Студопедия — РАЗДЕЛ 2
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1. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором слова, обращая внимание на чтение буквы “ j.

j [ d ] – January, subject, enjoy, just, joint


2. Вспомните, какая еще буква читается [ d ]. Приведите примеры.

3. Найдите в строке слова со звуком [ d ]. Прочтите их вслух.

job, big, July, German, gymnastics, leg, join, biology.


4. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором следующие слова, обращая внимание на чтение букв “ c ” и “ x.

C [ s ] (перед e, i, y) medicine, centre, discipline, city, cycle
[ k ] doctor, academic, capital, contract, difficult
X [gz] (перед ударной гласной) e′xample, e′xist, e′xact, e′xotic, e′xecutive
[ks] Oxford, text, six, expect, except


Прочтите следующие слова.

1. practice, democracy, criticize, civilization, cost

2. ex′clude, six′teen, e′xistence, ′oxygen, e′xamine


6. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором следующие слова. Скажите, сочетание каких букв читается [ f ].

[ f ] – physics, physical, philosophy, photo, telegraph


7. Найдите в строке слова со звуком [ f ]. Прочтите их вслух.

phase, rhythm, phenomenon, three, phonetics


8. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором следующие слова.

единственное число множественное число
thesis     basis [′θ i:sIs]     [′beIsIs] theses     bases [′θ i:si:z]     [beIsi:z]

9. Напишите следующие пары слов в транскрипции и прочтите их вслух. При необходимости воспользуйтесь словарем.

crisis – crises, synthesis – syntheses, analysis – analyses, emphasis – emphases


10. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором следующие слова и словосочетания. Постарайтесь запомнить их значения.


1. to enter the University (the Institute) 2. to graduate from the University (the Institute) graduate post-graduate post-graduate course to take a post-graduate course graduation paper 3. examination/exam entrance examinations to take exams to pass exams to fail in an exam 4. department full-time/day department part-time/evening department correspondence/extra-mural department 5. subject obligatory subject optional subject 6. first-year student full-time student part-time student correspondence student 7. scholarship syn. grant 8. a graduation paper (a thesis) to submit a dissertation (a thesis) 9. term 10. dormitory, hostel, hall of residence 11. enterprise 12. to take part in smth syn. to participate 13. to found syn. to establish 14. to equip equipment 15. conveniences поступить в университет (институт) окончить университет (институт)   выпускник аспирант аспирантура учиться в аспирантуре дипломная работа экзамен вступительные экзамены сдавать экзамены сдать экзамены провалиться на экзамене отделение, кафедра дневное отделение вечернее отделение заочное отделение предмет обязательный предмет факультативный предмет студент 1 курса студент дневного отделения студент вечернего отделения студент-заочник стипендия   представить дипломную работу представить диссертацию семестр студенческое общежитие предприятие принимать участие в чем-либо   основывать   оборудовать оборудование удобства

11. Прослушайте и повторите за диктором постепенно увеличивающиеся словосочетания. Следите за интонацией.

1. ………………… scientist

……….. Russian scientist

the great Russian scientist

2. ……………………………. economy

..………………… national economy

..……. culture and national economy

fields of culture and national economy

3. ….…………… specialists

…….. qualified specialists

highly qualified specialists

4. …………………………………………………... humanities

…………………………….. natural sciences and humanities

………………. specialists in natural sciences and humanities

…….. qualified specialists in natural sciences and humanities

highly qualified specialists in natural sciences and humanities

5. ……………... laboratories

…... equipped laboratories

well-equipped laboratories

6. ……………………………. conveniences

…………………… modern conveniences

………………... all modern conveniences

dormitories with all modern conveniences

7. ………………………………………... departments

……………………….correspondence departments

………... part-time and correspondence departments

full-time, part-time and correspondence departments

Воспроизведите на слух предложения, расширяя их за счет дополнительных компонентов, предлагаемых диктором.

Прослушайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание.

14. Прочтите утверждения и выберите те из них, которые соответствуют содержанию текста. Воспроизведите выбранные Вами утверждения вслух.

1. The first Moscow University was founded in the 18th century. 2. At first there were music, law, philosophy and philology faculties at the University. 3. Besides full-time and part-time departments there is also a correspondence department at Moscow University. 4. There are 26 faculties at Moscow University. 5. Moscow University trains specialists both in natural sciences and humanities.


15. Найдите существительное, которое может следовать после каждого ряда прилагательных. Прочтите полученные словосочетания.

1. western, big, industrial, foreign, developed 2. specialized, physical, modern, technological, research 3. qualified, young, experienced, good, well-known 4. final, entrance, state, terminal, difficult 5. laboratory, additional, research, hard, scientific specialists (1) country (2) work (3) institute (4) examination (5)


16. Прочтите следующие слова и словосочетания. Подберите к словам в правой колонке заголовки из левой колонки.

1. Educational establishments philosophy, history, the English (German) language, literature, geography (1)
2. Degrees physics, chemistry, mathematics, strength of materials, mechanics (2)
3. Natural sciences Institutes, Universities, Colleges, Academies, technical schools (3)
4. Humanities Doctor, Candidate, Master, Bachelor, Academician (4)

17. Замените пропущенное в предложении слово предлагаемым в скобках. Прочтите вслух.

e.g.   The first English degree at the faculty of science is … (a) paid, b) called, c) submitted) Bachelor of Science. Ключ: b


1. Higher school are … (a) taken, b) preferred, c) divided) into Universities, Institutes and Academies. 2. … (a)Academic, b) Research, c) Optional) subjects are taken by the students at all Universities. 3. Students take … (a) final, b) terminal, c) entrance) examinations at the end of each term. 4. Students of our higher schools receive a monthly … (a) grant, b) profession, c) tradition). 5. At the end of studies students present their … (a) graduation papers, b) entrance exams, c) monthly grants).


18. Обратите внимание на значение словосочетаний:

a number of – ряд

a great number of – большое количество

the number of – число (количество)

e.g. There is … (a) a great number of, b) the number of, c) a number of) Universities in England. Ключ: a; c


1. … (a) The number of, b) A great number of, c) A number of) foreign students have got their education in our country. 2. … (a) A number of, b) A great number of, c) The number of) young specialists trained at our higher schools for foreign countries is over 160000. 3. A British University consists of … (a) the number of, b) a great number of, c) a number of) colleges. 4. … (a) A great number of, b) The number of, c) A number of) states in the USA is 51. 5. … (a) The number of, b) A number of, c) A great number of) our students visiting Western countries is growing.


19. Прослушайте реплику Вашего собеседника и с помощью предлагаемых в скобках словосочетаний попытайтесь получить у него информацию по интересующему Вас вопросу.

Варианты ответа: I think so; I don’t think so.

e.g. 1. A. There is a number of chemical laboratories at our University. (space research laboratories) B. Is there a number of space research laboratories at your University? A. I don’t think so. 2. A. There are private schools in the USA. (in our country) B. Are there private schools in our country? A. I think so.


1. A. There is a dormitory near our University.

(a student club)

B. …………………………………………………

A. …………………………………………………

2. A. There is a Computer Centre in the new building of our University.


B. …………………………………………………

A. …………………………………………………

3. A. There is a full-time post-graduate course at our University.


B. …………………………………………………

A. …………………………………………………

4. A. There are ancient Universities in Great Britain.

(modern Universities)

B. …………………………………………………

A. …………………………………………………

5. A. There are many technological Universities in Moscow.

(small towns of our country)

B. …………………………………………………

A. …………………………………………………

6. A. There is a great number of colleges in the USA.

(Great Britain)

B. …………………………………………………

A. …………………………………………………

7. A. There are 4 Institutes at the Moscow State University of Food Production.

(Moscow University)

B. …………………………………………………

A. …………………………………………………


20. Составьте фразы, пользуясь таблицей. Прочтите их вслух.

    many Universities at Oxford University
    an evening department at our University
    various food enterprises among the graduates of our University (Institute)
There is/are one foreign student in our country
    well-known scientists in our group
    well-equipped laboratories  
    39 colleges  
    a wonderful library  

21. Прочтите тексты 1 «А» и 1 «В» и ответьте на вопросы после них.

1 «А»

Our higher schools may be divided into Universities, specialized Institutes and Academies. There are Universities in big industrial cities. At present some major Institutes of the country have got the University status. Classical Universities train highly qualified specialists in various branches of natural sciences and humanities while specialized Institutes, Academies and Technological Universities of our country train specialists for various fields of culture or national economy. Most of them are polytechnic in nature. For example, Food Technological Universities train food technologists for various branches of the food industry as well as economists, managers, mechanical engineers and food machinery designers. At Institutes and Universities students carry on research. Now colleges, gymnasiums and lyceums are being established on the basis of higher schools all over the country. Some of them train entrants to these higher schools, others provide specialized secondary education.

1 «В»

There are Universities and a great number of colleges in Great Britain and in the USA. Most British Universities train specialists in art and science. American Universities train students mostly for business and industry. British Universities grant their own degrees. A British college is a university institution which can’t give its own degrees. London University includes 40 such colleges situated in various parts of London and it grants degrees to them. An American college is a higher school which gives degrees. While in Oxford and Cambridge there is a number of colleges with their own courses of studies where students live, have their meals and study, new British Universities consist of various faculties. Most American Universities have a central campus (Университетский городок) with a great number of various colleges on it. British and American students carry on research at the Universities.

After completing the course of study British and American students get a Bachelor’s degree which corresponds to the Diploma of Higher Education in Russia. After a year of post-graduate study and research young people may get a Master’s degree. Doctor of Philosophy is given for three or more further years of research and the submission of a thesis. It corresponds to the Russian Candidate of Science degree. The highest degree is Doctor of Science which corresponds to the Russian Doctor of Science.


Questions: 1. How are higher schools divided in Russia, Great Britain and the USA? 2. What is the difference between British and American colleges? 3. What are the main degrees at higher schools in Great Britain and the USA? 4. What is your idea of training Bachelors and Masters at your University?


22. Прочтите текст и объясните по-английски, как Вы поняли значение слова “ tutor.

The tutorial system of teaching is typical of Oxford and Cambridge, the most ancient Universities of Great Britain. Every student has a tutor who plans his work. A tutor carries on his own research and directs a group of 10-15 students. Each student is to write papers on the subject he is studying and submit them to the tutor once a week for correction and discussion. The tutor is of great help to his students. He knows all about their life inside and outside the college.


23. Прочтите текст и скажите, отличается ли система обучения в вузах нашей страны от системы обучения в Оксфордском и Кембриджском университетах.

Students of higher schools in our country have lectures and practical hours. They attend lectures on different subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and others and take notes. During practical hours they study the material of the lectures.

Students also make experiments and carry on research in the laboratories and workshops of their Universities. The laboratories of the Universities are equipped with up–to–date apparatuses and there is a library and reading rooms where students can borrow books and journals.

24. 1) Прочтите диалог. Подумайте и решите, кто может вести такой диалог. Представьте собеседников: А -?, В -?

2) Скажите по-английски, какая общая проблема беспокоит собеседников. Используйте фразы:

It seems to me that …………………………

I think that ………………………………….

I suppose that ………………………………

To my mind

(по-моему) ………………..

In my opinion

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