Студопедия — The simple past perfect and past perfect progressive tenses
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The simple past perfect and past perfect progressive tenses

9.6A Uses of the simple past perfect tense: 'I had worked' [> LEG 9.29-30]

1 When we have two past references, we are not obliged to use the simple past perfect: After I finished work, I went home, (simple past + simple past)

2 But we often need the past perfect for the event that happened first to avoid ambiguity: Compare: When I arrived, Ann left. (i.e. at that moment). But: When I have arrived, Ann had left. (i.e. before I got there)

- We use the past perfect to refer to 'an earlier past', that is to describe the first of two or more actions: First the patient died. Then the doctor arrived. The patient had died when the doctor arrived.

- We often introduce the past perfect with conjunctions like when, after, as soon as, by the time that. We use adverbslike already, ever, never... before.

Write: Supply the simple past or the simple past perfect. Show when both are possible.

1 They locked/had locked the gates before I got there, (lock, get) 2 By the time we..., the party... (arrive, finish) 3 I... the shop as soon as I... the contents of the box. (ring, check) 4 After we... it on the phone, I... him a letter about it. (discuss, write) 5 We... a good rest when our guests... (have, all leave) 6 When she... the office this morning, Jim... (ring, already go out) 7 Before we... Tim to the theatre, he... a stage play before, (take, never see) 8 I... the carpet when the dog... in and... himself, (just clean, come, shake) 9 He... to do the job in an hour, but he still... by 10 o'clock, (promise, not finish)


9.6B Uses of the present and past perfect progressive: 'I have/had been [> LEG 9.32-33] The past perfect progressive is the 'past' form of the present perfect progressive. [> 9.5B] The progressive forms have the effect of emphasizing continuity.

1 We use them to describe actions in progress throughout a period:

present perfect progressive: She is very tired. She has been typing all day.

past perfect progressive: She was very tired. She had been typing all day. Depending on context, she was still typing, or had recently stopped, (then, not now)

2 Some verbs like learn, lie, live, wait, work… naturally suggest 'continuity' [> 7.3B, 9.5B]:

- We say: I've waited for two hours, (simple present perfect)

Or: I've been waiting for two hours, (present perfect progessive)

- We say: I'd waited for two hours before he arrived, (simple past perfect)

Or: I'd been waiting for two hours before he arrived, (past perfect progressive)

3 Repeated actions:

- present perfect progressive: He's been phoning every night for a month.

- past perfect progressive: He'd been phoning every night for a month.

4 Drawing conclusions:

- present perfect progressive: Her eyes are red. It's clear she's been crying.

- past perfect progressive: Her eyes were red. It was clear she'd been crying.

Write: Supply the present perfect progressive or the past perfect progressive tenses. Show where both are possible.

1 I was tired. I had been digging all day. (dig) 2 We... for your call all evening, (wait) 3 How long... there? (you wait) 4 I... there since 6 o'clock, (stand) 5 She... English for five years before she visited Canada, (study) 6 It started raining last Monday and it... ever since, (rain) 7 I... to the firm regularly for a month before, but they still hadn't answered, (write) 8 They... me about it every day for the past week, (ring) 9 I knew you... - How did you know? - Your hair was covered with paint! (paint) 10 You were out of breath when you came in this morning...? (you run) Alyona


9.6C The simple past perfect and past perfect progressive compared [> LEG 9.34]

1 The past perfect progressive can tell us that an action was uncompleted then: When I got home, I found that Jill had been painting her room, [compare > 9 5C]

2 The simple past perfect can tell us that an action was completed then: When I got home, I found that Jill had painted her room.


Write: Supply the simple past perfect or the past perfect progressive. 1 We had been cooking all day for the party that evening and by 8 o'clock we still weren't ready, (cook) 2 John... a beautiful meal for his guests and they all enjoyed it. (prepare) 3 I knew she... the washing because the machine was still working when I got in. (do) 4 I knew she... the washing because when I got in she was ready to go out. (do)

5 By 10 o'clock the children... their homework and were ready to go to bed. (do) 6 The children... their homework and by 10 o'clock they still hadn't finished, (do)


9.6D Write: Put in the past perfect simple or progressive or the simple past. Give alternatives where possible. COOKING THE BOOKS? Old Mr Williams was very concerned. He and his wife were pensioners and he (spend) 1 had spent the whole morning looking for their pension books. He (look) 2... everywhere, but he (not be able) 3... to find them. Meanwhile, his wife (be) 4... busy. She (cook) 5... all morning. She (prepare) 6... a delicious meal. She (make) 7... soup, followed by a lovely pie, which she (bake) 8... in the oven. Mr Williams (always enjoy) 9... his food, but he clearly wasn't enjoying his lunch. 'What's the matter, Tom?' his wife asked. Mr Williams (have to) 10... confess that he (lost) 11... their pension books. I know.' Mrs Williams (say) 12... with a twinkle in her eye. 'I've got them'. 'You've got them?' 'Yes - and guess where I (find) 13... them!' Mr Williams suddenly remembered. 'In the oven! I (put) 14... them there for safe-keeping.' He (smile) 15... with relief as she (fish) 16... them out of her apron pocket!


9.7 The simple future tense S + shall, will + toV

9.7A Some uses of 'will' and 'shall' [> LEG 9.37,11.23,11.38-40,11.73]

1 Will and shall are 'modal verbs', so they are like can, must, etc. [> Chapter 11].

2 We often use will and shall to make predictions (the simple future tense): It will rain tomorrow. I don't know if I shall see you next week.

3 We use will and shall in many other ways, apart from predicting the future: e.g.

- intentions / promises [> 9.8A]: I’ll (= I will) buy you a bicycle for your birthday.

- requests / invitations [> 11.60]: Will you hold the door open for me, please?

- offers [>n.6E]: Shall I get your coat for you?

- suggestions [> 11.6F]: Shall we go for a swim tomorrow?

- threats: Just wait! You'll regret this!

- decisions [>9.9A]: I'll stop and ask the way.


Write: Match the sentences A with the functions B:

A: 1 We'll have a thunderstorm tonight, I'm sure. D 2 Will there be a general strike? 3 I'll send you a card from Florida. 4 Will you write to me? 5 Shall I go to the post office for you? 6 Shall we take a drive into the country later? 7 I'll report you to the police next time. 8 The wedding will take place next Friday. 9 I hope you'll come and see us again. 10 Tell them again. Perhaps they'll understand. 11 Will you have lunch with us on Sunday? 12 I'll be seeing John at the meeting tomorrow. a) making a formal announcement b) making a request c) stating a planned arrangement d) making a prediction e) making an invitation f) asking for a prediction g) promising/stating intention h) expressing future hope i) expressing future uncertainty j) threatening k) offering L) making a suggestion.


9.7B 'Will' and 'shall' to refer to the future [> LEG 9.35-373 Forms of 'will' and 'shall':

1 When we are referring to the future, we use will with all persons (/, you, he, she, etc.), but in British English, we often use shall with I / we. (Not 'he/she/it/ you/they shall’): I/We will (I'll/We'll) see you tomorrow. Or: I shall/We shall see you tomorrow.

2 In speech, we weaken shall to ’ll. We often use ’ll in place of will in speech and sometimes in writing, especially after vowels: I'll/He'll see you tomorrow. We also use 'll after consonants: Tom'll be here soon. When'll I see you?

3 Negative short forms are: 'II not, won't (= will not) or shan't (= shall not): I'll not be there/I won't be there/I shan't be there tomorrow.

4 In American English shall and shan't with a future reference are rare.

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