Студопедия — VOCABULARY. I. Read and translate the text
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VOCABULARY. I. Read and translate the text


I. Read and translate the text


London is the capital city of England and the United Kingdom, and also the largest city in the country. It is in the South-East of England, on the River Thames.

Today about 7.5 million people live in London. This means it is the second largest city in Europe (only Moscow has greater population). People in London come from many different countries, and speak more than 300 different languages. There are also many religions and cultures.

London is an important place for business, finance, and culture. It also has a big influence on world politics, entertainment, media, fashion, and art. It has many famous museums, churches, and popular places for tourists to visit.

People started living in the city 2,000 years ago. The Romans built a city called Londinium on the River Thames in AD 43. The name Londinium (and then 'London') came from the Celtic [′keltık]language of the Ancient Britons. After the Romans left Britain, no-one lived in the city for a long time because the Anglo-Saxons liked living in the countryside. In the 9th century, people started living there again. It became the largest city in England, but it did not become the capital city of England until the 12th century.

After that, London grew very big. Greater London consists of 32 London Boroughs and the City. At London's core is the small, ancient City of London which is commonly known as 'the City'. The old City of London is only a square-mile in size but has its own Lord Mayor and other ancient features of government, dating back to medieval times. It is here in the City of London where most of the United Kingdom's financial trade is done. The City has a very small population (8,000). However, many people come to work here and during work times it can be very busy, with some 300,000 people.

The main places of interest in the City are the Tower of London and St Paul’s Cathedral. St Paul’s was built in the 17th century by architect Sir Christopher Wren. The Tower of London is an old English fortress (its building was begun in the 11th century). In the course of its history it has been a royal residence, a prison and an arsenal. Today it is a museum.

Another famous old part of Greater London is Westminster, which was always a different city from the City of London. Westminster is the home of the Government of the United Kingdom. Many government departments are located close to Parliament, including the Prime Minister's residence at 10 Downing Street. The Houses of Parliament (the Palace of Westminster) is well-known for its clock tower commonly called Big Ben (in fact Big Ben is the name of the big hour bell). Buckingham Palace, the royal residence, is also in Westminster. Westminster Abbey is the church where almost all English kings and queens have been crowned since the 11th century, and where many famous English people are buried.

The West End is the area of west central London (mostly in Westminster) that contains the main fashionable shopping streets, clubs, high-class hotels, restaurants, cinemas and theatres. A lot of tourists come here from different countries of the world.

Trafalgar Square is the heart of London. It is named after the Battle of Trafalgar, fought in 1805. The square contains Nelson's Column, a statue of Lord Horatio [hə′reı∫iəʊ] Nelson mounted on a tall column, with four statues of lions around it.

The East End is a commercial and residential area of London to the east of the City. It was at one time famous for its docks and notorious for its slums. Now several businesses are based there, among them the offices of a few national newspapers at Wapping. The last of the docks were closed in 1980s and the former site of the docks has been redeveloped. Today the Docklands area is London's new financial and commercial centre.


entertainment – развлечение, зрелищное мероприятие

media – СМИ, средства массовой информации

fashion – мода

church – церковь

Celtic кельтский

ancient ­– древний, старинный

core – центр, сердцевина

borough – один из 32 районов Лондона; небольшой город

feature – особенность, характерная черта

medieval – средневековый, относящийся к Средневековью

fortress – крепость

prison – тюрьма

places of interest – достопримечательности

architect – архитектор

government department – правительственное ведомство, учреждение

residential area – жилой район

notorious – пользующийся дурной славой; печально известный

slums – трущобы

II. Do the following exercises

1) Chose the correct word

1. London is situated/found in the South-East of England.

2. London did not become the capital city of England before/until the 12th century.

3. The Tower of London is an old English fortress/palace.

4. Westminster is the home/house of the Government of the United Kingdom.

5. Trafalgar Square is named for/after the Battle of Trafalgar, fought in 1805.

6. The East End was at one time famous/notorious for its slums.


2) Match up the English and Russian words and word combinations.

1. fortress 2. prison 3. medieval 4. former 5. slums 6. feature 7. site 8. fashionable 9. entertainment 10. notorious 11. palace 12. media 13. department 14. bell a. средневековый b. печально известный c. ведомство, учреждение d. развлечение, зрелищное мероприятие e. дворец f. колокол g. средства массовой информации h. крепость i. трущобы j. модный k. тюрьма l. место, местоположение m. бывший, прежний n. характерная черта


3) Find pairs of synonyms among the following words

core, church, area, begin, ancient, famous, high-class, situated, building, cathedral, main, district, well-known, heart, old, high-quality, house, start, principal, located

4) Are these sentences true or false? Correct the sentences that are not true

1. London is the largest city in Europe.

2. London has a big influence on world politics, entertainment, media, fashion, and art.

3. The Romans built a city called Londinium in AD 143.

4. London became the largest city and the capital of England in the 9th century.

5. The old City of London has its own Lord Mayor and other ancient features of government.

6. The City is the home of the Government of the United Kingdom.

7. The Palace of Westminster is another name for the Houses of Parliament.

8. St Paul’s Cathedral is the church where almost all English kings and queens have been crowned since the 11th century.

9. Nelson's Column is situated in Trafalgar Square.

10. Today the Docklands area is famous for its docks.

5) Fill in the gaps with appropriate prepositions from the box

with, of, in, on, to, from, around, at, for

1. London is situated ____the South-East of England, ____ the River Thames.

2. Greater London consists ____ 32 London Boroughs and the City.

3. The Prime Minister's residence is ____10 Downing Street.

4. The West End is famous ____ its fashionable shopping streets, clubs, high-class hotels, restaurants, cinemas and theatres.

5. Nelson's Column is a statue ____ Lord Horatio Nelson mounted ____ a tall column, ____ four statues ____ lions ____ it.

6. The East End is a commercial and residential area ____the east ____ the City.

7. ____ the course ____ its history the Tower ____ London has been a royal residence, a prison and an arsenal.

8. A lot ____ tourists come ____London ____ different countries ____the world.

9. The Houses ____ Parliament is well-known ____ its clock tower commonly called Big Ben.

10. The old City ____ London is only a square-mile ____ size.

11. It has influence ____ world’s politics.

12. ____ London's core is the small, ancient City ____ London.

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London Priority Club | Geography

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