, and can assure you that your order will be dealt with promptly.   Yours sincerely, M.York M.York Export Manager  

FOCUS 2. Comprehension questions.



What information is the sender of the enquiry interested in?

What is considered to be the most important factor?



What is the purpose of writing a letter of enquiry?

What do the contents of a letter of enquiry depend on?

What points does a first enquiry normally include?

What particulars might be worth mentioning in a letter of enquiry and why?

What is usually requested from a prospective supplier?



Where has the retailer obtained the supplier’s name?

What is the retailer interested in?

On what conditions may the retailer be able to place a substantial order?

What is the supplier requested to send?

What details are of interest to the retailer?



How has the importer got to know about the exporter?

What product is the importer interested in?

Why does the importer want to have more information about the exporter’s products?

What is requested from the exporter?

Why does the importer ask the exporter to send some patterns?

Why does the importer expect certain concessions?

What terms of payment does the importer practice?

Why does the importer stress the importance of prompt deliveries?

What is expected in this instance from the exporter?



What points should a reply to an enquiry include?

Why is it necessary to mention the date of the letter of enquiry and quote other references (if any)?

What additional information may be provided to the customer?



What does the supplier enclose with the letter?

What information, not requested by the customer, is given by the supplier and why?



Can the supplier meet the customer’s requirements?

What time of delivery can the supplier guarantee?

What means of transport is suggested by the supplier?

What are the proposed terms of payment?

Do the quoted prices include freight and insurance?

When does the customer take transit risks?



What steps can be taken if certain products need demonstrating?



What is enclosed with the letter?

How does the manufacturer indicate high quality and superior technical characteristics of the model?

Why is it advisable for the retailer to visit the manufacturer’s showroom in Moscow?



What are the ways of encouraging a prospective customer to do business with a supplier?



What has been sent by separate post?

What enclosures have been made?

How does the manufacturer persuade the importer to place an order?

Can the manufacturer guarantee prompt delivery?

FOCUS 3. Study the notes, written patterns and vocabulary.



1. P attern, sample. Следует обратить внимание на то, что слову «образец» в английском языке соответствует ряд слов. Ваш выбор будет определяться контекстом:

sample, specimen - торговый образец;

pattern – образец узора, рисунка;

model – образец (модель) машины;

standard – эталонный образец;

exhibit – образец, отобранный для выставки;

contract form - образец контракта.


2. Item. В коммерческой корреспонденции данное слово чаще всего употребляется в значении

вид товара, товар (отдельное наименование товара в ассортименте);

единица оборудования, агрегат.

Следует отметить и другие значения слова “item”:

статья (в счете, балансе);

пункт; позиция; параграф;

статья (экспорта, импорта);

бухгалтерская запись, проводка.


Дата добавления: 2015-10-15; просмотров: 326. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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