Студопедия — Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.
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Exercises. Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

Exercise 1. Translate the following phrases into Russian; use them in sentences or situations.

1. An elementary book. 2. An elemental rage. 3. An elementary exercise. 4. An elementary school. 5. Elemental forces. 6. An elemental grandeur. 7. An elemental drive. 8. An elementary education. 9. The ordinary elementary subjects. 10. An elementary stage of development. 11. Elementary colours. 12 An elementary course. 13. Elemental worship. 14. A Manual of Elementary Geology. 15. Elementary knowledge. 16. The elemental fury of the thunderstorm. 17. An elemental power. 18. An elemental energy. 19. An elemental existence. 20. Elementary rules. 21. Elementary justice. 22. Elementary physics. 23. An elementary particle. 24. An elementary form of.

Exercise 2. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the most elementary of good manners? 2. Can you enumerate the elementary colours composing the spectrum? 3. What types of school provide an elementary education in Great Britain? 4. At what age do our children get an elementary knowledge of practical English? 5. At what period of human history does elemental worship usually arise? 6. Will you name several literary, works depicting a clash of elemental passions? 7. How many grades has an elementary school in the USA? What subjects are taught there? 8. Can a person lead an elemental existence in town? 9. What elemental forces do you know? 10. What kind of information can you find in an elementary manual?

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the following phrases and sentences using one of the words under discussion;

1. The rudiments of farming. 2. A rudimentary knowledge. 3. An introductory course of geography. 4. A basic and powerful passion. 5. A very simple explanation. 6. To have a rudimentary understanding of the process. 7. Worship of the forces of nature. 8. The very elements interposed to aid her.

Exercise 4.* Fill in the blanks using one of the words under discussion.


1. In the meantime I suggest you confine yourself to the... things and leave the complicated business alone. 2. The roaring and the revolutions of the plane excited her. There seemed a kind of... savagery in it.3. Both (windows) have only the most... panel tracery. The roof is equally lacking in enrichment. 4. Tonight, however, more than... trigonometry was on his mind. 5. It (the Great Court of Trinity College at Cambridge) is not square nor strictly rectangular, and it is so large that... symmetries would hardly be observed sufficiently.6. By now everyone was eating. It was the feeding of the People,..., gross, a great appeasing of appetite, an enormous quenching of thirst. 7. He said: «Go away. I don’t want to have a Pitt», an... form of humour from which she (Nurse Fitt) had suffered all her school and nursing career and was not disposed to enjoy now. 8. Five years ago he himself had been an undergraduate junior studying... thermodynamics.

Exercise 5. Complete and expand on the following sentences using one of the words under discussion.

1. Mary Brodie found herself alone, unprotected and exposed to... (A. Cronin, Hatter’s Castle) 2. The doctor diagnosed the case without difficulty because... 3. As trigonometry is not’my strong point, I asked my elder sister... 4. At the age of 7 our children are taught... 5. Annixter was well-versed in many subjects; as for farming... (Fr. Norris, The Octopus) 6. The instinct of self-preservation is... 7. The exercises in the manual are graded according to their difficulty, and include three levels... 8. The spectrum consists of... 9. He is so ill-mannered!... 10. Could you explain...?

Exercise 6. Use the following sentences in situations.

1. Regard their demand for a homeland as no more than elementary justice. 2. Forgive me for reminding you of these elementary facts. 3. I love these late Turners. Passionate turmoil held in perfect immobility. Elemental energy mysteriously constructed into space and light. 4. Much of the work was rather elementary, but to them it loomed large. 5. It’s a safe bet that the neutron is an elementary particle itself, not a combination of two others.

Exercise 7. Make up a list of nouns that go with the adjectives elementary and elemental; use several of the resulting phrases in short dialogues or situations based on the subject matter of English or American novels.

Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. Он зачастую не придерживается.самых элементарных норм поведения. 2. Поклонение силам природы широко распространено у народов, стоящих на низкой ступени цивилизации. 3. Начатки знаний ребенок получает уже в раннем возрасте. 4. В его характере чувствуется какая-то неодолимая сила. 5. Он не занимается систематически.и поэтому не знает самых простых вещей. 6. Мне нужен учебник, излагающий основы астрономии. 7. Это объяснение так элементарно! 8. Силы природы должны служить человеку. 9. Он получил только начальное образование. 10. Борьба стихии повергала первобытного человека в ужас.

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